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  • Protocol
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Here, a system is reported for studying the collective behaviors of nematodes by culturing them in bulk using dog food agar medium. This system allows researchers to propagate large numbers of dauer worms and can be applied to Caenorhabditis elegans and other related species.


Animals exhibit dynamic collective behaviors, as observed in flocks of birds, schools of fish, and crowds of humans. The collective behaviors of animals have been investigated in the fields of both biology and physics. In the laboratory, researchers have used various model animals such as the fruit fly and zebrafish for approximately a century, but it has remained a major challenge to study large-scale complex collective behavior orchestrated by these genetically tractable model animals. This paper presents a protocol to create an experimental system of collective behaviors in Caenorhabditis elegans. The propagated worms climb on the lid of the Petri plate and show collective swarming behavior. The system also controls worm interactions and behaviors by changing the humidity and light stimulation. This system allows us to examine the mechanisms underlying collective behaviors by changing environmental conditions and examining the effects of individual-level locomotion on collective behaviors using mutants. Thus, the system is useful for future research in both physics and biology.


Both nonscientists and scientists are fascinated with animals' collective behaviors, as in flocks of birds and schools of fish. Collective behaviors have been analyzed in a broad range of fields, including physics, biology, mathematics, and robotics. In particular, active matter physics is a growing research field that focuses on systems composed of self-propelled elements, that is, dissipative systems, such as flocks of birds, schools of fish, biofilms of motile bacteria, cytoskeletons composed of active molecules, and groups of self-propelled colloids. The theory of active matter physics maintains that however complex the behaviors of individuals are, the collec....


1. Preparation of worms

NOTE: Prepare the wild-type N2 Bristol strain12 and ZX899 strain (lite-1(ce314); ljIs123[mec-4p::ChR2, unc-122p::RFP])13 for the observation of collective behaviors and optogenetic experiments, respectively. Maintain the ZX899 strain under dark conditions.

  1. Deposit four well-fed adult worms on a 60 mm plate containing 14 mL of nematode growth medium (NGM) with agar and seeded with E. coli OP5012.
  2. Grow F1 worms to starvation in the NGM plate at 23 °C for 7 days. The yield of F1 worms is ....

Representative Results

Here, wild-type dauer worms were used for collective behavior observations. Worms were cultivated at 23 °C for approximately 10-14 days and climbed up to the inner surface of the lid of a DFA medium plate. On the experimental day, only the lid was transferred to a new NGM plate without E. coli and DFA medium. The bottom of this Petri plate was initially kept at 23 °C using the Peltier system, and then its temperature was increased to 26 °C. A movie was taken under the microscope.


In this study, we show a protocol for preparing a system for the large-scale collective behavior of C. elegans in the laboratory. The DFA-based method was originally established with Caenorhabditis japonica14 and Neoaplectana carpocapsae Weiser15, both of which are non-model animals. However, this method was not applied to investigate collective behaviors. The C. elegans is a genetically tractable model animal11


The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.


We thank the Caenorhabditis Genetics Center for providing the strains used in this study. This publication was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (grant number JP21H02532), JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid on the Innovative Areas "Science of Soft Robot" project (grant number JP18H05474), JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas B (grant number JP23H03845), the PRIME from Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (grant number JP22gm6110022h9904), JST-Mirai Program (grant number JPMJMI22G3), and JST-FOREST Program (grant number JPMJFR214R).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Escherichia coli and C. elegans strains
E. coli OP50Caenorhabditis Genetics CenterOP50Food for C. elegans. Uracil auxotroph. E. coli B.
lite-1(ce314); ljIs123[mec-4p::ChR2, unc-122p::RFP]authorZX899lite-1(ce314) mutant carrying the genes expressing ChR2 and RFP under the control of the mec-4 and unc-122 promoter, respectively
N2 BristrolCaenorhabditis Genetics CenterWild-type C. elegans strain
For worm cultivation
Agar purified, powderNakarai tesque01162-15For preparation of NGM plates
All-trans retinalSigma-AldrichR2500For optogenetics
Bacto peptonBecton Dickinson211677For preparation of NGM plates
Calcium chlorideWako036-00485For preparation of NGM plates
CholesterolWako034-03002For preparation of NGM plates
di-Photassium hydrogenphosphateNakarai tesque28727-95For preparation of NGM plates
Dog foodNihon Pet FoodVITA-ONEFor preparation of dog food agar medium
LB broth, LennoxNakarai tesque20066-95For culture of E. coli OP50
Magnesium sulfate anhydrousTGIM1890For preparation of NGM plates
Petri dishes (60 mm)Nunc150270For preparation of NGM plates
Potassium DihydrogenphosphateNakarai tesque28720-65For preparation of NGM plates
Sodium ChlorideNakarai tesque31320-05For preparation of NGM plates
ComputerCT solutionCS6229Windows10 Pro with Intel Xeon Gold 6238R CPU and 768 GB of RAM
CMOS CameraHamamatsu photonics ORCA-Lightning C14120-20PFor data acquisition
CMOS CameraOlympusDP74For data acquisition
Microscope with SZX-MGFP setOlympusMVX10For data acquisition
x2 Objective lensOlympusMV PLAPO 2XCWorking distance 20 mm and numerical aperture 0.5
Shutter control
ShutterOptoSigmaBSH2-RIXFor controlling temporal pattern of  light illumination
Shutter controllerOptoSigmaSSH-C2B-AFor controlling temporal pattern of  light illumination
Temperature control
Peltier temperature controller unitVICSWLVPU-30For controlling humidity inside a Petri plate
UNI-THEMO CONTROLLERAmpereUTC-100For controlling humidity inside a Petri plate
Data acquisition software
HCImageHamamatsu photonicsFor data acquisition


  1. Vicsek, T., Czirók, A., Ben-Jacob, E., Cohen, I., Shochet, O. Novel type of phase transition in a system of self-driven particles. Physical Review Letters. 75 (6), 1226-1229 (1995).
  2. Nishiguchi, D., Nagai, K. H., Chaté, H., Sano, M.

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NematodesCollective BehaviorActive MetaphysicsNeuroscienceC ElegansExperimental SystemModel AnimalsCollective BehaviorsSwarming BehaviorEnvironmental ConditionsLocomotionMutants

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