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Mongolian Gerbils as an Animal Model of Wound Healing

Published: January 6th, 2023



1School of Health Sciences, Catholic University of Córdoba, 2Instituto de la Visión Cerro, Sanatorio Allende Cerro, 3Pathological Anatomy Service of Clínica Universitaria Reina Fabiola, Faculty of Health Sciences, Catholic University of Córdoba


Corneal wound healing studies have been conducted for a long time and have helped to reduce suffering and develop treatments that contribute to improving patients' eye health. Historically, corneal healing has been studied in rodents such as mice and rats, but these models might not completely mimic human disorders. However, information on other rodents such as Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) is scant in corneal research.

Here, we describe a technique to develop a novel animal model for studying corneal healing after photorefractive keratectomy. Due to the limited literature available on the cornea of M. unguiculatus, we also describe a histological analysis of the normal cornea. These research techniques can also be employed in the study of eye diseases because of the similarity between the corneas of Mongolian gerbils and humans in terms of genetics, anatomy, and physiology.

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Keywords Mongolian Gerbils

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