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  • Summary
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  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
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The protocol presents two methods to determine the kinetics of the fluorogenic RNA aptamers Spinach2 and Broccoli. The first method describes how to measure fluorogenic aptamer kinetics in vitro with a plate reader, while the second method details the measurement of fluorogenic aptamer kinetics in cells by flow cytometry.


Fluorogenic RNA aptamers have been applied in live cells to tag and visualize RNAs, report on gene expression, and activate fluorescent biosensors that detect levels of metabolites and signaling molecules. In order to study dynamic changes in each of these systems, it is desirable to obtain real-time measurements, but the accuracy of the measurements depends on the kinetics of the fluorogenic reaction being faster than the sampling frequency. Here, we describe methods to determine the in vitro and cellular turn-on kinetics for fluorogenic RNA aptamers using a plate reader equipped with a sample injector and a flow cytometer, respectively. We show that the in vitro kinetics for the fluorescence activation of the Spinach2 and Broccoli aptamers can be modeled as two-phase association reactions and have differing fast phase rate constants of 0.56 s−1 and 0.35 s−1, respectively. In addition, we show that the cellular kinetics for the fluorescence activation of Spinach2 in Escherichia coli, which is further limited by dye diffusion into the Gram-negative bacteria, is still sufficiently rapid to enable accurate sampling frequency on the minute timescale. These methods to analyze fluorescence activation kinetics are applicable to other fluorogenic RNA aptamers that have been developed.


Fluorogenic reactions are chemical reactions that generate a fluorescence signal. Fluorogenic RNA aptamers typically perform this function by binding a small molecule dye to enhance its fluorescence quantum yield (Figure 1A)1. Different fluorogenic RNA aptamer systems have been developed and consist of specific RNA aptamer sequences and the corresponding dye ligands1. Fluorogenic RNA aptamers have been appended to RNA transcripts as fluorescent tags that enable live cell imaging of mRNAs and non-coding RNAs2,3,


1. In vitro kinetics experiment

  1. Preparation of DNA templates by PCR
    1. Set up PCR reaction(s): To prepare PCR reactions, combine the following reagents in a thin-walled PCR tube:
      33 µL of double-distilled water (ddH2O)
      10 µL of 5x buffer for high-fidelity DNA polymerase
      5 µL of 2 mM each deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate (dNTP)
      0.5 µL of 40 µM forward primer
      0.5 µL of 40 µM reverse primer
      0.5 µL (10-100 ng) of DNA template (for Spinach2 PCR only; Broccoli primers overlap)
      0.5 µL of high-fidelity DNA polymerase (a....

Representative Results

In vitro kinetics
The sequences of the DNA templates and primers, which are purchased as synthetic oligonucleotides, are shown in Table 2, and the reagent recipes are shown in Supplementary File 1. PCR amplification is used to scale up the amount of DNA template with the T7 promoter, which is required for the subsequent in vitro transcription (IVT) reaction. In addition, PCR amplification can be used for two purposes in the same r.......


For the in vitro kinetics experiment, the same general protocol can be modified to measure the in vitro kinetics of an RNA-based fluorescent biosensor containing both a ligand-binding and fluorophore-binding domain8. In this case, the RNA should be incubated with the fluorophore prior to measurements upon injecting the ligand in order to obtain ligand response kinetics. If high variability is observed between the replicates, one can troubleshoot by checking that each sample is al.......


The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


This work was supported by the following grants to MCH: NSF-BSF 1815508 and NIH R01 GM124589. MRM was partially supported by training grant NIH T32 GM122740.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
AgaroseThermo Fischer ScientificBP160500
Agarose gel electrophoresis equipmentThermo Fischer ScientificB1A-BP
Alpha D-(+)-lactose monohydrateThermo Fischer Scientific18-600-440
Amber 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubesThermo Fischer Scientific22431021
Ammonium persulfate (APS)Sigma-AldrichA3678
Ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4)Sigma-AldrichA4418
Attune NxT Flow cytometerThermo Fischer ScientificA24861
Attune 1x Focusing FluidThermo Fischer ScientificA24904
Attune Shutdown SolutionThermo Fischer ScientificA24975
Attune Performance Tracking BeadsThermo Fischer Scientific4449754
Attune Wash SolutionThermo Fischer Scientific J24974
Boric acidSigma-AldrichB6768
Bromophenol blueSigma-AldrichB0126
Carbenicillin disodium saltSigma-AldrichC3416
Chlorine BleachAmazonB07J6FJR8D
Corning Costar 96-well plateDaigger ScientificEF86610A
Culture Tubes, 12 mm x 75 mm, 5 mL with attached dual position capGlobe Scientific05-402-31
D-Glucose (anhydrous)Acros OrganicsAC410955000
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)Sigma-AldrichD8418
Dithiothreitol (DTT)Sigma-AldrichDTT-RO
DNA loading dyeNew England BiolabsB7025S
DNA LoBind Tubes (2.0 mL)Eppendorf22431048
dNTPs: dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTPNew England BiolabsN0446S
EDTA, pH 8.0Gibco, Life TechnologiesAM9260G
Ethanol (EtOH)Sigma-AldrichE7023
Filter-tip micropipettor tipsThermo Fischer ScientificAM12635, AM12648, AM12655, AM12665
FlowJo SoftwareBD BiosciencesN/AFlowJo v10 Software
Fluorescent plate reader with heating controlVWR10014-924
Gel electrophoresis power supplyThermo Fischer ScientificEC3000XL2
Glycogen AM95010Thermo Fischer ScientificAM95010
GraphPad PrismDotmaticsN/AAnalysis software from Academic Group License 
Heat block Thomas Scientific1159Z11
Inorganic pyrophosphataseSigma-AldrichI1643-500UN
Low Molecular Weight DNA LadderNew England BiolabsN3233LSupplied with free vial of Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6x), no SDS (NEB #B7025).
Magnesium chloride hexahydrate (MgCl2)Sigma-AldrichM2670
Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4)Fisher ScientificMFCD00011110
Microcentrifuge tubes (1.5 mL)Eppendorf22363204
Microcentrifuge with temperature controlMarshall ScientificEP-5415R
MicropipettorsGilsonFA10001M, FA10003M, FA10005M, FA10006M
Micropipettor tipsSigma-AldrichZ369004, AXYT200CR, AXYT1000CR
Millipore water filter with BioPak unitSigma-AldrichCDUFBI001, ZRQSVR3WW
Narrow micropipettor pipette tipsDOT ScientificRN005R-LRS
PBS, 10xThermo Fischer ScientificBP39920
PCR clean-up kitQiagen28181
PCR primers and templatesIntegrated DNA technologies
PCR thermocycler for thin-walled PCR tubesBio-Rad1851148
PCR thermocycler for 0.5 mL tubesTechne5PRIME/C
pET31b-T7-Spinach2 PlasmidAddgenePlasmid #79783
Phusion High-Fidelity DNA polymerase New England BiolabsM0530LPurchase of Phusion High-Fideldity Enzyme is supplied with 5x Phusion HF Buffer, 5x Phusion GC Buffer, and MgCl2 and DMSO solutions.
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gel comb, C.B.S. ScientificC.B.S. ScientificVGC-1508
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis equipmentC.B.S. ScientificASG-250
Potassium chloride (KCl)Sigma-AldrichP9333
Potassium phosphate monobasicSigma-AldrichP5655
Razor bladesGenesee Scientific38-101
rNTPs: ATP, CTP, GTP, UTPNew England BiolabsN0450L
Short wave UV light sourceThermo Fischer Scientific11758221
Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3)Sigma-AldrichS7795
Sodium chloride (NaCl)Sigma-AldrichS7653
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)Sigma-AldrichS8045
Sodium phosphate dibasic, anhydrousThermo Fischer ScientificS375-500
SoftMax ProMolecular DevicesN/ASoftMax Pro 6.5.1 (platereader software) obtained through Academic Group License
Sterile filter unitsThermo Fischer Scientific09-741-88
SYBR Safe DNA gel stainThermo Fischer ScientificS33102
TAE buffer for agarose gel electrophoresisThermo Fischer ScientificAM9869
Tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED)Sigma-AldrichT9281
Tris baseSigma-AldrichTRIS-RO
Tryptone (granulated)Thermo Fischer ScientificM0251S
T7 RNA polymeraseNew England BiolabsM0251S
Urea-PAGE Gel system National DiagnosticsEC-833
UV fluorescent TLC plateSigma-Aldrich1.05789.0001
UV/Vis spectrophotometerThermo Fischer ScientificND-8000-GL
Vortex mixerThermo Fischer Scientific2215415
Xylene cyanolSigma-AldrichX4126
Yeast Extract (Granulated)Thermo Fischer ScientificBP9727-2


  1. Su, Y., Hammond, M. C. RNA-based fluorescent biosensors for live cell imaging of small molecules and RNAs. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 63, 157-166 (2020).
  2. Zhang, J., et al. Tandem spinach array for mR....

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Fluorogenic RNA AptamersIn Vitro KineticsCellular KineticsReal time StudiesRNA RenaturationThermocyclerPlate Reader InjectorFluorescence MeasurementsBinding BufferD FHBI

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