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Published: November 4th, 2021



1ICREC Research Program, Germans Trias i Pujol Health Research Institute (IGTP), 2Faculty of Medicine, University of Barcelona (UB), 3Heart Institute (iCOR), Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital, 4CIBER Cardiovascular, Instituto de Salud Carlos III
* These authors contributed equally


Important: There has been an erratum issued for this article. Read more …


心肌梗死 (MI) 是全球死亡的主要原因。尽管使用了循证治疗,包括冠状动脉血运重建和心血管药物,但仍有很大一部分患者在心肌梗死后出现病理性左心室重塑和进行性心力衰竭。因此,已经开发了新的治疗方案,例如细胞和基因疗法等,以修复和再生受伤的心肌。在这种情况下,心肌梗死的动物模型对于在临床转化之前探索这些实验疗法的安全性和有效性至关重要。猪等大型动物模型优于较小的动物模型,因为猪和人类心脏在冠状动脉解剖结构,心脏动力学和心肌梗死后愈合过程方面具有高度相似性。在这里,我们旨在通过永久线圈部署来描述猪中的MI模型。简言之,它包括通过逆行股骨通路的经皮选择性冠状动脉插管。冠状动脉造影后,在透视引导下将线圈部署在目标分支处。最后,通过反复冠状动脉造影证实完全闭塞。这种方法可行,重现性高,并模拟人非血运重建心肌梗死的发病机制,避免了传统的开胸手术和随后的术后炎症。根据随访时间,该技术适用于急性、亚急性或慢性心肌梗死模型。


Erratum: Myocardial Infarction by Percutaneous Embolization Coil Deployment in a Swine Model

An erratum was issued for: Myocardial Infarction by Percutaneous Embolization Coil Deployment in a Swine Model. The Protocol and Discussion sections were updated.

Step 3.5 was updated from:

Clean the right femoral area with surgical soap and antiseptic povidone-iodine solution under sterile conditions


Clean the right femoral area with surgical soap followed by alternating antiseptic povidone-iodine solution and alcohol 3 times under sterile conditions.

Section 9 was updated from:

9. Euthanasia method

  1. Under previous sedation and anesthesia, as previously described, administer an IV sodium thiopental overdose (200 mg/kg).
  2. Confirm cardiorespiratory arrest and death by monitoring vital signs (electrocardiogram, blood pressure, capnography).


9. Postoperative pain assessment and monitoring

  1. During the post-surgical follow-up, monitor the general condition of the animals, including the respiratory rate, food and water intake, activity and interaction with the other individuals, appearance and coloration of the skin, and the evolution of the surgical wound.
  2. Apply a daily supervision protocol according to the following scoring criteria:
    - Weight:
    0: Normal
    1: <10% weight loss
    2: 10-20% weight loss
    3:> 20% weight loss

    - Body condition:
    0: Good: non-prominent vertebrae, pelvic or spinal bones
    2: Regular: evidence of spinal segmentation, palpable pelvic bones
    3: Emaciation: extremely marked skeleton, little or no meat to cover

    - Behavior:
    0: Normal: Active and interactive in your environment
    1: Slight decline in activity and less interactive
    2: Abnormal: pronounced decline in activity, isolated
    3: Abnormal: Immobile or hyperactivity, possible self-harm

    - Physical appearance:
    0: Normal: skin/hair shiny and eyes bright
    1: Disappears embalming, skin/hair without shine
    2: Poor skin/nasal secretions
    3: Poor skin, abnormal or hunched posture

    - Behavioral disorders:
    0: None
    1: Inability to move normally
    2: Unable to reach food/drink, isolated from other animals
    3: Intention to hide/corner, does not respond to stimuli (dying)

    - Clinical signs:
    0: None
    1: Hypothermia, fever, mild respiratory failure
    2: Infection of the surgical wound, moderate respiratory failure with muco-bloody secretions
    3: Heart failure, severe respiratory failure (cyanosis, open mouth)

    - 1-5: Supervise the animals once a day.
    - 6-12: Provide supportive therapy if necessary.
    - Any animal with a score of 3 in any of the above parameters or with a total score >12 will be euthanized.
    NOTE: The animals should be monitored daily by the animal care staff and twice a week by the research and veterinary team.
  3. Although no pain and distress are expected from the procedure, if any animal shows signs of pain, give analgesic therapy (tramadol, oral, 2-4 mg/kg, daily). If any animal does not respond to analgesic medication and shows signs of chronic pain (very low probability), euthanize the animal with an anesthetic overdose (sodium thiopental, IV, 200 mg/kg).
  4. If the surgical wound shows signs of infection (low probability) despite the antibiotic therapy administered, treat the wound daily and initiate a new antibiotic regimen (cefquinome sulphate, IM, 2 mg/kg, daily).

10. Euthanasia method

  1. Under previous sedation and anesthesia, as previously described, administer an IV sodium thiopental overdose (200 mg/kg).
  2. Confirm cardiorespiratory arrest and death by monitoring vital signs (electrocardiogram, blood pressure, capnography).

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