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Here we describe an in-house extracellular vesicle tissue factor activity assay. Activity-based assays and antigen-based assays have been used to measure tissue factor in extracellular vesicles from human plasma samples. Activity-based assays have higher sensitivity and specificity than antigen-based assays.


Tissue factor (TF) is a transmembrane receptor for factor (F) VII and FVIIa. The TF/FVIIa complex initiates the coagulation cascade by activating both FIX and FX. TF is released from cells into the circulation in the form of extracellular vesicles (EVs). The level of TF-positive (+) EVs is increased in various diseases, including cancer, bacterial and viral infections, and cirrhosis, and is associated with thrombosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, disease severity, and mortality. There are two ways to measure TF+ EVs in plasma: antigen- and activity-based assays. Data indicates that activity-based assays have higher sensitivity and specificity than antigen-based assays. This paper describes our in-house EVTF activity assay based on a two-stage FXa generation assay. FVIIa, FX, and calcium are added to the TF+ EV-containing samples to generate FXa in the presence and absence of anti-TF antibody to distinguish TF-dependent FXa generation from TF-independent FXa generation. A chromogenic substrate cleaved by FXa is used to determine the FXa level, while a standard curve generated with a relipidated recombinant TF is used for the determination of the TF concentration. This in-house EVTF activity assay has higher sensitivity and specificity than a commercial TF activity assay.


Blood coagulation is initiated with the binding of factor (F) VII/VIIa to tissue factor (TF)1. The TF/FVIIa complex activates both FIX and FX to activate blood coagulation1. There are two forms of full-length, membrane-bound TF: encrypted and active. In addition, there is an alternatively spliced form of TF (asTF). Sphingomyelin and phosphatidylcholine in the outer leaflet of the cell membrane maintain TF in an encrypted state2,3,4. When cells are activated or damaged, phospholipid scramblase transfers phosphatidylserine and oth....


The research was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (protocol number: 14-2108).

1. Blood collection from donors

  1. Collect whole blood using clean venipuncture into the antecubital vein with a 21 G needle. Discard the first 3 mL of blood because this portion of blood may contain TF from perivascular cells.
  2. Draw 2.7 or 1.8 mL (depending on the size of the tubes) of blood into a vacutainer containing 3.2% sodium citrate (0.109 mol/L). Do not over- or underfill the tubes. Gently invert tubes immediately after blood collection to disperse the sodium c....

Representative Results

A successful result gives a positive control value of ≥0.5 pg/mL and a negative control value of <0.5 pg/mL. It is best to find a high LPS responder with >1.0 pg/mL EVTF activity for a positive control. The representative result shows the EVTF activity of EVs isolated from plasma from the whole blood of 11 healthy donors, with and without LPS activation (Figure 4). Six out of eleven donors (Donors 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11) were medium to high LPS responders, whereas five out of eleve.......


Here, the protocol of our in-house EVTF activity assay is presented. There are three critical steps in the protocol. When reconstituting the EV pellet, it is important to pipette up and down at the location of the EV pellet even if it is not visible. Incomplete reconstitution of the EV pellet will result in a false negative or underestimation of EVTF activity values of the samples. Second, using HBSA-Ca(+) is critical in protocol step 6.5 because FXa generation cannot be generated without calcium. Third, using EDTA-tetra.......


There are no competing interests to disclose.


This work was supported by the NIH NHLBI R35HL155657 (N.M.) and the John C. Parker professorship (N.M.). We would like to thank Ms. Sierra J. Archibald for her helpful comments



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1.5 mL tube for 20,000 x g centrifugeany companyN/AWe use the one from Fisher Scientific (Catalog number: 05-408-129).
1.5 mL tube for ultracentrifugeany companyN/AWe use the one from Beckman Coulter (Catalog number: 357448)
15 mL tubeany companyN/AWe use the one from VWR (Catalog number: 89039-666)
21 G x .75 in. BD Vacutainer Safety-Lok Blood Collection Set with 12 in. tubing and luer adapterBD367281
96-well plateany companyN/AWe use the one from Globe Scientific (Catalog number: 120338).
BD Vacutainer Citrate TubesBD363083
Bovine serum albuminSigma AldrichA9418
Calcium chlorideFisher ScientificC69-500
Centrifuge for 1.5 mL tubeany companyN/AWe use the Centrifuge 5417R (Eppendorf).
Centrifuge for 15 mL tubeany companyN/AWe use the Centrifuge 5810R (Eppendorf).
D-(+)-GlucoseSigma AldrichG7021
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid tetrasodium salt dihydrateSigma AldrichE6511
HepesSigma AldrichH4034
Human FVIIaEnzyme Research LaboratoryHFVIIaThe solution should be diluted with HBSA-Ca(+).
Human FXEnzyme Research LaboratoryHFX1010The solution should be diluted with HBSA-Ca(+).
Inhibitory mouse anti-human tissue factor IgG, clone HTF-1Fisher Scientific550252
Lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli O111:B4Sigma AldrichL2630There are several lipopolysaccharide from different E. coli. Different lipopolysaccharide have different potential to activate monocytes.
Mouse IgGSigma AldrichI5381
Pefachrome FXa 8595Enzyme Research Laboratory085-27
Plate readerany companyN/AWe use the SpectraMax i3x from Molecular Devices
Re-lipidated recombinant tissue factor, Dade InnovinSiemens10873566
Sodium chloride Fisher ScientificS271-500
UltracentrifugeBeckman CoulterOptima TLX
Ultracentrifuge rotorBeckman CoulterTLA-55


  1. Grover, S. P., Mackman, N. Tissue factor: an essential mediator of hemostasis and trigger of thrombosis. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 38 (4), 709-725 (2018).
  2. Shaw, A. W., Pureza, V. S., Sligar, S. G., Morrissey, J. H.

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