A computational protocol, CaseOLAP LIFT, and a use case are presented for investigating mitochondrial proteins and their associations with cardiovascular disease as described in biomedical reports. This protocol can be easily adapted to study user-selected cellular components and diseases.
The rapidly increasing and vast quantities of biomedical reports, each containing numerous entities and rich information, represent a rich resource for biomedical text-mining applications. These tools enable investigators to integrate, conceptualize, and translate these discoveries to uncover new insights into disease pathology and therapeutics. In this protocol, we present CaseOLAP LIFT, a new computational pipeline to investigate cellular components and their disease associations by extracting user-selected information from text datasets (e.g., biomedical literature). The software identifies sub-cellular proteins and their functional partners within disease-relevant documents. Additional disease-relevant documents are identified via the software's label imputation method. To contextualize the resulting protein-disease associations and to integrate information from multiple relevant biomedical resources, a knowledge graph is automatically constructed for further analyses. We present one use case with a corpus of ~34 million text documents downloaded online to provide an example of elucidating the role of mitochondrial proteins in distinct cardiovascular disease phenotypes using this method. Furthermore, a deep learning model was applied to the resulting knowledge graph to predict previously unreported relationships between proteins and disease, resulting in 1,583 associations with predicted probabilities >0.90 and with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) of 0.91 on the test set. This software features a highly customizable and automated workflow, with a broad scope of raw data available for analysis; therefore, using this method, protein-disease associations can be identified with enhanced reliability within a text corpus.
Studying disease-related proteins enhances the scientific knowledge of pathogenesis and helps to identify potential therapeutics. Several large text corpora of biomedical publications, such as PubMed's 34 million articles containing publication titles, abstracts, and full-text documents, report novel findings that link proteins with diseases. However, these findings are fragmented across various sources and must be integrated to generate new biomedical insights. Several biomedical resources exist to integrate protein-disease associations1,2,3,4,5,6,7. However, these curated resources are often incomplete and may not encompass the latest research findings. Text-mining approaches are essential to extract and synthesize protein-disease associations in large text corpora, which would result in a more comprehensive understanding of these biomedical concepts in the scientific literature.
Multiple biomedical text-mining approaches exist to uncover protein-disease relationships8,9,10,11,12,13,14, and others contribute in part to determining these relationships by identifying the proteins, diseases, or other biomedical entities mentioned in text13,15,16,17,18,19. However, many of these tools lack access to the most up-to-date literature, with the exception of a few that are periodically updated8,11,13,15. Similarly, many tools also have a limited scope of study, as they are confined to broad predefined diseases or proteins9,13. Several approaches are also prone to the identification of false positives within the text; others have addressed these issues with an interpretable and global blacklist of protein names9,11 or less interpretable name entity recognition techniques15,20. While most resources present only pre-computed results, some tools offer interactivity via web apps or accessible software code8,9,11.
To address the above limitations, we present the following protocol, CaseOLAP with label imputation and full text (CaseOLAP LIFT), as a flexible and customizable platform to investigate associations between proteins (e.g., proteins associated with a cellular component) and diseases from text datasets. This platform features automated curation of gene ontology (GO) term-specific proteins (e.g., organelle-specific proteins), imputation of missing document topic labels, analysis of full-text documents, as well as analysis tools and predictive tools (Figure 1, Figure 2, and Table 1). CaseOLAP LIFT curates organelle-specific proteins by using user-provided GO terms (e.g., organelle compartment) and functionally related proteins by using STRING21, Reactome22, and GRNdb23. Disease-studying documents are identified by their PubMed-annotated medical subject header (MeSH) labels. For the ~15.1% of unlabeled documents, labels are imputed if at least one MeSH term synonym is found in the title or at least two are found in the abstract. This enables previously uncategorized publications to be considered in the text-mining analysis. CaseOLAP LIFT also allows the user to select sections of publications (e.g., titles and abstracts only, full text, or full text excluding methods) within a specified timeframe (e.g., 2012-2022). The software also semi-automatically curates a use case-specific blacklist of protein names, vitally reducing the false-positive protein-disease associations present in other approaches. Overall, these improvements enable greater customizability and automation, expand the quantity of data available for analysis, and yield more confident protein-disease associations from large biomedical text corpora.
CaseOLAP LIFT incorporates biomedical knowledge and represents the relationship of various biomedical concepts using a knowledge graph, which is leveraged to predict hidden relationships in the graph. Recently, graph-based computation methods have been applied to biological settings, including integrating and organizing biomedical concepts24,25, drug repurposing and development26,27,28, and for clinical decision-making from proteomics data29.
To demonstrate the utilities of CaseOLAP LIFT in the setting of constructing a knowledge graph, we highlight a use case on the investigation of the associations between mitochondrial proteins and eight categories of cardiovascular disease. Evidence from ~362,000 disease-relevant documents was analyzed to identify the top mitochondrial proteins and pathways associated with the diseases. Next, these proteins, their functionally related proteins, and their text-mining results were incorporated into a knowledge graph. This graph was leveraged in a deep learning-based link prediction analysis to predict protein-disease associations so far unreported within biomedical publications.
The introduction section describes the background information and objectives of our protocol. The following section describes the steps of the computational protocol. Subsequently, the representative results of this protocol are described. Finally, we briefly discuss the computational protocol use cases, advantages, drawbacks, and future applications.
1. Running the docker container
2. Preparing the diseases and proteins
3. Text-mining
4. Analyzing the results
5. Predictive analysis
Representative results were produced following this protocol to study the associations between mitochondrial proteins (Table 2) and eight cardiovascular disease categories (Table 3). In these categories, we found 363,567 publications published from 2012 to October 2022 (362,878 categorized by MeSH metadata, 6,923 categorized by label imputation). All the publications had titles, 276,524 had abstracts, and 51,065 had the full text available. Overall, 584 of the 1,687 queried mitochondrial proteins were identified within the publications, while 3,284 of their 8,026 queried functionally related proteins were identified. In total, 14 unique proteins were identified with significant scores across all the disease categories, with a z-score threshold of 3.0 (Figure 5). The Reactome pathway analysis of these proteins revealed 12 pathways significant to all the diseases (Figure 6). All the proteins, pathways, diseases, and scores were integrated into a knowledge graph (Table 4). This knowledge graph was leveraged to predict 12,688 novel protein-disease associations and filtered with a probability score of 0.90 to yield 1,583 high-confidence predictions. A highlighted example of two protein-disease associations is shown in Figure 7, illustrated in the context of other relevant biological entities functionally related to the proteins. The model evaluation metrics are reported in Table 5.
Figure 1: Dynamic view of the workflow. This figure represents the four major steps in this workflow. First, relevant proteins are curated based on the user-provided GO terms (e.g., cellular components), and disease categories are prepared based on the user-provided disease MeSH identifiers. Second, associations between proteins and diseases are calculated in the text-mining step. Publications within a certain date range are downloaded and indexed. Disease-studying publications are identified (via MeSH labels and optionally via imputed labels), and their full texts are downloaded and indexed. Protein names are queried within the publications and used to calculate the protein-disease association scores. Next, following text-mining, these scores help identify the top protein and pathway associations. Finally, a knowledge graph is constructed encompassing these proteins, diseases, and their relationships within the biomedical knowledge base. Novel protein-disease associations are predicted based on the constructed knowledge graph. These steps use the most recently available data from the biomedical knowledge bases and PubMed. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Technical architecture of the workflow. The technical details of this workflow are illustrated in this figure. The user provides the MeSH tree numbers of the disease categories and GO term(s). Text documents are downloaded from PubMed, disease-relevant documents are identified based on the provided MeSH labels, and documents without topic-indicating MeSH labels receive imputed category labels. The proteins associated with the provided GO term(s) are acquired. This protein set is expanded to include proteins that are functionally related via protein-protein interactions, shared biological pathways, and transcription factor dependence. These proteins are queried within disease-relevant documents and scored by CaseOLAP. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: An example of a processed document. An example of a parsed, indexed text document is presented here. In order, relevant fields indicate the index name (_index, _type), the PubMed ID (_id, pmid), the document subsections (title, abstract, full_text, introduction, methods, results, discussion), and other metadata (year, MeSH, location, journal). For display purposes only, the document subsections are truncated with ellipses. The MeSH field contains the document topics, which may sometimes be provided by our label-imputation step. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Knowledge graph schema and biomedical resources. This figure depicts the knowledge graph schema. Each node and edge represents a node or edge type, respectively. The edges between cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and proteins are weighted by CaseOLAP scores. The protein-protein interaction (PPI) edges are weighted by STRING confidence scores. The GRNdb/GTEx-derived transcription factor dependence (TFD) edges, MeSH-derived disease tree edges, and reactome-derived pathway edges are unweighted. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Top protein-disease associations. This figure presents mitochondrial proteins significant to each disease category. Z-score transformation was applied to the CaseOLAP scores within each category to identify significant proteins using a threshold of 3.0. (Top) Number of mitochondrial proteins significant to each disease: These violin plots depict the distribution of z-scores for proteins in each disease category. The total number of proteins significant to each disease category is shown above each violin plot. A total of 14 unique proteins were identified as significant across all the diseases, and some proteins were significant to multiple diseases. (Bottom) Top-scoring proteins: The heatmap displays the top 10 proteins that obtained the highest average z-scores across all the diseases. The blank values represent no obtained score between the protein and disease. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 6: Top pathway-disease associations. This figure illustrates the top biological pathways associated with the studied disease categories, as determined via reactome pathway analysis. All the pathway analyses were filtered with p < 0.05. The heatmap values represent the average z-score of all the proteins within the pathway. (Top) Pathways conserved among all the diseases: Overall, 14 proteins were identified with relevance to all the disease categories, and 12 conserved pathways among all the disease categories were revealed. A dendrogram was constructed based on the pathway hierarchical structure to link the pathways with similar biological functions. The dendrogram height represents the relative depth within the pathway hierarchy; broad biological functions have longer limbs, and more specific pathways have shorter limbs. (Bottom) Pathways distinct to a disease category: Pathway analysis was performed using proteins achieving a significant z-score in each disease. The top three pathways with the lowest p-values associated with each disease are shown and indicated by asterisks. The pathways could be within the top three in multiple diseases. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 7: Application of deep learning for knowledge graph completion. An example of applying deep learning to a disease-specific knowledge graph is presented in this figure. Hidden relationships between proteins and disease are predicted, and these are indicated in blue. Computed probabilities for both predictions are displayed, with values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 and with 1.0 indicating a strong prediction. Several proteins with known interactions are included, representing protein-protein interactions, transcription factor dependence, and shared biological pathways. For visualization, a subgraph of a few nodes with relevance to the highlighted example is shown. Key: IHD = ischemic heart disease; R-HSA-1430728 = metabolism; O14949 = cytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 8; P17568 = NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 beta subcomplex subunit 7; Q9NYF8 Bcl-2-associated transcription factor 1, score: 7.24 x 10−7; P49821 = NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) flavoprotein 1, mitochondrial, score: 1.06 x 10−5; P31930 = cytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 1, mitochondrial, score: 4.98 x 10−5; P99999 = cytochrome c, score: 0.399. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Table 1: Workflow and rate-limiting steps. This table presents rough estimates of the computational time for each stage of the workflow. Options to include components of the pipeline will change the total runtime needed to complete the analysis. The total time estimate varies depending on the computational resources available, including the hardware specifications and software settings. As a rough estimate, the protocol took 36 h of active runtime to execute on our computational server, with six cores, 32 Gb of RAM, and 2 Tb of storage, but this may be faster or slower on other devices. Please click here to download this Table.
Table 2: Automatic assembly of the cellular component proteins. This table shows the number of proteins associated with a given cellular component (i.e., GO term), proteins functionally related to them via protein-protein interactions (PPI), shared pathways (PW), and transcription factor dependence (TFD). The number of total proteins is the number of proteins from all the prior categories combined. All the functionally related proteins were obtained using CaseOLAP LIFT's default parameters. Please click here to download this Table.
Table 3: MeSH label-imputation statistics. This table displays the disease categories, the MeSH tree numbers used as the parent term of all the diseases included in the category, the number of PubMed articles found in each category from 2012-2022, and the number of additional articles included based on the label-imputation step. Please click here to download this Table.
Table 4: Knowledge graph construction statistics. This table describes the statistics for the size of the constructed knowledge graph, including the various nodes and edge types. The CaseOLAP scores represent the relationship between a protein and a cardiovascular disease (CVD) category. Please click here to download this Table.
Table 5: Knowledge graph prediction statistics and validations. This table reports the evaluation metrics for the knowledge graph link prediction of novel/hidden protein-disease associations. The knowledge graph edges were partitioned into 70/30 training and test datasets, and graph connectivity of the edges was preserved in both datasets. The accuracy indicates the proportion of predictions correctly classified, while the balanced accuracy corrects for class imbalance. The specificity indicates the proportion of negative predictions correctly classified. The precision indicates the proportion of correct positive predictions out of all the positive predictions, while the recall indicates the proportion of correct positive predictions out of all the positive edges (i.e., protein-disease associations identified via text-mining). The F1 score is the harmonic mean of the precision and recall. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) describes how well the model distinguishes between positive and negative predictions, with 1.0 indicating a perfect classifier. The area under the precision-recall curve (AUPRC) measures the trade-off between precision and recall at varying probability thresholds, with higher values indicating better performance. Please click here to download this Table.
CaseOLAP LIFT empowers researchers to investigate associations between functional proteins (e.g., proteins associated with a cellular component, biological process, or molecular function) and biological categories (e.g., diseases). The described protocol should be executed in the specified sequence, with protocol section 2 and protocol section 3 being the most critical steps, as protocol section 4 and protocol section 5 depend on their results. As an alternative to protocol section 1, the CaseOLAP LIFT code can be cloned and accessed from the GitHub repository (https://github.com/CaseOLAP/caseolap_lift). It should be noted that despite testing during the software development, bugs may occur. If so, the failed step should be repeated. If the issue persists, it is recommended to repeat protocol section 1 to ensure that the latest version of the docker container is used. Further assistance is available by creating an issue on the GitHub repository for additional support.
This method supports hypothesis generation by enabling investigators to identify entities of interest and reveal the potential associations between them, which may not be readily accessible in existing biomedical resources. The resulting protein-disease associations allow researchers to gain new insights via the scores' interpretable metrics: the popularity scores indicate the most studied proteins in relation to a disease, the distinctiveness scores indicate diseases most unique to a protein, and the combined CaseOLAP score is a combination of the two. To prevent false-positive identifications (e.g., due to homonyms), some text-mining tools utilize a blacklist of terms to avoid9,11. Likewise, CaseOLAP LIFT also utilizes a blacklist but allows the user to tailor the blacklist to their use case. For example, when studying coronary artery disease (CAD), "CAD" should not be considered a name for the protein "caspase-activated deoxyribonuclease". However, when studying other topics, "CAD" might usually refer to the protein.
CaseOLAP LIFT adapts to the quantity of data available for text mining. The date range functionality alleviates the computational burden and creates flexibility for hypothesis generation (e.g., studying how the scientific knowledge on a protein-disease association has changed over time). Meanwhile, the label imputation and full-text components enhance the scope of data available for text-mining. Both components are disabled by default to reduce the computational costs, but the user may decide to include either component. The label imputation is conservative, and it categorizes most publications correctly (87% precision) but misses other category labels (2% recall). This method currently relies on a rule-based heuristic that matches disease keywords, and there are plans to enhance the performance through the use of document topic modeling techniques. Since many uncategorized reports tend to be recent publications, studies investigating a recent date range (e.g., all publications within the last 3 years) are better served by disabling label imputation. The full-text component increases the runtime and storage requirements. Notably, only a minority of documents have the full text available (~14% of documents in our study). Assuming that the protein names mentioned within the publications' methods section are less likely to be related to the disease topics, querying full-text articles excluding the methods section is recommended.
The resulting protein-disease association scores are useful for traditional analyses such as clustering, dimensionality reduction, or enrichment analyses (e.g., GO, pathways), with some implementation included in this software package. To contextualize these scores within existing biomedical knowledge, a knowledge graph is automatically constructed and can be explored using graph visualization tools (e.g., Neo4j32, Cytoscape33). The knowledge graph can also be used for predictive analyses (e.g., link prediction of unreported protein-disease relationships, community detection of protein networks, prize-collecting path-walking methods).
We have examined the model evaluation metrics for the predicted protein-disease associations (Table 5). The model assigns a probability score between 0.0 and 1.0 to each protein-disease association, with scores closer to 1.0 indicating a higher level of confidence in the prediction. The internal evaluation of the model performance, which was based on various metrics including the AUROC, accuracy, balanced accuracy, specificity, and recall, indicated excellent overall performance int his work. However, the evaluation also highlighted a rather poor score for the precision (0.15) of the model, resulting in both a lower AUPRC and F1 score. Future studies to improve this metric will help to elevate the overall performance of the model. We envision this could be achieved by implementing more sophisticated knowledge graph embedding and graph prediction models. Based on the model's precision of 0.15, investigators should anticipate approximately 15% positive identifications; in particular, out of all the 12,688 protein-disease associations predicted by the model, approximately 15% are true-positive associations. This can be mitigated by considering only protein-disease associations with a high probability score (e.g., >0.90); in our use case, filtering with a probability threshold of 0.90 led to high-confidence predictions of 1,583 associations. Investigators may find it helpful to also manually inspect these predictions to ensure high validity (see Figure 7 as an example). An external evaluation of our predictions determined that of the 310 protein-disease associations from an extensive curated database DisGeNet19, 103 were identified in our text-mining study, and 88 additional associations were predicted by our knowledge graph analysis with a probability score >0.90.
Overall, CaseOLAP LIFT features improved flexibility and usability in designing custom analyses of the associations between functional protein groups and multiple categories of disease in large text corpora. This package is streamlined in a new user-friendly command line interface and is released as a docker container, thus reducing the issues associated with configuring the programming environments and software dependencies. The CaseOLAP LIFT pipeline to study mitochondrial proteins in cardiovascular diseases can be easily adapted; for example, future applications of this technique could involve investigating the associations between any proteins associated with any GO terms and any biomedical category. Furthermore, the ranked protein-disease associations identified by this text-mining platform are important in the preparation of the dataset for the use of advanced natural language techniques. The resulting knowledge graph enables investigators to convert these findings into biologically informative knowledge and lays the foundation for follow-up graph-based analyses.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This work was supported by National Institutes of Health (NIH) R35 HL135772 to P.P., NIH T32 HL13945 to A.R.P. and D.S., NIH T32 EB016640 to A.R.P., National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) 1829071 to A.R.P. and D.S., NIH R01 HL146739 for I.A., J.R., A.V., K.B., and the TC Laubisch Endowment to P.P. at UCLA.
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