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A light-sheet microscope was developed to image and digitize whole cochlea.


Deafness is the most common sensory impairment, affecting approximately 5% or 430 million people worldwide as per the World Health Organization1. Aging or presbycusis is a primary cause of sensorineural hearing loss and is characterized by damage to hair cells, spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs), and the stria vascularis. These structures reside within the cochlea, which has a complex, spiral-shaped anatomy of membranous tissues suspended in fluid and surrounded by bone. These properties make it technically difficult to investigate and quantify histopathological changes. To address this need, we developed a light-sheet microscope (TSLIM) that can image and digitize the whole cochlea to facilitate the study of structure-function relationships in the inner ear. Well-aligned serial sections of the whole cochlea result in a stack of images for three-dimensional (3D) volume rendering and segmentation of individual structures for 3D visualization and quantitative analysis (i.e., length, width, surface, volume, and number). Cochleae require minimal processing steps (fixation, decalcification, dehydration, staining, and optical clearing), all of which are compatible with subsequent high-resolution imaging by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Since all the tissues are present in the stacks, each structure can be assessed individually or relative to other structures. In addition, since imaging uses fluorescent probes, immunohistochemistry and ligand binding can be used to identify specific structures and their 3D volume or distribution within the cochlea. Here we used TSLIM to examine cochleae from aged mice to quantify the loss of hair cells and spiral ganglion neurons. In addition, advanced analyses (e.g., cluster analysis) were used to visualize local reductions of spiral ganglion neurons in Rosenthal's canal along its 3D volume. These approaches demonstrate TSLIM microscopy's ability to quantify structure-function relationships within and between cochleae.


The cochlea is the peripheral sensory organ for hearing in mammals. It has a complex spiral anatomy of repeating sensory and supporting cells that are anatomically specialized to detect sound vibrations and transmit them to the brain for the perception of hearing. The main sensory elements are the inner and outer hair cells and their innervating nerve fibers whose cell bodies compose the spiral ganglion, which resides within Rosenthal's canal (Figure 1). These sensory and neural structures are tonotopically arranged such that high-frequency sounds are transduced in the cochlear base and low-frequency sounds are transduced in the cochl....


All the procedures and the use of live animals have been reviewed and approved (Protocol ID #2010-38573A) by the University of Minnesota Institutional Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and investigators who use these animals have been thoroughly trained and tested by the Research Animal Resources (RAR) Veterinarians before they have access to the animal facilities. Both male and female mice were used in this study.

1. Cochlea removal for fixation and tissue processing for imaging

Representative Results

Since the theme of this special issue is imaging the effects of aging in the cochlea, a young (3-month-old, HS2479, CBA strain mouse) and aged (23-month-old, HS2521, C57 strain mouse) cochleae will be used as examples. It should be noted that TSLIM is capable of imaging a variety of specimens, including cochleae from humans, mammals, other rodents, and fish, as well as other organs such as the brain.

Johnson et al. 13 published an article on SGNs in young (3-week-old) C.......


Optical sectioning by light sheet microscopy for examination of cochlear structures is not mechanically destructive like other more traditional histological methods, and it provides a complete digital view of cochlear structures relative to one another. Previous methods such as surface preparations of the organ of Corti14 provided a map of hair cell loss along the length of the basilar membrane, but SGN loss could not be assessed since the tissue had been dissected away to reveal the organ of Cort.......


This research has been supported by grants from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders of the National Institutes of Health, the Kellogg Foundation, and private donations from Bridget Sperl and John McCormick. TSLIM has been developed with the excellent assistance of Matthias Hillenbrand, Kerstin John, Meike Lawin, Michel Layher, Tobias Schroeter, Peter Schacht, Oliver Dannberg, and Julian Wuester from the Technical University of Illmenau, Germany, supervision by their mentors (Stefan Sinzinger and Rene Theska) and James Leger.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Amira 3D Rendering SoftwareThermoFisher ScientificAddress: 501 90th Ave NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433
benzyl benzoate (W213810)Sigma-Aldrich, Inc. Address: PO Box, 14508, St. Louis, MO 68178
Bondic Bondic Address: 235 Industrial Parkway S., Unit 18 Aurora, ON L4G 3V5 Canada
Ethanol 95% and 100% University of MinnesotaAddress: General Storehouse, Minneapolis, MN 55455
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt dihydrate (EDTA)  (E5134)Sigma-Aldrich, Inc. Address: PO Box, 14508, St. Louis, MO 68178
LabVIEW graphical program and VisionNational InstrumentsAddress: 11500 N Mopac Expwy Austin, TX 78759-3504
methyl salicylate (M6742)Sigma-Aldrich, Inc. Address: PO Box, 14508, St. Louis, MO 68178
Olympus MVX10 dissection microscopeOlympus CorpAddress: 3500 Corporate Parkway, Center Valley, PA 18034
Rhodamine B isothiocynate, (283924) Sigma-Aldrich, Inc. Address: PO Box, 14508, St. Louis, MO 68178
Starna Flurometer Cell (3-G-20)Starna CellsAddress: PO Box 1919, Atascadero, CA 82423


  1. Deafness and hearing loss. World Health Organization Available from: (2021)
  2. Vater, M., Kössl, M. Comparative aspects of cochlear functional organization in mammals. Hearing Research. 273 (1-2), 89-99 (2011).
  3. Santi, P. A., Blair, A., Bohne, B. A., L....

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Keywords Extracted From The Given Text Light sheet Fluorescence MicroscopyCochleaAgingHair CellsSpiral Ganglion NeuronsMouseTemporal BoneFixationFormalinDecalcificationEDTADehydrationEthanolRhodamine BSpalteholz SolutionClearing Solution

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