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Developmental Biology

Isolation of Whole Cell Protein Lysates from Mouse Facial Processes and Cultured Palatal Mesenchyme Cells for Phosphoprotein Analysis

Published: April 1st, 2022



1Department of Craniofacial Biology, School of Dental Medicine, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

* These authors contributed equally


Mammalian craniofacial development is a complex morphological process during which multiple cell populations coordinate to generate the frontonasal skeleton. These morphological changes are initiated and sustained through diverse signaling interactions, which often include protein phosphorylation by kinases. Here, two examples of physiologically-relevant contexts in which to study phosphorylation of proteins during mammalian craniofacial development are provided: mouse facial processes, in particular E11.5 maxillary processes, and cultured mouse embryonic palatal mesenchyme cells derived from E13.5 secondary palatal shelves. To overcome the common barrier of dephosphorylation during protein isolation, adaptations and modifications to standard laboratory methods that allow for isolation of phosphoproteins are discussed. Additionally, best practices are provided for proper analysis and quantification of phosphoproteins following western blotting of whole cell protein lysates. These techniques, particularly in combination with pharmacological inhibitors and/or murine genetic models, can be used to gain greater insight into the dynamics and roles of various phosphoproteins active during craniofacial development.

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Keywords Protein Lysates

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