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This study describes the direct measurement of hepatic glucose production in a polycystic ovary syndrome mouse model by using a stable isotopic glucose tracer via tail vein in both fasting and glucose-rich states in tandem.


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common disease that results in disorders of glucose metabolism, such as insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. Dysregulated glucose metabolism is an important manifestation of the disease and is the key to its pathogenesis. Therefore, studies involving evaluation of glucose metabolism in PCOS are of utmost importance. Very few studies have quantified hepatic glucose production directly in PCOS models using non-radioactive glucose tracers. In this study, we discuss step-by-step instructions for the quantification of the rate of hepatic glucose production in a PCOS mouse model by measuring M+2 enrichment of [6,6-2H2]glucose, a stable isotopic glucose tracer, via gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GCMS). This procedure involves creation of stable isotopic glucose tracer solution, use of tail vein catheter placement and infusion of the glucose tracer in both fasting and glucose-rich states in the same mouse in tandem. The enrichment of [6,6-2H2]glucose is measured using pentaacetate derivative in GCMS. This technique can be applied to a wide variety of studies involving direct measurement of the rate of hepatic glucose production.


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common disorder occurring in 12%-20% of reproductive-aged women1,2. It is a complex disease resulting in variable phenotypes involving polycystic ovaries, irregular menses and clinical or laboratory evidence of hyperandrogenemia, and is typically diagnosed when a woman meets two of the three criteria3. A predominant aspect of PCOS, and a key factor in its pathogenesis, is metabolic derangements that are found in women who have the disease. Women with PCOS have higher incidences of insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, obesity, and metabolic syndr....


All animal procedures were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of the Baylor College of Medicine.

1. Preparation of [6,6-2H2]glucose

  1. One day before the procedure, prepare the stable isotope glucose tracer in normal saline. For this experiment, [6,6-2H2]glucose was used as a tracer to measure plasma glucose appearance rate.
    NOTE: In this experiment, glucose production during fasting and glucose-rich conditions were measured, so the glucose isotope was prepared in two different preparations. Prepare the solutions in such a way that ....

Representative Results

Using previously described isotope dilution equations, the total plasma glucose rate (glucoseRa) was calculated from M+2 enrichment of [6,6-2H2]glucose in fasting and glucose-rich conditions using the pentaacetate derivative21. Under steady-state conditions, it is assumed that rate of appearance of glucose is equal to the rate of disappearance of glucose. In the control group, the total glucoseRa was 19.98 ± 2.53 mg/(kg·min) after 6 h fasting a.......


Hyperglycemia and abnormal glucose metabolism/homeostasis are features of PCOS. Blood glucose level is maintained by a combination of glucose from diet and glucose production via glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis and glycogenesis, under the control of hormone and enzymes. Hepatic glucose production is suppressed by the presence of increased circulating glucose levels. In disorders of abnormal glucose metabolism, regulation of the suppression of glucose production is compromised leading to hyperglycemia. While m.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by training grants by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Baylor College of Medicine (ALG) and R-01 research grant (Grant # DK114689) for CSB, SC and JM from National Institutes of Health.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.9% sodium chloride solutionMcKesson275595
10 mL BD Luer-Lok tip syringeVWR75846-756Two syringes per animal (one for isotopic glucose solution, one for glucose-rich isotopic solution)
1-inch clear transpore tape3M70200400169
1-inch Labeling tapeFisherGS07F161BABrand is example
5 mL syringe containing heparanized saline flushMcKesson191-MIH-2235One can also prepare a heparin flush solution (10 units/mL heparin in 0.9% sodium chloride)
5 mm Medipoint Goldenrod animal lancetsFisher ScientificNC98916205 mm if animal is between 2 and 6 months
Advanced hot plate stirrerVWR97042-602Brand is example
BD 27 gauge 0.5 inch needlesHealth WarehouseA283952
BD 30 gauge 0.5 inch needlesMedvet305106
BD Intramedic Polyethylene (PE) tubing 0.28 mm ID x 0.61 mmVWR63019-004
BD Intramedic Polyethylene (PE) tubing 0.28 mm ID x 0.61 mmVWR63019-004
Beaker, 1000 mLAny brand
Caging pellets
Clear VOA glass vials with closed-top capFisher Scientific05-719-120For storage of acetone and blood draw samples
Copper toothless alligator clamp for tourniquetAmazonAny Brand; smooth toothless alligator clips made of solid copper
D-(+)-glucose >99.5%Sigma-AldrichG8270
D-glucose (6,6-D2, 99%)Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc.DLM-349-PK
Dow Corning silastic tubing 0.3 mm ID x 0.64 mm ODVWR62999-042
Magnifying glassAmazonAny brand; similar to LANCOSC Magnifying Glass with Light and Stand
MicrobalanceOhaus Adventurer ProAV264CAny similar model with 0.0001g accuracy can be used
Nalgene bottle, 500 mLSigma-AldrichB0158-12EAOr any Similar brand; saw in half (including lid) and cut tail-sized notch in the bottom
PHD Ultra multi-syringe pumpHarvard Apparatus70-3024A
Plexiglass sheetAny brand; to stabalize mouse during catheter insertion
Plexiglass sheets and dividersAny brand; used to cage mice during infusion


  1. March, W. A., et al. The prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome in a community sample assessed under contrasting diagnostic criteria. Human Reproduction. 25 (2), 544-551 (2009).
  2. Yildiz, B. O., et al.

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Hepatic Glucose ProductionPolycystic Ovary SyndromePCOSStable Isotopic Glucose TracerGas Chromatography mass SpectrometryGCMSFastingGlucose rich ConditionInfusionC57BL6J Mice

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