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Ear Plaster Therapy as a Safe and Effective Treatment for Gestational Vomiting

Published: August 4th, 2023



1Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine


Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP) are common symptoms that often complicate early pregnancy for many women. While clinical treatments such as fasting, fluid infusion, and nutritional support are conventionally applied to manage NVP, their effectiveness varies. However, traditional ear plaster therapy offers a promising alternative that effectively relieves symptoms and poses no known risk to the development of embryos or fetuses. This therapy is known for its ease of application, cost-effectiveness, and favorable outcomes. Previous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of combining ear plaster therapy with conventional treatments in alleviating symptoms of nausea and vomiting in pregnant women, surpassing the results achieved with conventional treatment alone. The protocol presented herein describes a method to relieve NVP using round, smooth, and hard cowherb seeds applied to specific ear points. These seeds are gently rubbed onto the surface of the ear, utilizing the principles of acupressure. By stimulating the designated ear points, this procedure aims to regulate the body's energy flow and restore balance, thereby reducing the severity and frequency of NVP. The application of cowherb seeds on specific ear points is a straightforward technique that healthcare professionals can easily implement or self-administered by pregnant women under appropriate guidance. Overall, ear plaster therapy presents a safe, effective, and economical approach for managing gestational vomiting, offering women a potential solution to alleviate their discomfort during pregnancy.

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