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  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
  • Acknowledgements
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The present protocol describes the utilization of ammonium formate for phase partitioning in QuEChERS, together with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, to successfully determine organochlorine pesticide residues in a soil sample.


Currently, the QuEChERS method represents the most widely used sample preparation protocol worldwide for analyzing pesticide residues in a broad variety of matrices both in official and non-official laboratories. The QuEChERS method using ammonium formate has previously proven to be advantageous compared to the original and the two official versions. On the one hand, the simple addition of 0.5 g of ammonium formate per gram of sample is sufficient to induce phase separation and achieve good analytical performance. On the other hand, ammonium formate reduces the need for maintenance in routine analyses. Here, a modified QuEChERS method using ammonium formate was applied for the simultaneous analysis of organochlorine pesticide (OCP) residues in agricultural soil. Specifically, 10 g of the sample was hydrated with 10 mL of water and then extracted with 10 mL of acetonitrile. Next, phase separation was carried out using 5 g of ammonium formate. After centrifugation, the supernatant was subjected to a dispersive solid-phase extraction clean-up step with anhydrous magnesium sulfate, primary-secondary amine, and octadecylsilane. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used as the analytical technique. The QuEChERS method using ammonium formate is demonstrated as a successful alternative for extracting OCP residues from a soil sample.


The need to increase food production has led to the intensive and widespread use of pesticides worldwide over the last few decades. Pesticides are applied to the crops to protect them from pests and increase crop yields, but their residues usually end up in the soil environment, especially in agricultural areas1. Furthermore, some pesticides, such as organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), have a very stable structure, so their residues do not decompose easily and persist in the soil for a long time2. Generally, the soil has a high capacity to accumulate pesticide residues, especially when it has a high content of organic matt....


1. Preparation of the stock solutions

NOTE: It is recommended to wear nitrile gloves, a lab coat, and safety glasses during the entire protocol.

  1. Prepare a stock solution in acetone at 400 mg/L from a commercial mix of OCPs (see Table of Materials) at 2,000 mg/L in hexane:toluene (1:1) in a 25 mL volumetric flask. Table 1 shows each of the selected OCPs.
  2. Prepare the subsequent stock solutions in acetone at concentrations o.......

Representative Results

The full validation of the analytical method was performed in terms of linearity, matrix effects, recovery, and repeatability.

Matrix-matched calibration curves with spiked blank samples at six concentration levels (5 µg/kg, 10 µg/kg, 50 µg/kg, 100 µg/kg, 200 µg/kg, and 400 µg/kg) were used for the linearity assessment. The determination coefficients (R2) were higher than or equal to 0.99 for all the OCPs. The lowest calibration level (LCL) was set at 5.......


The original9 and the two official versions13,14 of the QuEChERS method use magnesium sulfate together with sodium chloride, acetate, or citrate salts to promote acetonitrile/water mixture separation during extraction. However, these salts tend to be deposited as solids on the surfaces in the mass spectrometry (MS) source, which causes the need for increased maintenance of liquid chromatography (LC)-MS-based methods. In terms of overcoming.......


I would like to thank Javier Hernández-Borges and Cecilia Ortega-Zamora for their invaluable support. I also want to thank the Universidad EAN and the Universidad de La Laguna.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
15 mL disposable glass conical centrifuge tubesPYREX99502-15
2 mL centrifuge tubesEppendorf30120094
50 mL centrifuge tubes with screw capsVWR21008-169
5977B mass-selective detectorAgilent Technologies1617R019
7820A gas chromatography systemAgilent Technologies16162016
Ammonium formateVWR21254260
Automatic shaker KS 3000 i controlIKA3940000
BalanceSartorius Lab Instruments Gmbh & CoENTRIS224I-1S
Bondesil-C18, 40 µmAgilent Technologies12213012
Bondesil-PSA, 40 µmAgilent Technologies12213024
EPA TCL pesticides mixSigma Aldrich48913
Ethyl acetateSupelco1036492500
G4567A automatic samplerAgilent Technologies19490057
HP-5ms Ultra Inert (5%-phenyl)-methylpolysiloxane 30 m x 250 µm x 0.25 µm columnAgilent Technologies19091S-433UI
Magnesium sulfate monohydrateSigma Aldrich434183-1KG
Mega Star 3.R centrifugeVWR521-1752
Milli-Q gradient A10MilliporeRR400Q101
p,p'-DDE-d8Dr EhrenstorferDRE-XA12041100AC
Pipette tips 2 - 200 µLBRAND732008
Pipette tips 5 mLBRAND702595
Pipette tips 50 - 1000 uLBRAND732012
Pippette Transferpette S variabel 10 - 100 µLBRAND704774
Pippette Transferpette S variabel 100 - 1000 µLBRAND704780
Pippette Transferpette S variabel 20 - 200 µLBRAND704778
Pippette Transferpette S variabel 500 - 5000 µLBRAND704782
Vials with fused-in insertSigma Aldrich29398-U
OCPsCAS registry number
Heptachlor epoxide1024-57-3
4,4'-DDE-d8 (IS)93952-19-3
Endosulfan sulfate1031-07-8
Endrin ketone53494-70-5


  1. Sabzevari, S., Hofman, J. A worldwide review of currently used pesticides' monitoring in agricultural soils. Science of The Total Environment. 812, 152344 (2022).
  2. Tzanetou, E. N., Karasali, H. A.

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QuEChERSOrganochlorine PesticidesSoil SampleAmmonium FormateDispersive Solid phase ExtractionGC MSMatrix EffectRecoveryRelative Standard Deviation

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