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The ability to permanently mark stem cells and their progeny with a fluorophore using an inducible transgenic lineage tracing mouse line allows for spatial and temporal analysis of activation, proliferation, migration, and/or differentiation in vivo. Lineage tracing can reveal novel information about lineage commitment, response to intervention(s), and multipotency.


A telomerase reverse transcriptase (Tert) lineage-tracing mouse line was developed to investigate the behavior and fate of adult tissue stem cells, by crossing the 'Tet-On' system oTet-Cre mouse with a novel reverse tetracycline transactivator (rtTA) transgene linked to the Tert promoter, which we have demonstrated marks a novel population of adult brain stem cells. Here, administration of the tetracycline derivative doxycycline to mTert-rtTA::oTet-Cre mice will indelibly mark a population of cells that express a 4.4 kb fragment of the promoter region of the gene Tert. When combined the Rosa-mTmG reporter, mTert-rtTA::oTet-Cre::Rosa-mTmG mice will express membrane tdTomato (mTomato) until doxycycline treatment induces the replacement of mTomato expression with membrane EGFP (mGFP) in cells that also express Tert. Therefore, when these triple-transgenic lineage tracing mice receive doxycycline (the "pulse" period during which TERT expressing cells are marked), these cells will become indelibly marked mGFP+ cells, which can be tracked for any desirable amount of time after doxycycline removal (the "chase" period), even if Tert expression is subsequently lost. Brains are then perfusion-fixed and processed for immunofluorescence and other downstream applications in order to interpret changes to stem cell activation, proliferation, lineage commitment, migration to various brain niches, and differentiation to mature cell types. Using this system, any rtTA mouse can be mated to oTet-Cre and a Rosa reporter to conduct doxycycline-inducible "pulse-chase" lineage tracing experiments using markers of stem cells.


Value of a lineage tracing mouse line
Analysis of stem cells in vivo can be difficult since many assays that examine such cells only focus on characterizing these cells at the time of death of the animal, which represents a terminal snapshot in time. To better understand the processes of proliferation, differentiation, and migration of progenitor, intermediate/transition cell types, and mature cells over time, a longitudinal analysis approach is required. This can be achieved with lineage tracing studies whereby stem/progenitor cells are marked indelibly and can be followed for any length of time afterwards1.



All methods described here have been approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of The Ohio State University.

1. Creation of a lineage tracing Tet-On mouse line, breeding strategies, and genotyping for experimental cohort mice

NOTE: Here, we outline creation of a Tet-On mouse system with Rosa-mTmG as the fluorescent reporter gene that undergoes Cre recombination, however various other Cre-recombination-driven reporter lines ca.......

Representative Results

While the fluorescent signal resulting from a Tet-On system with a fluorescent reporter will vary depending on the promoter of interest and fluorophore(s) used, we will describe how findings were analyzed with mTert-rtTA::oTet-Cre::Rosa-mTmG animals. Analysis of adult brains after a pulse-chase resulted in membrane GFP-expressing cells throughout various anatomical niches. The difference in fluorescent intensity between various cell types must be noted. One variable regarding fluorescent intensity is the size of the cell.......


A method for the creation, utilization, and analysis of a triple transgenic lineage tracing mouse line marking stem cells within the adult mouse brain in vivo is described. When combined with immunostaining or brain clearing, the identification and characterization of traced fluorescent cells across the brain can be accomplished. This technique offers the ability to understand the plastic/regenerative/remodeling potential of labeled stem cells as they activate, migrate, differentiate, or proliferate. While previ.......


The authors wish to thank Dr. Diana Carlone (Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School) and Dr. Matthew Lynes (Joslin Diabetes Center; Maine Medical Center Research Institute) for guidance utilizing mTert-rtTA animals.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Antibody diluentAgilentS080983-2
Antigen Retrieval SolutionAgilentS2367
anti-GFP antibodyInvitrogenA2311Use at 1:500-1:000
AcetoneFisher ScientificA18-4
B6.Cg-Tg(tet0-cre)1Jaw/JThe Jackson LaboratoryJAX:006234
B6.129(Cg)-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm4(ACTB-tdTomato,-EGFP)Luo/JThe Jackson LaboratoryJAX:007676
Blocking Solution (IHC)Millipore Sigma20773
Blunt needleBSTEANX0012SYHIV
Coronal brain blockBraintreeBS-2000C
Cover slipCorning2850-22
Dibenzyl etherMillipore Sigma33630
Dimethyl SulfoxideSigma-AldrichD8418
Donkey SerumSigma-AldrichD9663
Doxycycline HyclateSigma-AldrichD9891
Heparin Sodium Salt from Porcine MucosaSigma-AldrichH3393
Histochoice Molecular Biology Tissue FixativeAmrescoH120This product has since been discontinued, but can be replaced with Glyo-Fixx (Thermo Scientific, 6764265)
Hydrogen Peroxide SolutionSigma-Aldrich516813
IHC Select TBS Rinse BufferMillipore Sigma20845
KetamineWestward0143-95095-10This product requires a DEA license for storage and use.
MethanolFisher ScientificA452-4
Microscope SlidesFisherbrand12-550-15
Milipore BlockMillipore20773
Mounting mediumMillipore Sigma5013
Optimal Cutting Temperature SolutionSakura4583
PBS Solution (10X)TeknovaP0496
Sagittal brain blockBraintreeRBM-2000S
Sudan (Typogen) BlackMillipore Sigma199664
Tissue cartridgeSimportM512
Triton X-100Bio-Rad1610407
Tween-20Millipore Sigma655205


  1. Carlone, D. L., et al. Telomerase expression marks transitional growth-associated skeletal progenitor/stem cells. Stem Cells. 39 (3), 296-305 (2021).
  2. Altman, J., Das, G. D. A....

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