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This study presents a surgical porcine model of chronic myocardial ischemia due to progressive coronary artery stenosis, resulting in impaired cardiac function without infarction. Following ischemia, animals undergo off-pump coronary artery bypass graft with epicardial placement of stem cells-derived exosomes-laden collagen patch. This adjunctive therapy improves myocardial function and recovery.


Chronic myocardial ischemia resulting from progressive coronary artery stenosis leads to hibernating myocardium (HIB), defined as myocardium that adapts to reduced oxygen availability by reducing metabolic activity, thereby preventing irreversible cardiomyocyte injury and infarction. This is distinct from myocardial infarction, as HIB has the potential for recovery with revascularization. Patients with significant coronary artery disease (CAD) experience chronic ischemia, which puts them at risk for heart failure and sudden death. The standard surgical intervention for severe CAD is coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG), but it has been shown to be an imperfect therapy, yet no adjunctive therapies exist to recover myocytes adapted to chronic ischemia. To address this gap, a surgical model of HIB using porcine that is amenable to CABG and mimics the clinical scenario was used. The model involves two surgeries. The first operation involves implanting a 1.5 mm rigid constrictor on the left anterior descending (LAD) artery. As the animal grows, the constrictor gradually causes significant stenosis resulting in reduced regional systolic function. Once the stenosis reaches 80%, the myocardial flow and function are impaired, creating HIB. An off-pump CABG is then performed with the left internal mammary artery (LIMA) to revascularize the ischemic region. The animal recovers for one month to allow for optimal myocardial improvement prior to sacrifice. This allows for physiologic and tissue studies of different treatment groups. This animal model demonstrates that cardiac function remains impaired despite CABG, suggesting the need for novel adjunctive interventions. In this study, a collagen patch embedded with mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-derived exosomes was developed, which can be surgically applied to the epicardial surface distal to LIMA anastomosis. The material conforms to the epicardium, is absorbable, and provides the scaffold for the sustained release of signaling factors. This regenerative therapy can stimulate myocardial recovery that does not respond to revascularization alone. This model translates to the clinical arena by providing means of physiological and mechanistic explorations regarding recovery in HIB.


Globally, severe CAD affects over a hundred million patients, and although the mortality rate has decreased, it remains one of the leading causes of death1,2. CAD has a wide clinical spectrum from myocardial infarction (MI) to ischemia with preserved viability. Most pre-clinical research focuses on MI, characterized by the presence of infarcted tissue as it is possible to study in small and large animal models. However, that model does not address patients with preserved viability and amenable to revascularization. Most patients undergoing CABG have decreased blood supply and limited function while maintaining....


The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUC) of the Minneapolis VA Medical Center and the University of Minnesota have approved all of the animal studies. The current National Institutes of Health (NIH) guidelines for the use and care of laboratory animals were followed.

1. Isolation of mesenchymal stem cells and preparation and characterization of exosomes

  1. Isolation of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)
    1. Obtain 30-50 mL of sterile bone marrow from the sternum or tibia of a 20-week-old female Yorkshire-Landrace swine. To do this, introduce a 25 mm 15G interosseous needle int....


Following revascularization, coronary angiography is performed to assess for LAD stenosis (greater than 80%) and patency of the LIMA-LAD graft (Figure 1). Four weeks following the revascularization surgery and placement of the exosome-laden collagen patch, cardiac MRI is performed to assess for systolic and diastolic function of the heart at rest and under stress using low-dose dobutamine infusion at 5µg/kg/min. Systolic function is analyzed by measuring wall thickness percentage (wall .......


This study presents the first porcine model of chronically ischemic myocardium, in which it was shown that treatment with an MSC-derived exosome laden collagen patch during surgical revascularization recovers diastolic and systolic function upon inotropic stimulation potentially by targeting mitochondrial recovery. Previously, it was demonstrated that in a large animal model of HIB the diastolic and systolic function, as measured by cardiac MRI, remains impaired and only slightly improves with revascularization without c.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by the VA Merit Review #I01 BX000760 (RFK) from the United States (U.S.) Department of Veterans Affairs BLR&D and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs grant #I01 BX004146 (TAB). We also gratefully acknowledge the support of the University of Minnesota Lillehei Heart Institute. The contents of this work do not represent the views of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs of the United States Government.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
5 EthibondEthiconMG46GSuture
# 40 clipper bladeOster078919-016-701Remove hair from surgery sites
0 VicrylEthiconJ208HSuture
1 mL SyringeMedtronic/Covidien1188100777Administer injectable agents
1" medical tapeMedlineMMM15271ZSecure wound dressing and IV catheters
1000mL 0.9% Sodium chlorideBaxter2B1324XIV replacement fluid
12 mL SyringeMedtronic/Covidien8881512878Administer injectable agents
18 ga needlesBD305185Administration of injectable agents
20 ga needlesBD305175Administration of injectable agents
20 mL SyringeMedtronic/Covidien8881520657Administer injectable agents
2-0 VicrylEthiconJ317HSuture
250 mL 0.9% salineBaxter UE1322DReplacement IV Fluid
3 mL SyingeMedtronic/Covidien1180300555Administer injectable agents
3-0 VicrylEthiconVCP824GSuture
36” Pressure monitoring tubingSmith’s MedicalMX563Connect art. Line  to transducer
4.0 mm ID endotracheal tubeMedlineDYND43040Establish airway for Hibernation
4-0 Tevdek II StrandsDeknatel7-922Suture to secure constrictor around LAD
48” Pressure monitoring tubingSmith’s MedicalMX564Connect art. Line  to transducer
500mL 0.9% Sodium chlorideBaxter2B1323QDrug delivery, Provide mist for Blower Mister
6  mL SyringeMedtronic/Covidien1180600777Administer injectable agents
6.0 mm ID endotracheal tubeMallinckrodt86049Establish airway for Revasc,MRI and Termination
6.5 mm ID endotracheal tubeMedlineDYND43065Establish airway for Revasc,MRI and Termination
6” pressure tubing lineSmith’s MedicalMX560Collect bone marrow
60 mL SyringeMedtronic/Covidien8881560125Administer injectable agents
7.0 mm ID endotracheal tubeMedlineDYND43070Establish airway for Revasc,MRI and Termination
7-0 ProleneEthiconM8702Suture
Advanced DMEM (1X)ThermoFisher Scientific12491023
Alcohol Prep padsMedSourceMS-17402Skin disinfectant
Amicon Ultra-15 Centrifugal Filter UnitMillipore SigmaUFC910024
Anesthesia MachineDragerFabious Triomaintains general anesthesia
Anesthesia Machine + ventilatorDRE Drager- Fabius TiroDRE0603FTDeliver Oxygen and inhalant to patient
Anesthesia MonitorPhillips  IntellivueMP70Multiparameter for patient safety
Arterial Line KitArrowASK-04510-HFFemoral catheter for blood pressure monitoring
Artificial TearsRugby0536-1086-91Lubricate eyes to prevent corneal drying
Bair Hugger3MModel 505Patient Warming system
Basic packMedlineDYNJP1000Sterile drapes and table cover
Blood Collection Tubes- green topFisher Scientific02-689-7Collect microsphere blood samples
Blower Mister KitMedtronic/Covidien22120Clears surgical field for vessel anastomosis
BODIPY TR CeramideThermoFisher ScientificD7540
Bone marrow needle- 25mm 15 ga IO needleVidacare9001-VC-005Collect bone marrow
Bone WaxMedlineETHW31GHemostasis of cut bone
Bovie Cautery hand pieceCovidienE2516Hemostasis
BupivicainePfizer00409-1161-01Local Anesthetic
Buprenorphine 0.3 mg/mLSigma AldrichB9275Pre operative Analgesic for survivial procedures
Cell ScrapersCorning353085
Cephazolin 1 grPfizer00409-0805-01Antibiotic
Chest TubeCovidien8888561043Evacuates air from chest cavity
CloroprepBecton Dickenson260815Surgical skin prep
Corning bottle-top vacuum Filter System (500mL)Millipore Sigma430758
CPT tubeBD362753MSC isolation from bone marrow
Delrin ConstrictorU of MNCustom madeCreates stenosis of LAD
DermabondEthiconDNX12Skin adhesive
DMEM (1X) Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium, HEPESThermoFisher Scientific12430062
Dobutamine 12.5 mg/mLPfizer00409-2344-01Increases blood pressure and heart rate during the second microsphere blood collection
ECG PadsDRE1496Monitor heart rhythm
Exosome-Depleted FBSThermoFisher ScientificA2720801
Falcon Disposable Polystyrene Serological Pipets, Sterile, 10mLFisher Scientific13-675-20
Femoral and carotid introducerCordis- J&J504606Pfemoral and carotis cannulas
Fetal Bovine Serum, Heat Inactivated, Gibco FBSThermoFisher Scientific16140089
Flo-thru 1.0BaxterFT-12100used to anastomos LIMA to L
Flo-thru 1.25BaxterFT-12125FT-12125
Flo-thru 1.5BaxterFT-12150FT-12150
Flo-thru 2.0BaxterFT-12200FT-12200
GlutaMAX SupplementThermoFisher Scientific35050061
Hair ClipperOster078566-011-002Remove hair from surgery sites
Helistat collagen spongeMcKesson570973 1690ZZSponge for embedding exosomes
HeparinPfizer 0409-2720-03anticoaggulant
Histology JarsFisher Scientific316-154Formalin for tissue samples
HyClone Characterized Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS)CytivaSH30071.03
HypafixBSN Medical4210Secure wound dressing and IV catheters
IsofluraneSigma AldrichCDS019936General Anesthestic- Inhalant
IV Tubing for Blower MisterCarefusion42493EAdapts to IV Fluids for Blower/Mister
Jelco 18 ga IV catheterSmiths medical4054IV access in Revasc, MRI and Term
Lidocaine 2%Pfizer00409-4277-01Local Anesthetic/ antiarrthymic
LigaclipsEthiconMSC20Surgical Staples for LIMA takedown
Long blade for laryngoscopeDRE12521Allows for visualization of trachea for intubation
Meloxicam 5 mg/mLBoehringer Ingelheim141-219Post operative Analgesic
Microsphere pumpCollect blood samples from femoral introducer
Monopolar CauteryCovidienValleylab™ FT10Hemostasis
Nanosight NS 300Malvern PanalyticalMAN0541-03-EN
NTA 3.1.54 softwareMalvern PanalyticalMAN0520-01-EN-00
OPVAC Synergy IITerumo Cardiovascular System401-230Heart positioner and Stabilizer
Oxygen Tank E cylindervariousvariousUsed for Blower Mister if anesthesia machine doesn't have auxiliary flow meter
PBS, pH 7.2ThermoFisher Scientific20012050
Penicillin-Streptomycin-Neomycin (PSN) Antibiotic MixtureThermoFisher Scientific15640055
Pigtail 145 catheter 6 FrenchBoston Scientific08641-41Measure LV pressures
Pressure TransducervariousMust adapt to anesthesia monitorMonitor direct arterial pressures
PropofolDiprivan269-29Induction agent
RoncuroniumMylan67457-228-05Neuromuscular blocking agent
SR Buprenorphine 10 mg/mLAbbott LabsNADA 141-434Post operative Analgesic
Sterile Saline 20 mLFisher Scientific20T700220Flush for IV catheters
Sternal Saw/ Necropsy SawThermo Fisher812822Used to open chest cavity
Stop CocksSmith MedicalMX5311L2 to connect to pig tail
Succinylcholine 20 mg/mLPfizer00409-6629-02Neuromuscular blocking agent
Suction  tubingMedlineDYND50223
Suction ContainerMedlineDYNDCL03000
Surgery pack with chest retractorvariousSee pack listFemoral cut down and median sternotomy
Surgical InstrumentsvariousSee pack listFemoral and carotid cutdowns and sternotomy
Surgical Spring ClipApplied MedicalA1801Clamp end of LIMA after takedown
Syringe pumpHarvardDelivers IV Dobutamine infusion
SYTO RNASelect Green Fluorescent cell Stain - 5 mM Solution in DMSOMillipore SigmaS32703
Telazol 100 mg/mLFort Dodge01L60030Pre operative Sedative
Telpha padCovidien2132Sterile wound dressing
TimerTime collection of blood samples
Total Exosome Isolation Reagent (from cell culture media)ThermoFisher Scientific4478359
TPP Tissue Culture Flask, T75, Filter Cap w/ 0.22uM PTFEThermoFisher ScientificTP90076
Triple Antibiotic OintmentJohnson & Johnson23734Topical over wound
Vicryl meshEthiconVKMLPatch for epicardial cell application
VortexMix microspheres
Xylazine 100 mg/mLVedco468RXPre operative Sedative/ analgesic


  1. Dai, H., et al. Global, regional, and burden of ischaemic heart disease and its attributable risk factors, 1990-2017: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. European heart journal. Quality of care & clinical outcomes. 8 (1), 50-60 (2022).
  2. Tsao, C. W., et al.

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Surgical Porcine ModelChronic Myocardial IschemiaExosome laden Collagen PatchOff pump Coronary Artery Bypass Graft CABGLeft Internal Mammary Artery LIMA To Left Anterior Descending LAD BypassHibernating MyocardiumCoronary Artery Disease CADMitochondrial FunctionInflammation

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