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Immunology and Infection


Published: March 17th, 2023



1Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery Center, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, 2The Laboratory of Thyroid and Parathyroid Disease, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, 3State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy and Cancer Center, West China Hospital, Sichuan University and Collaborative Innovation Center


Important: There has been an erratum issued for this article. Read more …







Erratum: Generation of a Mouse Spontaneous Autoimmune Thyroiditis Model

An erratum was issued for: Generation of a Mouse Spontaneous Autoimmune Thyroiditis Model. The Protocol section was updated.

Step 3.1.1 of the Protocol was updated from:

After the induction, anesthetize the mice with a volume of 0.01 mL/g anesthetic by intraperitoneal injection. Prepare the anesthetic by mixing midazolam (40 µg/100 µL for sedation), medetomidine (7.5 µg/100 µL for sedation), and butorphanol tartrate (50 µg/100 µL for analgesia) in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS).


After the induction, anesthetize the mice with a volume of 0.01 mL/g anesthetic by intraperitoneal injection. Prepare the anesthetic by mixing midazolam (40 µg/100 µL for sedation), medetomidine (7.5 µg/100 µL for sedation), and butorphanol tartrate (50 µg/100 µL for analgesia) in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS).
NOTE: The specific concentrations of each component in the anesthesia mixture are: midazolam 13.33µg/100µL, medetomidine 2.5µg/100µL, and butorphanol 16.7µg/100µL. For specific dosages used in mice, the doses are: midazolam 4µg/g, medetomidine 0.75µg/g, and butorphanol 1.67µg/g. Anesthesia depth was confirmed when the mouse's limb muscles relaxed, the whiskers had no touch response, and there was loss of  pedal reflex.

Step 3.1.2 of the Protocol was updated from:

After the mice are anesthetized, cut off their whiskers with ophthalmic scissors to prevent blood from flowing down the whiskers and causing hemolysis. Fix the mouse with one hand and press the skin of the eye to make the eyeball protrude. Quickly remove the eyeball and draw 1 mL of blood into the microcentrifuge tube via a capillary tube.


After the mice are anesthetized, prepare the peripheral blood samples, by fixing the mouse with one hand and pressing the eye skin to protrude the eyeball. Then, insert the capillary tube into the inner corner of the eye and penetrate at a 30-45 degree angle to the plane of the nostril. Apply pressure while gently rotating the capillary tube. Blood will flow into the tube via capillary action.

Step 3.2.1 of the Protocol was updated from:

Dissect the chest wall to expose the heart, cut open the right atrium, and infuse saline into the left ventricle by an intravenous infusion needle attached to a 20 mL syringe until the tissue turns white.


Humanely euthanize the animal according to the institutional policies. Then, dissect the chest wall to expose the heart, cut open the right atrium, and infuse saline into the left ventricle by an intravenous infusion needle attached to a 20 mL syringe until the tissue turns white.

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