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Here, we present an experimental evolution protocol for adaptation in thermophiles utilizing low-cost, energy-efficient bench-top thermomixers as incubators. The technique is demonstrated through the characterization of temperature adaptation in Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, an archaeon with an optimal growth temperature of 75 °C.


The archaeon Sulfolobus acidocaldarius has emerged as a promising thermophilic model system. Investigating how thermophiles adapt to changing temperatures is a key requirement, not only for understanding fundamental evolutionary processes but also for developing S. acidocaldarius as a chassis for bioengineering. One major obstacle to conducting experimental evolution with thermophiles is the expense of equipment maintenance and energy usage of traditional incubators for high-temperature growth. To address this challenge, a comprehensive experimental protocol for conducting experimental evolution in S. acidocaldarius is presented, utilizing low-cost and energy-efficient bench-top thermomixers. The protocol involves a batch culture technique with relatively small volumes (1.5 mL), enabling tracking of adaptation in multiple independent lineages. This method is easily scalable through the use of additional thermomixers. Such an approach increases the accessibility of S. acidocaldarius as a model system by reducing both initial investment and ongoing costs associated with experimental investigations. Moreover, the technique is transferable to other microbial systems for exploring adaptation to diverse environmental conditions.


Early life on Earth may have originated in extreme environments, such as hydrothermal vents, which are characterized by extremely high temperatures and acidity1. Microbes continue to inhabit extreme environments, including hot springs and volcanic solfatara. Characterizing the evolutionary dynamics that occur under these extreme conditions may shed light on the specialized physiological processes that enable survival under these conditions. This may have wide-ranging implications, from our understanding of the origins of biological diversity to the development of novel high-temperature enzymes with biotechnological applications.


1. Preparation of S. acidocaldarius growth medium (BBM+)

NOTE: To cultivate S. acidocaldarius, this protocol uses Basal Brock Medium (BBM+)23. This is prepared by first combining the inorganic stock solutions outlined below to create BBM, which may be prepared in advance. BBM+ is then prepared as needed by adding the organic stock solutions to BBM. Stock solution recipes are also presented in Table 1. All media and stock solutions should be prepared in double-distilled H2O (ddH2

Representative Results

Growth curve measurements
Growth curves for S. acidocaldarius DSM639 are shown in Figure 3A. Growth was found to be similar when comparing incubation using thermomixers with that in conventional incubators. Average growth rate parameters were estimated by fitting a logistic curve to each replicated growth curve and calculating the mean and standard error. Times to mid-exponential phase on the thermomixer and incubator were 27.2 h ± 1.1 h and 31.1 h ±.......


This work has developed an experimental evolution protocol for thermophiles, here tailored for the archaeon S. acidocaldarius, but adaptable to other microbes with high-temperature growth requirements. This protocol builds on techniques initially designed for mesophilic bacteria but is specifically modified to overcome the technical challenges associated with high-temperature aerobic growth2,4,5,


The authors do not declare any conflicts of interest.


The authors thank Prof SV Albers (University of Freiburg), Prof Eveline Peeters (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), and Dr Rani Baes (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) for advice and the S. acidocaldarius DSM639 strain. This work was funded by a Royal Society Research Grant (awarded to DRG: RGS\R1\231308), a UKRI-NERC "Exploring the Frontiers" Research Grant (awarded to DRG and CGK: NE/X012662/1), and a Kuwait University PhD scholarship (awarded to ZA).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.22 μm syringe-driven membrane filtersStarLabE4780-1226For filter sterilising media components that cannot be autoclaved.
1 μL inoculation loopsGreiner731161, 731165, or 731101For inoculating cultures. Other loops can be used.
1000 μL pipette tipsStarLabS1111-6811Other pipette tips can be used.
2 mL microcentrifuge tubesStarLabS1620-2700For culturing S. acidocaldarius in thermomixers.
200 μL pipette tipsStarLabS1111-0816Other pipette tips can be used.
50 mL polystyrene tubes with conical bottomCorning430828 or 430829Other tubes may be used. Check performance at 75 °C. Tubes with plug seal caps may not allow sufficient aeration; check before using. 
50 mL syringeBD plastipak300865For use with syringe-driven filters.
96 well microtitre plates (non-treated, flat bottom)Nunc260860For measuring OD at 600 nm in spectrophotometer.
Adjustable width multichannel pipettePipet-LiteLA8-300XLSOptional, but saves time when transferring between microcentrifuge and 96 well plates.
Ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4)Millipore168355For Brock stock solution I.
AutoclavePriorclaveB60-SMART or SV100-BASEOther autoclaves can also be used.
Breathe-EASY gas permeable sealing membraneSigma-AldrichZ763624-100EACut to size to use on pierced microcentrifuge tubes. If substituting other gas permeable memrbanes, ensure performance is adequate at 75 °C
Calcium chloride dihydrate (CaCl2·2H2O)Sigma-AldrichC3306For Brock stock solution I.
CELLSTAR Six well plates (suspension/non-treated)GreinerM9062Other manufacturers' six well plates can likely be substituted. Check performance at high temperatures.
Cobalt(II) sulfate heptahydrate (CoSO4·7H2O)Supelco1025560100For Trace element stock solution.
Copper(II) chloride dihydrate (CuCl2·2H2O)Sigma-Aldrich307483For Trace element stock solution.
D-(+)-glucose anhydrous (C6H12O6)Thermo Scientific Chemicals11462858Other pentose and hexose sugars may also be used (e.g. D-xylose, D-arabinose). Glucose is not a preferred carbon source for S. acidocaldarius (SV Albers, personal communication)
Double-distilled water (ddH2O)
GelriteDuchefa BiochemieG1101.1000Gelrite (gellan gum) is used in place of agar to make solid media due to its higher melting point.
Glass 100 mm Petri dishesBrandBR455742Glass Petri dishes are used because most standard polystyrene 90 mm Petri dishes deform at 75 °C (brand-dependent). Alternatively, six well plates can be used as these do not deform at high temperatures.
IncubatorNew BrunswickInnnova 42ROther incubators can also be used. Check the operating temperature for equipment prior to purchase/use, as many incubators are not capable of temperatures higher than 65°C.
Iron(III) chloride hexahydrate (FeCl3·6H2O)Supelco103943For Fe Stock Solution
Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate (Epsom salt) (MgSO4·7H2O)Sigma-Aldrich230391For Brock stock solution I.
Manganese(II) chloride tetrahydrate (MnCl2·4H2O)Sigma-AldrichSIALM5005-100GFor Trace element stock solution.
Mini Smart Wi-Fi Socket, Energy MonitoringTapoTapo P110To monitor energy consumtion 
N-Z-Amine A - Casein enzymatic hydrolysate Sigma-AldrichC0626-500GN-Z-Amine-A is used as a source of amino acids.
Paper clip (or other sturdy wire)nonenoneFor piercing 2 mL microcentrifuge tubes.
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate (Monopotassium phosphate) (KH2PO4)Sigma-AldrichP0662For Brock stock solution I.
Promega Wizard Genomic DNA Purification KitPromegaA1120Optional, to extract genomic DNA in the lab
Sodium molybdate dihydrate (Na2MoO4·2H2O)Sigma-AldrichM1651-100GFor Trace element stock solution.
Sodium tetraborate decahydrate (Borax) (Na2B4O7·10H2O)Sigma-AldrichS9640For Trace element stock solution.
SpectrophotometerBMGSPECTROstar OMEGAFor measuring OD at 600 nm. Other spectrophotometers that can read OD at 600 nm can be used.
Sulfuric acid (Diluted in a 1:1 ratio with water) (H2SO4)Thermo Scientific Chemicals11337588Used to adjust pH of Brock stock solution II/III to a final pH of 2–3.
ThermomixerDLabHM100-ProOther thermomixers can also be used; key consideration is the ability to maintain 65–75 °C temperatures and 400 RPM
Uracil (C4H4N2O2)Sigma-AldrichU0750Deletion of pyrE is a common genetic marker used in S. acidocaldarius. Deletion strains must be supplemented with uracil for growth. Supplementation is not strictly required for the DSM639 wild-type strain, but is included here as future experiments may involve deletion strains.
Vanadyl sulfate dihydrate (VOSO4·2H2O)Sigma-Aldrich204862For Trace element stock solution.
Zinc sulfate heptahydrate (ZnSO4·7H2O)Sigma-Aldrich221376For Trace element stock solution.


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  2. Buckling, A., Craig Maclean, R., Brockhurst, M. A., Colegrave, N. The Beagle in a bottle. Nature. 457 (7231), 824-829 (2009).
  3. Lenski, ....

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Sulfolobus AcidocaldariusThermophileExperimental EvolutionAdaptationThermomixerBioengineeringBatch CultureModel SystemEnergy efficient

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