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In this protocol, we describe a method for simultaneous collection of fetal brain tissue as well as high-quality, non-hemolyzed serum from the same mouse embryo. We have utilized this technique to interrogate how maternal dietary exposure affects macronutrient profiles and fetal neurodevelopment in mice heterozygous for Nf1 (Neurofibromatosis Type 1).


Maternal diet-induced obesity has been demonstrated to alter neurodevelopment in offspring, which may lead to reduced cognitive capacity, hyperactivity, and impairments in social behavior. Patients with the clinically heterogeneous genetic disorder Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) may present with similar deficits, but it is currently unclear whether environmental factors such as maternal diet influence the development of these phenotypes, and if so, the mechanism by which such an effect would occur. To enable evaluation of how maternal obesogenic diet exposure affects systemic factors relevant to neurodevelopment in NF1, we have developed a method to simultaneously collect non-hemolyzed serum and whole or regionally micro-dissected brains from fetal offspring of murine dams fed a control diet versus a high-fat, high-sucrose diet. Brains were processed for cryosectioning or flash frozen to use for subsequent RNA or protein isolation; the quality of the collected tissue was verified by immunostaining. The quality of the serum was verified by analyzing macronutrient profiles. Using this technique, we have identified that maternal obesogenic diet increases fetal serum cholesterol similarly between WT and Nf1-heterozygous pups.


Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) is considered a RASopathy, a group of disorders characterized by germline genetic mutations resulting in activation of the RAS/MAPK (RAt Sarcoma virus/Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase) signaling pathway. Patients with the NF1 RASopathy are at risk for developing many different manifestations, including both benign and malignant tumors of the central (optic pathway glioma1,2, high-grade glioma3,4) and peripheral (plexiform neurofibroma5,6, malignant peripheral nerv....


All animal procedures in this study followed NIH guidelines and were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Washington University in St. Louis. Animals were housed with standard 12 h light:dark cycling and free access to food and water.

1. Maternal diet

  1. Place female mice on control chow (CD) or obesogenic diet (Ob) at 4 weeks of age.
  2. At 8-12 weeks of age, set up timed mating by monitoring the mucus plug of the dam in the early morning to determine the correct collection age. To verify diet-induced obesity, weigh females at mating.
    NOTE: A range of 8-12 weeks was used for ....

Representative Results

To illustrate the quality of brain tissue obtained via this technique, we show sample fetal brains from Nestin-CFPnuc mice35, immunostained for GFAP per a previously reported technique32. Nestin+ cells are seen lining the lateral ventricle (Figure 2A), with GFAP+ filaments extending from the surface. We did not observe differences between Nestin or GFAP expression in the lateral ventricle of CD versus Ob-exposed mice in ei.......


Traditional methods for collecting blood from mice include retrobulbar, tail vein, saphenous vein, facial vein, and jugular vein bleeding40,41,42. Unfortunately, these methods are not ideal for embryonic blood collection due to the size of the animal and small, delicate vasculature. Collection of blood via gravity-aided drainage after decapitation led to both low collection volumes and significant hemolysis in our samples. Previ.......


The authors do not have any conflicts of interest.


N Brossier is supported by the Francis S. Collins Scholars Program in Neurofibromatosis Clinical and Translational Research funded by the Neurofibromatosis Therapeutic Acceleration Program (NTAP, Grant # 210112). This publication was supported in part by funding from the NTAP at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Additional support by the St. Louis Children's Hospital (FDN-2022-1082 to NMB) and the Washington University in St. Louis Diabetes Research Core (NIH P30 DK020579). Microscopy was p....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
#5/45 ForcepsDumont 11251-35tip shape: angled 45°
4200 TapestationAgilentG2991BAVerify RNA integrity and quality, measurement of RIN values
Benchtop Liquid Nitrogen ContainerThermo Fisher2122Or other cryo-safe container
Control ChowPicoLab5053Research diets D12328 (low-fat, low-sugar) may also be used.
Curved ForcepsCole ParmerUX-10818-25Tip shape: curved 90°
Dissecting blade handleCole-Parmer Essentials10822-20SS Siegel-Type, #10 to #15 blades
EMS SuperCut Dissection ScissorsElectron microscope sciences72996-015½" (139.7 mm), Straight
GFAP AntibodyAbcamab7260Dilute 1:350. Block with 10% serum containing 0.3 M Glycine.
Glassvan Carbon Steel Surgical Blades, Size 11MYCO medical2001T-11#11 blades allow straight, flat cut
Micro lab spoonAz ScilabA2Z-VL001stainless steel, autoclavable
Micro scissorsRubis78180-1C3model 1C300
Minivette POCT neutralSarstedt17.2111.050nominal volume: 50 µL, without preparation
NanoropThermo Fisher13-400-519Measure RNA concentration, 260/280 ratios
Obesogenic dietResearchdiets.comD12331High-fat, high-sucrose
Total Cholesterol ReagentThermo FisherTR13421Colorimetric detection
β-actin antibodyCell Signaling8457Dilute 1:1,000.


  1. Listernick, R., Darling, C., Greenwald, M., Strauss, L., Charrow, J. Optic pathway tumors in children: the effect of neurofibromatosis type 1 on clinical manifestations and natural history. J Pediatr. 127 (5), 718-722 (1995).
  2. Fisher, M. J., et al.

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Maternal DietNeurodevelopmentNeurofibromatosis Type 1Fetal BrainFetal SerumHigh fat High sucrose DietTissue CollectionImmunostainingMacronutrient Profile

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