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Sieving Fruit Pulp to Detect Immature Tephritid Fruit Flies in the Field

Published: July 28th, 2023



1Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ), Science and Technology (S&T) Miami, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 2Division of Plant Industry, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, 3APHIS, PPQ, S&T, USDA, 4IFAS, Tropical Research and Education Center, University of Florida, 5Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center, USDA, 6APHIS, PPQ, Field Operations, USDA, 7ARS, Subtropical Horticulture Research Station, USDA


Fruit flies of the Tephritidae family are among the most destructive and invasive agricultural pests in the world. Many countries undertake expensive eradication programs to eliminate incipient populations. During eradication programs, a concerted effort is made to detect larvae, as this strongly indicates a breeding population and helps establish the spatial extent of the infestation. The detection of immature life stages triggers additional control and regulatory actions to contain and prevent any further spread of the pest. Traditionally, larval detection is accomplished by cutting individual host fruits and examining them visually. This method is labor intensive, as only a limited number of fruit can be processed, and the probability of missing a larva is high. An extraction technique that combines i) mushing host fruit in a plastic bag, ii) straining pulp through a series of sieves, iii) placing retained pulp in a brown sugar water solution, and iv) collecting larvae that float to the surface was tested. The method was evaluated in Florida with field-collected guava naturally infested by Anastrepha suspensa. To mimic low populations more representative of a fruit fly eradication program, mangos and papaya in Hawaii were infested with a known, low number of Bactrocera dorsalis larvae. The applicability of the method was tested in the field on guava naturally infested by B. dorsalis to evaluate the method under conditions experienced by workers during an emergency fruit fly program. In both field and laboratory trials, mushing and sieving the pulp was more efficient (required less time) and more sensitive (more larvae found) than cutting fruit. Floating the pulp in brown sugar water solution helped detect earlier instar larvae. Mushing and sieving fruit pulp of important tephritid hosts may increase the probability of detecting larvae during emergency programs.

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Keywords Tephritid Fruit Flies

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