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Combination of High Ligation and Intraoperative Embolization using Polidocanol for Treatment of Varicoceles

Published: December 22nd, 2023



1Department of Andrology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University


Varicoceles are dilated veins within the pampiniform plexus and are relatively common in the general male population. The spermatic vein has many branches in the scrotal segment and then gradually merges into 1-2 trunks after passing through the internal inguinal ring. The key to a successful varicocelectomy is to ligate all the spermatic veins while protecting the testicular arteries and spermatic lymphatic vessels from damage. The small veins, including the branches of spermatic veins and collateral veins, are easily missed for ligation during conventional high ligation of varicocele, which has been suggested as a major cause of postoperative recurrence. Although microsurgery effectively reduces the risk of missing ligation of the spermatic veins during surgery, it has several shortcomings, such as long operation time and a steep learning curve. More importantly, this technique is difficult to carry out in primary hospitals due to the requirement of specialized equipment. Therefore, an attempt to modify the traditional high ligation aiming to reduce the postoperative recurrence rate has been carried out here. The protocol here combines traditional high ligation with intraoperative embolization to seal off the branches of the spermatic vein and collateral veins. We rapidly injected foamed sclerosant into the internal spermatic vein under direct observation after separation of the spermatic vein and then ligated all the veins. The foamed sclerosant through the varicose vein hampers endothelial cell growth, promotes the growth of thrombus and fibrosis, and ultimately forms fibrous streaks that permanently fill the venous. The results showed a more satisfactory effect on reducing the postoperative recurrence rate compared with traditional high ligation. Since this protocol is simple to carry out and has better results in reducing the recurrence rate, this can be an alternative surgical method for the treatment of varicocele, especially in primary hospitals.

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Keywords Varicocelectomy

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