Here, a method is described to feed Drosophila melanogaster with drugs and plant extracts and assess their effect on the gastrointestinal tract by analyzing the fruit flies fecal deposits. The drug-treated flies can be used as a model for further research.
To study human gastrointestinal physiology, biomedical scientists have relied on the use of model organisms. Although many researchers have used mice as a model to study intestinal function, only a few reports have focused on Drosophila melanogaster (D. melanogaster). Compared to mice, fruit flies present many advantages, such as a short life cycle, cost-effective and simple maintenance, and no ethical issues. Furthermore, the mammalian gastrointestinal physiology, anatomy, and signaling pathways are highly conserved in D. melanogaster. Plant extracts have been used traditionally to treat diarrhea and constipation. For example, Psidium guajava (P. guajava) is one of the most known antidiarrheal agents in the tropics. However, no studies have evaluated the effect of antidiarrheal and laxative drugs and plant extracts in D. melanogaster, and it remains unknown if similar effects (e.g., smaller, more concentrated, and less abundant fecal deposits in the case of antidiarrheal drugs) can occur in the fruit flies compared to mammals. In this study, an antidiarrheal effect induced by P. guajava is demonstrated in a D. melanogaster strain that presents a diarrheic phenotype. Fecal sampling produced by flies is monitored using a dye-supplemented food. This protocol outlines the method used for preparing food with drugs, evaluating the fecal deposits of flies fed on these food preparations, and interpreting the data obtained.
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract, also called the digestive tract, is responsible for the digestion and absorption of nutrients and excretion of undigested products1. The GI tract is vulnerable to a range of disorders that can cause discomfort, pain, and disruption to daily life. Gastrointestinal disorders include abdominal pain and discomfort, bloating, heartburn, indigestion or dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation2. Diarrhea is the most common symptom of GI disorder3, and it is defined as a disease with at least three loose and watery stool during a 24 h period4. Diarrhea is caused by a wide range of pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, and can also be caused by drugs5,6. Worldwide, diarrhea continues to be the second leading cause of mortality among children under 5 years7. Although diarrhea can resolve itself, it can also indicate a more severe underlying condition if it lasts for more than a few days.
To study the intestinal tract, researchers turn to animal models such as mice, rats, and pigs8,9. However, the use of these animals can be expensive and time-consuming because they require specialized facilities and ethical considerations. Recent studies have shown that D. melanogaster can be used as a model to study the GI tract and investigate some mechanisms such as the maintenance of regenerative homeostasis, the development of immune senescence, the loss of epithelial barrier function, and the decline in metabolic homeostasis10,11. D. melanogaster, known as the fruit fly, shares a high degree of genetic homology with humans; approximately 75% of human disease genes are believed to have a functional homolog in fly12. They also have a simple digestive system consisting of a foregut, a midgut, and a hindgut13. D. melanogaster is easy to culture in the laboratory and can be genetically modified in different ways14. Therefore, using D. melanogaster for in vivo testing is a powerful tool that allows researchers to study complex biological processes in a controlled setting.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 80% of people living in developing countries use traditional medicine for their primary health needs15. The high use of medicinal plants can be explained by the fact that they are easily available, inexpensive, and have few side effects16. The main plant parts used in herbal therapy include leaves, bark, roots, seeds17 while the main methods of preparation are infusion, decoction, and maceration18. These herbal remedies contain phytochemical substances such as alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids, steroids, tannins and carbohydrates19, which have therapeutic effects on the human body. People use a variety of medicinal plants to treat GI disorders such as diarrhea, stomachache, and dysentery20. For example, Psidium guajava is one of the most commonly used plants to treat diarrhea in the world. Various pharmacological and clinical tests have already showed its safety, which make it a good antidiarrheal candidate to study21,22. However, the major limitations of herbal medicines are the lack of efficiency and safety assessment, as well as a lack of definite and complete information about the composition of plant extracts used23. To validate the efficiency and the safety of herbal medicines, a systematic approach involving experimental and clinical validation is required and the approach should be supported by enough data from in vivo and in vitro studies.
To evaluate traditional remedies for their efficacy in the treatment of diarrhea, the use of mice and rats have been predominant in recent decades24,25. Due to the main advantages mentioned previously, i.e., ease of use, affordable, replicable, conserved absorptive and digestive functions between flies and mammals, we propose to use D. melanogaster as a model to evaluate the antidiarrheal activity of plants. The diarrheic phenotype in D. melanogaster can be characterized by several features, including increased abundance of fecal deposits, larger deposit sizes, a lighter coloration (less concentrated), and higher fecal material26. This phenotype can be quantified using various parameters: number of fecal deposits, total area of deposits, mean lightness, and total integrated optical density (IOD). Total IOD is defined as the total dye content of the deposit, meaning the total fecal material excreted27. Previously, an assay has been developed to analyze fecal deposits of D. melanogaster27,28. In this assay, the ultimate reader of dung (T.U.R.D.) was used as a fecal analysis tool, which allows to check for the number, size and lightness of fecal deposits and thus to monitor the intestinal physiology of the fruit flies. However, this method was never applied to evaluate the diarrheic phenotype in flies. The Ion Transport Peptide (ITP) gene is an important endocrine regulator of thirst and excretion and combines water homeostasis with feeding in D. melanogaster. In a recent study, it was shown that the speed of food transit throughout the GI tract and the frequency of defecation events were decreased by ITP over-expression and increased by ITP knockdown. The latter phenotype was described as diarrheic by the authors of this study29.
In this protocol, a modified version of the fecal deposit assay is employed to assess the effect of an antidiarrheal agent (i.e., guava leaf extract) on the gastrointestinal tract of D. melanogaster by using the ITPi strain as a diarrheic model. The overall goal of this method is: 1) to provide an easy and reliable method to evaluate the antidiarrheal effect of drugs and plant extracts, and 2) to allow the discovery of bioactive compounds responsible for the antidiarrheal effect in plant extracts by applying a bioactivity-guided approach.
1. Preparing plant extract
2. Preparing food medium
Figure 1: Demonstration of the experimental process for the fecal deposit test. (A) Image showing Petri dishes full of food medium. Make sure to have enough food in the Petri dish, so that no gaps will trap the flies and prevent them from moving. However, do not overload the Petri dish with food so that the surface can be covered evenly. (B) Image of the spatula as described in the protocol. (C) Image of the fecal deposit test as described in the protocol. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
3. Preparing flies
4. Fecal deposit test
5. Quantification of Petri dishes
Figure 2: Key steps in the process of analyzing the data from the fecal deposit test. (A) Screenshot showing the setting information of the scan application. (B) Images cropped using the Fiji application. Make sure that no artefacts and food residue are considered deposits. (C) Screenshot showing what it looks like when opening the Excel_merge-v4 application. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
6. Fecal deposits identification using the ultimate reader of dung open source software
NOTE: The introduction and usage of the ultimate reader of dung software can be found in Supplementary File 1.
The study presented here shows that the measurement of diarrhea in D. melanogaster can be achieved through the use of the fecal deposit assay. Significant differences between the phenotypes (diarrheic or not) can be determined by analyzing various parameters, including the number of fecal deposits, the total area of deposits, the mean area of deposits, the mean lightness, and the total integrated optical density (IOD), which is a measure of the total amount of dye present in the deposit and represents the total fecal material content excreted27.
The ITP gene knockdown in flies can induce a diarrheic phenotype, characterized by increased frequency of defecation, making them a suitable model for studying diarrhea29. In the context of this experiment, the ITPi strain (w1118; daughterless-GeneSwitch, UAS-ITPi /(CyO)) was employed and reared on a standard medium. Psidium guajava leaves extract was selected as the antidiarrheal intervention, given the widespread use of this plant in tropical regions to manage diarrhea. Crofelemer, an antidiarrheal agent, was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to provide symptomatic relief for non-infectious diarrhea in adult patients with HIV/AIDS undergoing antiretroviral therapy31. Crofelemer is an extract from the latex of Croton lechleri Müll.Arg. stem bark32. Loperamide is a synthetic drug used worldwide to treat diarrhea33. Both Crofelemer and Loperamide were used as potential positive controls.
The hypothesis was that feeding flies with P. guajava extract, Crofelemer, and Loperamide would reduce the diarrheic phenotype compared to those fed with normal food. To examine this hypothesis, a measurement of fecal deposits was performed in D. melanogaster by comparing several parameters between flies fed with normal food and those fed with P. guajava extract (1 g/100 mL), Crofelemer (1 g/100 mL), and Loperamide (10 mM). For the experiment setup, 6-7-days-old virgin females or males were used. Each Petri dish contained six flies, and six replicates were carried out. The flies were reared for 24 h, and then each group was analyzed. The student's t-test was used to compare the significant difference between the test group. The results demonstrate that the number of fecal deposits (Figure 3A), the total area of deposits (Figure 3B) and the total IOD (Figure 3C) exhibited significantly higher values in the normal food group compared to the P. guajava extract (1 g/ 100 mL) group, in both virgin females and males. Unfortunately, Loperamide did not show any effect in both genders (but it was already demonstrated that it acts as an antispasmodic agent in D. melanogaster)34 while Crofelemer had an effect on females only.
Figure 3: ITPi strain analysis. The ITPi strain was analyzed under four conditions: feeding on normal food, food supplemented with 1 g/100 mL P. guajava extract, 1 g/100 mL Crofelemer, and 10 mM Loperamide. The data are presented as mean ± SD of each condition in both females and males (for six replicates of two sides of a Petri dish). Statistical analysis was performed using a student's t-test comparing two groups. p-values are shown as follows: *: p < 0.05; **: p < 0.01; ***: p < 0.001, ****: p < 0.0001. (A) Number of fecal deposits of ITPi strain was compared in flies fed with food supplemented with 1 g/100 mL Crofelemer, 10 mM Loperamide, 1 g/100 mL P. guajava extract and in flies fed with normal food. Additionally, the difference in the number of fecal deposits between virgin females and males was also analyzed. In both groups, the number of fecal deposits was significantly higher in flies fed with normal food than those fed with 1 g/100 mL P. guajava extract. (B) Total area of fecal deposits of the ITPi strain was compared in flies fed with normal food and in flies fed with food supplemented with 1 g/100 mL P. guajava extract, 1 g/100 mL Crofelemer, and 10 mM Loperamide. In males and females, the total area of fecal deposits was significantly higher in flies fed with normal food than those fed with 1 g/100 mL P. guajava extract. (C) The difference in the total IOD of the ITPi strain was analyzed between flies fed on normal food and flies fed on food supplemented with 1 g/100 mL P. guajava extract, 1 g/100 mL Crofelemer, and 10 mM Loperamide. In males and females, the total IOD was significantly higher in flies fed with normal food than those fed with 1 g/100 mL P. guajava extract. Abbreviations: F = Female; M = Male; Crofe = Crofelemer; Lope = Loperamide; Nor food = Normal food; P. gua ext = Psidium guajava extract. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
To demonstrate that the reduced excretion observed in the P. guajava extract group is due to the extract's inhibitory effect and not to a reduced food consumption, we performed the direct intake estimation and tracking of solid food consumption (DIETS) method35. The results showed that there were no significant differences in food consumption between the drug-supplied groups and those without drugs, except for Loperamide in males, which caused flies to consume less food than normal (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Feeding assay. The feeding assay measured solid food consumption in flies. Flies were fed with four different mediums: 1 g/100 mL P. guajava extract, 1 g/100 mL Crofelemer, 10 mM Loperamide and normal food. Each group consisted of 20 flies with five replicates. The data are presented as mean ± SD of each condition in both females and males. Statistical analysis was performed using a student's t-test comparing two groups. p-values are shown as follows: *: p < 0.05; **: p < 0.01; ***: p < 0.001, ****: p < 0.0001. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
The fecal deposits and the feeding assay results showed that P. guajava extract is a reliable medicinal plant to treat diarrhea in fruit flies.
Supplementary Figure 1:T.U.R.D. opening window. Please click here to download this File.
Supplementary Figure 2: T.UR.D. window with settings to be adjusted. Please click here to download this File.
Supplementary Figure 3: T.U.R.D. window with an annotated image. Please click here to download this File.
Supplementary Figure 4: T.U.R.D. window presenting each detected spot from an image already processed. Please click here to download this File.
Supplementary Figure 5: T.U.R.D. window presenting each processed image. Please click here to download this File.
Supplementary Figure 6: T.U.R.D. window showing the process to export the data for each group. Please click here to download this File.
Supplementary File 1: Quick guideline for using the T.U.R.D. software. Please click here to download this File.
Supplementary Table 1: Example of the final spreadsheets ready for analysis. Please click here to download this File.
Supplementary Coding File 1: Application for merging spreadsheets. Please click here to download this File.
D. melanogaster has been widely accepted as a model for various biological processes due to the similarity in genes between D. melanogaster and humans36. The use of D. melanogaster as a model to study the intestinal tract is prevalent and the application of T.U.R.D. has been used to estimate the number, area, and amount of fecal deposits. However, the phenotypic detection method has not been used to assess the diarrhea in fruit flies. Therefore, this protocol introduces a new method to roughly assess the presence of diarrhea by detecting the fecal deposits.
Fecal deposits are an essential indicator of intestinal tract function and health37. In this context, a method is proposed for rearing D. melanogaster on drug-contained medium to investigate various parameters of fecal deposits. By monitoring the number of deposits, it is possible to determine the frequency of defecation and assess whether a drug has any impact on the intestinal transit. The total area of the deposits can be measured to evaluate the concentration and dilution of fecal matter, which is an important factor in determining the overall health of the intestinal tract. In addition, the total integrated optical density (IOD) can be used to detect the total amount of fecal material present in the deposits. This protocol provides an efficient method to screen and evaluate drugs as well as plant extracts that affect the intestinal tract. When D. melanogaster is used as a model organism, it is possible to assess the efficacy of potential drugs, which can help accelerate the drug discovery process. By applying this method on plant extracts, researchers can help to validate their use as antidiarrheal agents.
There are several critical steps to consider when using this protocol to study fecal deposits in D. melanogaster. Firstly, it is essential to calculate the mass required to achieve the desired concentration of the drug in the medium. Moreover, it is important to ensure good preparation condition when adding the drug to the medium, as high temperatures can degrade the drug and affect its potency. Second, the selection of female flies is important in this protocol. It is important to use virgin female flies to avoid the differences in fecal output between virgin and mated females. For example, the spots produced by virgin females are more circular than mated females, and mated females tend to excrete more fecal material than virgin females27,28. Therefore, it is recommended to collect flies before 8 h of eclosion to ensure that all females collected are virgins. Additionally, the tested flies should be strong and healthy, as their health can influence food intake and fecal output. For example, flies having an anormal shape of wings may have difficulty getting the food. Finally, to use T.U.R.D. successfully, the block size (pixels) and offset settings are crucial. Due to the difference in the light contrast of the images, it may be necessary to try different settings to achieve the best possible identification of fecal deposits.
Although the method presented is effective, there are several limitations. One is the accuracy of the drug concentration in the medium. As the medium is heated during preparation, some water may evaporate, which can affect the concentration of the drug. Another limitation is the scanning of the Petri dishes. Some parts of the Petri dishes (i.e., edges) are not scanned, and this could result in a miscalculation of the total fecal deposits. In addition, the flies do not produce the same amount of fecal deposits on the top and bottom covers of the Petri dishes. Because they tend to produce more deposits on the bottom cover, the standard deviation of the analysis between the top and bottom cover may be high, which may affect the accuracy of the results.
Using this protocol, researchers can study diarrhea in D. melanogaster. By modifying the drug-containing medium, this method can be used to screen antidiarrheal plants, which provides a novel approach to drug discovery. Traditional medicine and natural products have been used for centuries to treat different diseases, including gastrointestinal disorders. By using this protocol to evaluate the efficacy of plant extracts on fecal deposits, potential new treatments for intestinal tract disorders can be identified and a scientific rationale for their use as antidiarrheal agents can be provided. This approach can provide a valuable contribution to the field of drug discovery and ethnopharmacology.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We thank Dr. Martina Gáliková for providing us with the Drosophila strains. We are grateful to the Michelle Crozatier-Borde and Marc Haenlin team for giving feedback on our study and helping us improve our model. We would like to thank Napo Pharmaceuticals Company for providing us the drug Crofelemer. The authors are also thankful to the guest editor Dr. Hugues Petitjean for providing us with the opportunity to publish this protocol. This study was funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) under the project ANR-22-CE03-0001-01.
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Chemical & Food medium | |||
Agar | Sigma Aldrich | A7002 | 5 Kg bucket |
Bromophenol blue | Sigma Aldrich | 34725-61-6 | B5525-25G |
Corn flour | Nature et Cie | *910007 | 25 Kg bag |
Crofelemer | Napo pharmaceuticals | - | - |
Ethanol 96% | - | - | - |
Loperamide | Sigma Aldrich | L4762 | 5 grams |
Moldex | VWR | 1.06757.5000 | 5 Kg bag |
Propionic acid | Dutscher | 409553-CER | 1 Liter bottle |
Sugar | Pomona EpiSaveurs | 52705 | 1 Kg bag |
Yeast | Dutscher | 789195 | 10 Kg bag |
Materials | |||
Beaker | DWK LIFE SCIENCE | - | 250 mL |
Centrifugation tube | Eppendorf | 30119401 | Eppendorf tubes 5.0 mL |
CO2 tank | - | - | - |
Erlen Meyer flask | - | - | 500 mL (for extraction) |
Filter paper grade | Whatman | - | 3 mm chr. |
Flowbuddy socle | Genesis | - | - |
Flugs Narrow Plastic vials | Genesis | 49-102 | - |
Flystuff Blow gun | Genesis | - | - |
Flystuff Ultimate Flypad | Genesis | - | - |
Flystuff Foot pedal | Genesis | - | - |
Forceps | Dumostar | 11295-51 | - |
Graduated cylinder | - | - | 100 mL |
Inox spatula | - | - | - |
Micropipette | Eppendorf | 4924000088 | Eppendorf Reference 2 |
Micropipette tip | Eppendorf | 30000919 | epT.I.P.S. Standard |
Narrow Drosophila vials | Genesis | 32-120 | - |
Paintbrush | - | - | - |
Petri dish | Greiner | 628162 | Size: 60 x 15mm |
Round-bottom flask | - | - | 500 mL (for evaporation) |
Thermometer | Avantor | 620-0916 | |
Whisk | - | - | - |
Equipments | |||
Chiller | HUBER | Minichiller | - |
Heating bath | BÜCHI | B-490 | - |
Heating plate | BIOBLOCK SCIENTIFIC | - | Magnetic stirrer hot plate |
Incubator | Memmert | - | HPP110eco |
Rotary evaporator | BÜCHI | R-200 | - |
Scanner | Epson | V850 pro | - |
Shaker | Edmund Bühle | KS 10 | - |
Stereomicroscope binocular | Zeiss | Stemi 305 | - |
Vacuum pump | VACUUBRAND | PC500 series | - |
Vortex mixer | Sigma Aldrich | CLS6776-1EA | Corning LSE vortex mixers |
Weighing scale | OHAUS Scout | SKX622 | - |
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