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  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
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This protocol describes methodologies to establish mouse endometrial epithelial organoids for gene expression and histological analyses.


Endometrial tissue lines the inner cavity of the uterus and is under the cyclical control of estrogen and progesterone. It is a tissue that is composed of luminal and glandular epithelium, a stromal compartment, a vascular network, and a complex immune cell population. Mouse models have been a powerful tool to study the endometrium, revealing critical mechanisms that control implantation, placentation, and cancer. The recent development of 3D endometrial organoid cultures presents a state-of-the-art model to dissect the signaling pathways that underlie endometrial biology. Establishing endometrial organoids from genetically engineered mouse models, analyzing their transcriptomes, and visualizing their morphology at a single-cell resolution are crucial tools for the study of endometrial diseases. This paper outlines methods to establish 3D cultures of endometrial epithelium from mice and describes techniques to quantify gene expression and analyze the histology of the organoids. The goal is to provide a resource that can be used to establish, culture, and study the gene expression and morphological characteristics of endometrial epithelial organoids.


The endometrium - the inner lining mucosal tissue of the uterine cavity - is a unique and highly dynamic tissue that plays critical roles in a woman's reproductive health. During the reproductive lifespan, the endometrium holds the potential to undergo hundreds of cycles of proliferation, differentiation, and breakdown, coordinated by the concerted action of the ovarian hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Studies of genetically engineered mice have uncovered basic biological mechanisms underpinning the endometrial response to hormones and control of embryo implantation, stromal cell decidualization, and pregnancy1. In vitro studi....


Mouse handling and experimental studies were performed under protocols approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of Baylor College of Medicine and guidelines established by the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.

1. Isolation of uterine epithelium from mice using enzymatic and mechanical methods

NOTE: This section describes the steps required to establish, passage, freeze, and thaw epithelial endometrial org.......

Representative Results

Phase contrast images of mouse endometrial organoids
We established organoids from WT mouse endometrial epithelium, as described in the attached protocol (see diagram in Figure 1). Following enzymatic dissociation of the mouse endometrial epithelium, epithelial sheets were mechanically separated from the uterine stromal cells and further dissociated with collagenase to generate a single-cell suspension. If performed correctly, this method of epithelial and stromal cell.......


Here, we describe methods to generate endometrial epithelial organoids from mouse endometrium and the protocols routinely used for their downstream analysis. Endometrial organoids are a powerful tool to study the mechanisms that control endometrial-related diseases, such as endometriosis, endometrial cancer, and implantation failure. Landmark studies published in 2017 reported the conditions to culture long-term and renewable cultures of endometrial organoids from mouse and human epithelium4,.......


We thank Dr. Stephanie Pangas and Dr. Martin M. Matzuk (M.M.M.) for critical reading and editing of our manuscript. Studies were supported by Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development grants R00-HD096057 (D.M.), R01-HD105800 (D.M.), R01-HD032067 (M.M.M.), and R01-HD110038 (M.M.M.), and by NCI- P30 Cancer Center Support Grant (NCI-CA125123). Diana Monsivais, Ph.D. holds a Next Gen Pregnancy Award from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Organoid Media Formulation
NameCompanyCatalog NumberFinal concentration
Corning Matrigel Growth Factor Reduced (GFR) Basement Membrane Matrix, *LDEV-freeCorning354230100%
Trypsin from Bovine PancreasSigma AldrichT1426-1G1%
Advanced DMEM/F12Life Technologies126340101X
N2 supplementLife Technologies175020481X
B-27â„¢ Supplement (50X), minus vitamin ALife Technologies125870101X
PrimocinInvivogenant-pm-1100 µg/mL
N-Acetyl-L-cysteineSigma AldrichA9165-5G1.25 mM
L-glutamineLife Technologies250300242 mM
NicotinamideSigma AldrichN0636-100G10 nM
ALK-4, -5, -7 inhibitor, A83-01Tocris2939500 nM
Recombinant human EGFPeprotechAF-100-1550 ng/mL
Recombinant human NogginPeprotech120-10C100 ng/mL
Recombinant human Rspondin-1Peprotech120-38500 ng/mL
Recombinant human FGF-10Peprotech100-26100 ng/mL
Recombinant human HGFPeprotech100-3950 ng/mL
WNT3aR&D systems5036-WN200 ng/mL
Other supplies and reagents
NameCompanyCatalog NumberFinal concentration
Collagenase from Clostridium histolyticumSigma AldrichC0130-1G5 mg/mL
Deoxyribonuclease I from bovine pancreasSigma AldrichDN25-100MG2 mg/mL
DPBS, no calcium, no magnesiumThermoFisher14190-2501X
HBSS, no calcium, no magnesiumThermoFisher141701121X
Falcon Polystyrene Microplates (24-Well)Fisher Scientific#08-772-51
Falcon Polystyrene Microplates (12-Well)Fisher Scientific#0877229
Falcon Cell Strainers, 40 µmFisher Scientific#08-771-1
Direct-zol RNA MiniPrep (50 µg)Genesee Scientific11-331
Trizol reagentInvitrogen15596026
DMEM/F-12, HEPES, no phenol redThermoFisher11039021
Fetal Bovine Serum, Charcoal strippedSigma AldrichF6765-500ML2%
Estratiol (E2)Sigma AldrichE1024-1G10 nM
Formaldehyde 16% in aqueous solution, EM GradeVWR157104%
Epredia Cassette 1 Slotted Tissue CassettesFisher Scientific1000961
Epredia Stainless-Steel Embedding Base MoldsFisher Scientific64-010-15 
Ethanol, 200 proof (100%)Fisher Scientific22-032-601 
HistoclearFisher Scientific50-899-90147
Permount Mounting MediumFisher Scientific50-277-97
Epredia Nylon Biopsy BagsFisher Scientific6774010
HistoGel Specimen Processing GelVWR83009-992
Hematoxylin solution PremiumVWR95057-844
Eosin Y (yellowish) solution PremiumVWR95057-848
TBS Buffer, 20X, pH 7.4GenDEPORTT80541X
TBST (10X), pH 7.4GenDEPORTT80561X
Citric acid Sigma AldrichC0759-1KG
Sodium citrate tribasic dihydrateSigma AldrichS4641-500G
Tween20Fisher ScientificBP337-500 
Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA)Sigma AldrichA2153-100G3%
DAPI Solution (1 mg/mL)ThermoFisher622481:1000 dilution
VECTASHIELD Antifade Mounting MediumVector LabsH-1000-10
Clear Nail PolishFisher ScientificNC1849418
Fisherbrand Superfrost Plus Microscope SlidesFisher Scientific22037246
VWR Micro Cover GlassesVWR48393-106
SuperScript VILO Master MixThermoFisher11755050
SYBR Green PCR Master MixThermoFisher4364346
Krt8 Antibody (TROMA-I) DSHBTROMA-I 1:50 dilution
Vimentin AntobodyCell Signaling5741S1:200 dilution
Donkey anti-Rat IgG (H+L) Highly Cross-Adsorbed Secondary
Antibody, Alexa Fluor 594
ThermoFisherA-212091:250 dilution
Donkey anti-Rabbin IgG (H+L) Highly Cross-Adsorbed Secondary
Antibody, Alexa Fluor 488
ThermoFisherA-212061:250 dilution
ZEISS Stemi 508 Stereo MicroscopeZEISS
ZEISS Axio Vert.A1 Inverted Routine Microscope with digital cameraZEISS
Primer SequenceForward (5'-3')Reverse (5'-3')_
Glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase (Gapdh)CAATGTGTCCGTCGTGGATCTGCCTGCTTCACCACCTTCTT


  1. Wang, H., Dey, S. K. Roadmap to embryo implantation: clues from mouse models. Nature Reviews Genetics. 7 (3), 185-199 (2006).
  2. Hibaoui, Y., Feki, A. Organoid models of human endometrial development and disease.

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