A protocol is presented for the determination of low-abundance biomarkers from dried serum samples exemplified with the biomarker progastrin-releasing peptide (ProGRP). Antibody-coated magnetic beads are used for the selective cleanup and enrichment of a proteotypic ProGRP peptide. The captured peptide is subsequently analyzed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.
This paper presents a protocol with detailed descriptions for efficient sample cleanup of low-abundance proteins from dried samples. This is performed using bead-based proteolysis prior to proteotypic peptide affinity-capture and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) determination. The procedure can be applied to both conventional dried samples using paper cards (e.g., dried blood spots [DBSs] and dried serum spots [DSSs]), as well as samples collected with newer sampling methods such as volumetric absorptive microsampling (VAMS). In addition to describing this procedure, the preparation of both trypsin beads and antibody-coated beads is presented in a step-by-step manner in this work. The advantages of the presented procedure are time-efficient proteolysis using beads and selective robust cleanup using peptide affinity-capture. The current procedure describes the determination of the low-abundance small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) biomarker, progastrin-releasing peptide (ProGRP), in dried serum (both DSSs and VAMS). Detailed procedures for bead preparation make it easier to implement the workflow in new applications or other laboratories. It is demonstrated that the results may be dependent on the sampling material; for the present project, higher signal intensities were seen for samples collected using VAMS compared to DSSs.
Microsampling has been around for more than 100 years since Ivar Bang described glucose monitoring from DBSs in 19131. After Guthrie and Susi introduced DBSs in 1963 for the determination of phenylalanine in newborns2, the technique has become increasingly widespread. The first reports of DBSs for the sampling and storage of proteins were made in the early 1970s3,4, and a decade later, in the 1980s, we found the first report of mass spectrometry (MS) for the determination of proteins from DBSs5. Despite this early introduction, it was not until after the turn of the century that MS determination of proteins from DBSs and other microsampling techniques became more widespread.
In a clinical context, it is of interest to determine proteins in the diagnosis and follow-up of diseases, as well as for treatment monitoring and doping purposes. This targeted determination of protein analytes by MS from small amounts of dried samples is still challenging, and often requires extensive sample preparation prior to analysis.
Targeted quantitative determination of proteins by MS is commonly performed by applying the bottom-up approach, digesting the proteins to peptides prior to analysis. This procedure produces a myriad of peptides, which makes direct analysis of the digested biological sample challenging. A way of circumventing this is to apply a selective affinity cleanup step upfront of MS analysis either before or after the digestion6,7,8. In this way, the protein of interest (or its proteotypic peptide, if the affinity capture step is performed after the digestion) is selectively isolated from the sample matrix prior to analysis, providing lower detection limits9.
Microsampling using DBS cards has certain advantages compared to conventional blood samples, including low sample volume, less invasive sampling, and increased storage stability. However, the sample matrix is different and can introduce other challenges in the analysis (e.g., dried vs. liquid sample matrix and capillary blood vs. serum or plasma)10,11. Another challenge that is observed with DBSs is the so-called hematocrit effect, where the blood hematocrit affects the sample volume further processed for analysis, and hence introduces interindividual variability in the analysis12. Newer microsampling units, such as VAMS introduced in 201413, address this issue by collecting a fixed volume of blood instead of a blood drop.
This protocol describes a setup for the analysis of low-abundance biomarkers from dried microsamples. After elution, the dried sample is digested and, subsequently, the proteotypic peptide is isolated by peptide affinity capture. The model analyte is the SCLC biomarker ProGRP. As ProGRP cannot be determined reliably from whole blood, serum was used as the sample matrix. Representative results from both DSSs and serum samples collected using VAMS are shown.
Serum from healthy blood donors was used for the preparation of standard solutions. The use of serum from healthy blood donors was performed in strict accordance with Norwegian law. Informed consent was obtained from all subjects. Serum samples were analyzed using methods in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations. The protocol described is a modified version of the method described in previous work14. An overview of the composition of buffers and solutions and how to prepare them can be found in Supplemental Table S1, while the Table of Materials contains materials, equipment, and reagents used in this protocol.
1. Preparation of antibody-coated magnetic beads
2. Preparation of 2 mL of trypsin immobilized beads (20 mg/mL beads)
3. DSS/VAMS sampling and subsequent extraction of dried serum
4. Digestion of DSS/VAMS extracts
5. Capture of proteotypic ProGRP peptide using antibody-coated magnetic beads
6. Analysis by LC-MS/MS
An overview of the analytical workflow using both DSS sampling and VAMS is shown in Figure 1. Except for the differences in sampling method, the procedures are identical. Images of the serum sampled using the two sampling methods can be seen in Figure 2.
Both sampling forms (VAMS and DSS) are suitable for the sampling of ProGRP-containing serum. This can be seen from Figure 3 where MS chromatograms of the proteotypic peptide and the IS SIL peptide from DSS and VAMS sampling are shown. In addition, the MS chromatogram after the analysis of a control sample consisting of 10 µL of spiked liquid serum sample processed in the same manner as the dried samples is included. The latter was diluted in the same volume as the volume of the DSS/VAMS extraction solution, subjected to digestion using trypsin beads and cleaned up using peptide affinity capture.
Comparing VAMS and DSS sampling (Figure 4), VAMS provides a higher proteotypic peptide/IS area ratio than DSS. This indicates that there might be a loss of the target protein ProGRP to the paper used for DSS (pure cellulose). When comparing to a control sample, where the serum is not dried prior to further processing and analysis (Figure 4), it is shown that VAMS provides similar area ratios as the control sample (two-tailed t-test, p≤ 0.65), indicating no loss to the sampling material, while DSS provides a significantly lower area ratio (two-tailed t-test, p≤ 0.005), indicating loss to the sampling material.
A brief evaluation was performed using VAMS. Linearity was shown from 10 to 1,000 ng/mL (R2 = 0.9996), with a limit of detection (LOD, S/N = 3) of 6.7 ng/mL. The LOD is considered satisfactory as the analysis was performed on a rather old triple quadrupole (2008) with a 1 mm ID column. The repeatability of all levels with an S/N > 10 was also considered satisfactory with an RSD between 7% and 17% (n = 3), using IS correction.
Affinity capture can be performed both before and after the digestion step by either capturing the protein of interest or its proteotypic peptide. The current procedure describes peptide affinity capture. An advantage of this approach compared to protein capture is that only the peptide of interest is captured, and an even more efficient sample cleanup is achieved. This is illustrated in Figure 5, showing a more complex full scan chromatogram with more noise after protein capture compared after peptide capture. The samples analyzed in Figure 5 are not sampled using DSS sampling or VAMS; however, serum is also the sample matrix, and affinity capture is performed using the same antibody used for peptide capture in the described procedure.
Figure 1: Overview of the analytical workflow using both DSS and VAMS sampling. Abbreviations: DSS = dried serum spot; VAMS = volumetric absorptive microsampling; LC-MS/MS = liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Images of serum sampled using different methods. (A) DBS cellulose card and (B) VAMS. Abbreviations: DBS = dried blood spot; VAMS = volumetric absorptive microsampling. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Representative MS chromatograms of the proteotypic peptide and the IS SIL peptide after DSS and VAMS sampling, as well as for a spiked serum sample added directly into the extraction solution. The MS chromatograms shows 10 µL serum samples spiked with 1.5 µg/mL of ProGRP and applied to (A) VAMS, (B) the cellulose sampling card (for DSS), or (C) directly to the extraction buffer (control sample). Twenty-five microliters of 14 ng/mL IS SIL peptide added to all samples prior to peptide affinity capture. Abbreviations: DSS = dried serum spot; VAMS = volumetric absorptive microsampling; MS = mass spectrometry; ProGRP = progastrin-releasing peptide; IS = internal standard; SIL = stable isotope-labeled. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Representative results of the ALGNQQPSWDSEDSSNFK/IS area ratio for serum samples spiked with ProGRP and applied (10 µL) to VAMS, DSS, or directly to extraction solution (control sample). Concentration of ProGRP is 1.5 µg/mL, n = 4 for each condition; 25 µL of 14 ng/mL IS SIL peptide is added to all samples prior to peptide affinity capture. *indicates that the area ratio is significantly different from samples applied to VAMS (two-tailed t-test, p≤ 0.005). Error bars are ± standard deviation. Abbreviations: DSS = dried serum spot; VAMS = volumetric absorptive microsampling; ProGRP = progastrin-releasing peptide; IS = internal standard; SIL = stable isotope-labeled. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Comparison of base peak chromatograms (full scan Orbitrap analysis) after intact protein extraction (blue) and proteotypic epitope peptide extraction (red). Extracted ion chromatograms of the proteotypic epitope peptide (ALGNQQPSWDSEDSSNFK, m/z 1005.45) are shown on the right. Serum spiked with 150 ng mL−1 ProGRP was used as the sample. This figure is reprinted from Levernæs et al.14. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Supplemental Table S1: An overview of the composition of buffers and solutions and how to prepare them. Please click here to download this File.
The described protocol contains information about how to conduct several important steps in the analysis of low-abundance biomarkers from dried microsamples (DSS and VAMS), including the preparation of trypsin beads and antibody-coated magnetic beads. Based on previous experience, we always treat the antibody with acid prior to bead immobilization to improve the orientation of the antibodies15.
One of the critical steps in this procedure is the selection of the most suitable microsampling format. First, one must consider if the analyte in question can be determined from whole blood, or if the concentration is influenced by the blood cells and has to be determined in serum or plasma (as for the model analyte, ProGRP).
Both paper- and polymer-based approaches have advantages and limitations; for ProGRP, VAMS provides a clear advantage with respect to analyte recovery after extraction from the sampler. This can, however, probably be optimized using a different extraction solution for the DSS samples. Nevertheless, this potential interaction between the analyte and the sampling material is important to take into account as it might result in increased analytical variation and higher detection limits. As the IS used is an SIL peptide and first added after the digestion, IS corrects for the steps following digestion (e.g., affinity extraction and LC-MS/MS analysis). IS correction is not possible for extraction from DSS/VAMS and the digestion step.
Two types of beads are used in the procedure: trypsin beads for digestion after extraction of the serum sample from the sampler, and antibody-coated magnetic beads for capture of the proteotypic peptide after digestion. A major reason for using trypsin beads, in addition to speeding up the digestion, is to minimize residual trypsin activity in the sample during affinity capture. This is important to avoid tryptic proteolysis of the mAb during affinity capture.
Agarose beads were used for preparation of the trypsin beads, while magnetic beads were used for preparation of the antibody-coated beads. Agarose beads are less expensive than magnetic beads but have a limitation that separation of the beads from the solution requires centrifugation. This makes the separation of beads and supernatant less efficient than when using magnetic beads. In addition, automation of the workflow is difficult using agarose beads. However, magnetic NHS-activated beads are available and can be used for a more streamlined and automatable sample preparation workflow.
Microsampling is an important trend in the bioanalysis of both drugs and biomarkers. One challenge with the current approach is the limited amount of sample volume (10 µL), which may be of particular importance in the determination of very-low-abundance analytes such as ProGRP (pg/mL-low ng/mL level). However, this challenge may be circumvented using state-of-the-art analytical equipment. For these low-abundance analytes, the choice of sample preparation is crucial, and selective sample cleanup through antibody-based affinity capture is most often needed. As peptide capture has been shown to provide cleaner extracts and lower detection limits than protein capture (using the same antibody)14, the present method focuses on this approach in combination with microsampling. Another advantage of the peptide capture approach is that the IS SIL peptide also corrects for the affinity capture step.
In this work, an antibody targeting a protein was used for peptide capture. This is an advantage as the availability of off-the-shelf antibodies targeting proteins are higher than off-the-shelf antibodies targeting proteotypic peptides. However, for an anti-protein antibody to efficiently capture a proteotypic peptide, the epitope needs to be intact after protein digestion. In addition, for many antibodies, the exact epitope is not known, making the search for an anti-protein antibody tedious. This limits the number of available anti-protein antibodies applicable for peptide capture. The described procedure is demonstrated using serum as the matrix and ProGRP as the target analyte. The procedure is intended to be applicable to other matrixes and other target analytes. Instead of using a commercially available anti-protein antibody for the affinity capture of the proteotypic peptide, it is possible to also use custom-made, anti-peptide antibodies. The cleanup efficiency of peptide capture compared to protein capture is illustrated in Figure 5. By exchanging the agarose beads used for the preparation of trypsin beads with magnetic beads, the procedure should also be compatible with robotic sample preparation work stations on the market.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
We greatly acknowledge Prof. Elisabeth Paus at the Norwegian Radium Hospital (Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway) for providing the ProGRP standard and the anti-ProGRP monoclonal antibody, M18. The publication fee was covered by a grant from Apoteker Harald Conrad Thaulows legat. Trine Grønhaug Halvorsen and Léon Reubsaet are partners in the National Network of Advanced Proteomics Infrastructure (NAPI) consortium, which is funded by the Research Council of Norway INFRASTRUKTUR-program (project number: 295910).
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Acetic acid N-hydroxysuccinimide ester | Carbosynt (Staad, Switzerland) | FA33719 | Store in freezer below -20 °C |
ALGNQQPSWDSEDSSNF[K_13C6 _15N2] (≥ 95%) | Innovagen (Lund, Sweden) | Not applicable | Store in freezer below -20 °C |
Ammonium bicarbonate BioUltra (≥ 99.5% ) | Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA) | 09830-500G | |
Aquasil C18 column, 3 µm, 50 mm x 1 mm | Thermo scientific (Waltham, MA, USA) | 77503-051030 | Analytical column compatible with 100% aqueous mobile phase |
Benzamidine (≥ 95.0% ) | Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA) | 12072 | Store in fridge at 2-6 °C |
Calsium chloride dihydrate (≥ 99% ) | Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA) | 223506-500G | |
Centrifuge 5804 | Eppendorf (Hamburg, Tyskland) | 5804000010 | |
Cloned ProGRP isoform 1 | Radium hospital, Oslo University Hospital (Oslo, Norway) | Not applicable | Store in freezer below -20 °C |
Disodium hydrogenphosphate dihydrate (pro analysis) | Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA) | 30435-500G | |
Disodium hydrogenphosphate dodecahydrate (pro analysis) | Merck (Darmstadt, Tyskland) | 1.06579.0500 | |
Dynabeads M-280 tosylactivated 10 mL | Invitrogen (Carlsbad, USA) | 14204 | Store in fridge at 2-6 °C |
DynaMag-2 | Invitrogen (Carlsbad, USA) | 123-21D | |
Ethanolamine (pro analysis, ≥ 99%) | Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA) | #02400 | |
Formic acid (≥ 99% ) for LC-MS | VWR International (Radnor, PA, USA) | 84865.260 | |
FTA DMPK-C cellulose card | Whatman (Kent, UK) | WB129243 | DBS card |
HPLC vials, clear glass, 1.5 mL, 32 x 11.6 mm, Clean Pack | Nerliens Meszansky (Oslo, Norge) | LPP 11 09 0519 | |
Hulamixer sample mixer | Invitrogen (Carlsbad, USA) | 101561503016 | Sample mixer with end-over-end mixing and reciprocal rotation and vibration |
Human serum from healty blood donors | Bloodbank, Ullevål, Oslo University Hospital (Oslo, Norway) | Not applicable | Store in freezer below -20 °C |
Hydrochloric acid fuming 37% (Emsure for analysis) | Merck (Darmstadt, Tyskland) | 1.00317.1000 | |
LC-MS/MS system: Ultimate 3000 system (Autosampler, WPS-3000TRS; Micropump, LPG-3400M; Flow manager, FLM-3300, MIC, 1X2P-10P) and TSQ Quantum access. Controlled by Xcalibur 2.2 SP1.48 | Thermo scientific (Waltham, MA, USA) | Not applicable | |
LiChrosolv Acetonitrile hypergrade for LC-MS | Merck (Darmstadt, Tyskland) | 1.00029.2500 | |
LL Biotrode, Combined glass electrode | Metrohm (Herisau, Sveits) | 6.0224.100 | |
Magnetic stirrer, Type M10 | Franz Morat KG (Eisenbach, Germany) | 10236 | |
Micro inserts, glass (31 x 6 mm, 0.1 mL) | VWR International (Radnor, PA, USA) | 548-0006 | |
MilliQ integral 3 with Q-POD | Merck Millipore (Molsheim, France) | ZRXQ003T0 | For production of Type 1 water |
monoclonal antibody M18 | Radium hospital, Oslo University Hospital (Oslo, Norway) | Not applicable | Store in fridge at 2-6 °C |
Neoteryx Mitra microsampler (10 μL) 4 sampler Clamshell | Fisher Scientific (Waltham, MA, USA) | NC1382947 | |
NHS-activated sepharose beads 4 fast flow | Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA) | GE17-0906-01 | Agarose beads, store in fridge at 2-6 °C |
Optifit, Refill pipet tips, 10 mL | Sartorius Biohit (Helsinki, Finland) | 613-2911 | |
Optifit, Refill pipet tips, 10 μL | Sartorius Biohit (Helsinki, Finland) | 790012 | |
Optifit, Refill pipet tips, 1,000 μL | Sartorius Biohit (Helsinki, Finland) | 791002 | |
Optifit, Refill pipet tips, 200 μL | Sartorius Biohit (Helsinki, Finland) | 790202 | |
pH glass electrode | Metrohm (Herisau, Sveits) | 6.0233.100 | |
pH meter 744 | Metrohm (Herisau, Sveits) | 8.744.1003 | |
Pipet 10 mL | Sartorius Biohit (Helsinki, Finland) | 725090 | |
Pipet m10 µL | Sartorius Biohit (Helsinki, Finland) | 725020 | |
Pipet m100 µL | Sartorius Biohit (Helsinki, Finland) | 725050 | |
Pipet m1,000 µL | Sartorius Biohit (Helsinki, Finland) | 725070 | |
Pipet m20 µL | Sartorius Biohit (Helsinki, Finland) | 725030 | |
Potassium chloride (KCl ≥ 99.9%) | Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA) | P-3911 | |
Potassium dihydrogenphosphate (pro analysis) | Merck (Darmstadt, Tyskland) | 1.04873.0250 | |
Protein LoBind Eppendorf tube 0.5 mL | Eppendorf (Hamburg, Tyskland) | 525-0133 (0030 108.094) | |
Protein LoBind Eppendorf tube 1.5 mL | Eppendorf (Hamburg, Tyskland) | 525-0132 (0030 108.116) | |
Protein LoBind Eppendorf tube 2.0 mL | Eppendorf (Hamburg, Tyskland) | 525-0134 (0030 108.450) | |
Protein LoBind Eppendorf tube 5.0 mL | Eppendorf (Hamburg, Tyskland) | 525-0792 (0030108.302) | |
Scissors | Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA) | Z186716-1EA | |
Sodium azide (BioUltra; ≥ 99.5% ) | Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA) | 71289-5G | |
Sodium chloride (for analysis) | Merck (Darmstadt, Tyskland) | 1.06404.1000 | |
Sodium dihydrogenphosphate monohydrate (pro analysis) | Merck (Darmstadt, Tyskland) | 1.06346.0500 | |
Sodium hydroxide (AnalaR NORMAPUR) | VWR International (Radnor, PA, USA) | 28244.295 | |
Sodium tetraborate decahydrate (≥ 99. %) | Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA) | S9640-500G | |
Spectrafuge Mini Centrifuge | LABNET International (Edison, NJ, USA) | C1301 | |
Stirring magnet, 25 mm x 6 mm Ø, circular | Leybold (Cologne, Germany) | 666 851 | |
Stuart Scientific SA8 vortex mixer | Stuart (Staffordshire, UK) | Z648531-1EA | |
SuperClear centrifuge tubes (15 mL) | VWR International (Radnor, PA, USA) | 525-0150 | |
SuperClear centrifuge tubes (50 mL) | VWR International (Radnor, PA, USA) | 525-0155 | |
Thermomixer comfort 1.5 mL | Eppendorf (Hamburg, Tyskland) | 53,55,27,831 | Temperature controlled mixer |
Trizma base (reagent grade, ≥ 99.0 %) | Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA) | T6066 | Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminometan (tris) |
Trizma HCl (reagent grade, ≥ 99.0%) | Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA) | T3253-100G | Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminometan HCl (tris HCl) |
Trypsin (TCPK-treated from bovine pancreas, 10,000-15,000 BAEE units/mg Protein) | Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA) | T8802 | Store in freezer below -20 °C |
Tween 20 | Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA) | P7949-500ML | polysorbate 20 |
Tweezers | Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA) | TEM-78511-27 | |
Vial caps, white, 9 mm | Nerliens Meszansky (Oslo, Norge) | LPP 09 15 0981 | |
Mitra microsampler with VAMS (Volumetric adsorptive microsampling) technology, 10 µL, 4-sampler clamshell | Neoteryx (Torrance, CA, USA) |
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