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Developmental Biology

3-D Time-Lapse Imaging of Cell Wall Dynamics Using Calcofluor in the Moss Physcomitrium patens

Published: February 10th, 2023



1Department of Biology, University of Louisville


Time-lapse imaging with fluorescence microscopy allows observation of the dynamic changes of growth and development at cellular and subcellular levels. In general, for observations over a long period, the technique requires transformation of a fluorescent protein; however, for most systems, genetic transformation is either time-consuming or technically unavailable. This manuscript presents a protocol for 3-D time-lapse imaging of cell wall dynamics over a 3 day period using calcofluor dye (which stains cellulose in the plant cell wall), developed in the moss Physcomitrium patens. The calcofluor dye signal from the cell wall is stable and can last for 1 week without obvious decay. Using this method, it has been shown that the detachment of cells in ggb mutants (in which the protein geranylgeranyltransferase-I beta subunit is knocked out) is caused by unregulated cell expansion and cell wall integrity defects. Moreover, the patterns of calcofluor staining change over time; less intensely stained regions correlate with the future cell expansion/branching sites in the wild type. This method can be applied to many other systems that contain cell walls and that can be stained by calcofluor.

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Keywords 3D Time lapse Imaging

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