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This protocol provides an easy-to-follow workflow to conduct poly(A) RNA purification, bisulfite conversion, and library preparation using standardized equipment for a biological sample of interest.


RNA post-transcriptional modifications in various types of RNA transcripts are associated with diverse RNA regulation in eukaryotic cells. Aberrant RNA 5-methylcytosine modifications and the dysregulated expression of RNA methyltransferases have been shown to be associated with various diseases, including cancers. Transcriptome-wide bisulfite-sequencing was developed to characterize the positions and the quantitative cytosine methylation levels in the bisulfite-converted RNA at the base-pair resolution. Herein, this protocol presents the procedures of two rounds of poly(A) RNA purification, three cycles of bisulfite reaction, and library preparation in detail to allow the transcriptome-wide mapping of mRNA 5-methylcytosine modification sites. The assessment of RNA quantity and quality after the main reaction is essential to monitor RNA integrity and is a critical step for ensuring high-quality sequencing libraries. Ideally, the procedures can be completed within three days. With this protocol, using high-quality total RNA as the input can practically build up robust bisulfite-mRNA libraries for next-generation sequencing from the sample of interest.


Among over 150 types of post-transcriptional modifications1, 5-methylcytosine (m5C) modification has been identified in various types of RNAs, including ribosomal RNA, transfer RNA, messenger RNA, micro RNA, long non-coding RNA, vault RNA, enhancer RNA, and small cajal body-specific RNAs2. The RNA m5C is associated with diverse biological and pathological mechanisms such as regulating plant root development3, viral gene expression4, and cancer progression5. The aim of this protocol is to provide streamlined pipelines to characte....


1. Poly(A) RNA purification

NOTE: Use the total RNA treated with DNase I and examine the total RNA quality and integrity by capillary or conventional gel electrophoresis assessment before proceeding to poly(A) RNA purification. Investigators should be able to identify the 28S and 18S rRNA ribosomal bands in the high molecular weight field and the 5.8S rRNA band in the low molecular weight field without any significant smear bands in the electropherogram. The purification steps essentially follow the manufacturer's instructions with minor modifications indicated in the specific steps. See the Table of Materials

Representative Results

A series of bsRNA-seq libraries from cell lines19 were generated by following the procedures in this report (Figure 1). After total RNA purification accompanied by DNase treatment performed on cell line samples and the quality checked by gel electrophoresis and UV-Vis spectrophotometry (A260/A280), the RNA sample can proceed to poly(A) RNA enrichment. To determine whether the double purification could remove the majority of ribosomal RNA, the purifica.......


In this protocol, a detailed pipeline of poly(A) enrichment, bisulfite conversion, and library preparation was achieved by utilizing standardized components. Further sequencing analysis provided the identification of mRNA 5-methylcytosine in samples of interest.

The critical step is the quality of starting material-total RNA-since the degradation of RNA would impact the recovery rate of poly(A) RNA purification. The sample should be carefully handled and RNase contamination avoided before cond.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.


This work was supported by the National Science and Technology Council of Taiwan. [NSTC 111-2314-B-006-003]



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Agilent 2100 Electrophoresis Bioanalyzer SystemAgilent, Santa Clara, CARNA quality detection
AMpure XP beadsBeckman CoulterA63881purify DNA
Bioanalyzer DNA high sensitivity kitAgilent, Santa Clara, CA5067-4626DNA quality dection
Bioanalyzer RNA 6000 Pico kitAgilent, Santa Clara, CA5067-1513RNA quality dection
DiaMag02 - magnetic rackDiagenode, Denville, NJB04000001assist library preparation
DiaMag1.5 - magnetic rackDiagenode, Denville, NJB04000003assist poly(A) RNA purificaion
Dynabeads mRNA DIRECT purification kitThermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA61011poly(A) RNA purificaion; Wash Buffer 1 and Wash Buffer 2
EZ RNA methylation kitZymo, Irvine, CAR5002bisulfite treatment
Firefly luciferase mRNAPromega, Madison, WI, USAL4561spike in control seqeunce 
KAPA Library Quantification KitsRoche, SwitzerlandKK4824library quantification
Nanodrop spectrophotometerThermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MATotal RNA quantity detection
NEBNext multiplex Oligos for illumina (index Primer set1)New England Biolabs, Ipswich, MAE7335Slibrary preparation
NEBNext Ultra figure-materials-2064 Directional RNA Library Prep Kit for IlluminaNew England Biolabs, Ipswich, MAE7760Slibrary preparation
Nuclease-free WaterThermo Fisher ScientificAM9932
P2 pipetmanThermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA4641010
Qubit 2.0 fluorometer Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MARNA quantity detection
Qubit dsDNA HS Assay KitThermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MAQ32854DNA quantity detection
Qubit RNA HS Assay KitThermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MAQ32852RNA quantity detection


  1. Boccaletto, P., et al. MODOMICS: a database of RNA modification pathways. 2021 update. Nucleic Acids Research. 50, D231-D235 (2022).
  2. Bohnsack, K. E., Höbartner, C., Bohnsack, M. T.

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MRNABisulfite mRNARNA Methylation5 methylcytosinePancreatic CancerRNA MethyltransferaseRNA M5C ModificationTranscriptome wide Bisulfite sequencingPoly A RNA PurificationLibrary PreparationNext generation Sequencing

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