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In This Article

  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
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  • Acknowledgements
  • Materials
  • References
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The protocol presented in this study illustrates the effectiveness of the cAMP Difference Detector In Situ in measuring cAMP through two methods. One method utilizes a 96-well plate reading spectrophotometer with HEK-293 cells. The other method demonstrates individual HASM cells under a fluorescent microscope.


cAMP Difference Detector In Situ (cADDis) is a novel biosensor that allows for the continuous measurement of cAMP levels in living cells. The biosensor is created from a circularly permuted fluorescent protein linked to the hinge region of Epac2. This creates a single fluorophore biosensor that displays either increased or decreased fluorescence upon binding of cAMP. The biosensor exists in red and green upward versions, as well as green downward versions, and several red and green versions targeted to subcellular locations. To illustrate the effectiveness of the biosensor, the green downward version, which decreases in fluorescence upon cAMP binding, was used. Two protocols using this sensor are demonstrated: one utilizing a 96-well plate reading spectrophotometer compatible with high-throughput screening and another utilizing single-cell imaging on a fluorescent microscope. On the plate reader, HEK-293 cells cultured in 96-well plates were stimulated with 10 µM forskolin or 10 nM isoproterenol, which induced rapid and large decreases in fluorescence in the green downward version. The biosensor was used to measure cAMP levels in individual human airway smooth muscle (HASM) cells monitored under a fluorescent microscope. The green downward biosensor displayed similar responses to populations of cells when stimulated with forskolin or isoproterenol. This single-cell assay allows visualization of the biosensor location at 20x and 40x magnification. Thus, this cAMP biosensor is sensitive and flexible, allowing real-time measurement of cAMP in both immortalized and primary cells, and with single cells or populations of cells. These attributes make cADDis a valuable tool for studying cAMP signaling dynamics in living cells.


Adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate, cAMP, plays a central role in cellular communication and the coordination of various physiological processes. cAMP acts as a second messenger, relaying external signals from hormones, neurotransmitters, or other extracellular molecules to initiate a cascade of intracellular events1. Moreover, cAMP is intricately involved in various signaling pathways, including those associated with G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and adenylyl cyclases. Understanding the role of cAMP in cellular signaling is fundamental to unraveling the complex mechanisms that underlie normal cellular functions and the deve....


The details of all the reagents and equipment used for the study are listed in the Table of Materials.

1. Plate reading spectrophotometer high-throughput assay

  1. Seeding HEK-293 cells with the cADDis BacMam vector in a 96-well plate (Day 1)
    1. Split and infect cells in a viral hood.
      1. Warm HEK media (Table 1) and 0.25% trypsin-EDTA in a 37 °C water bath.
      2. Disinfect the hood and the materials by wiping them with EtOH-soaked tissues.
      3. Remove and discard HEK media from the flask with a serological pipette.
      4. Add 5 mL of Mg

Representative Results

The present study validated the cytosolic biosensor in both plate reader and microscope assays. Once cells expressed the biosensor, they were stimulated with either 10 µM forskolin (a direct activator of adenylyl cyclase), 10 nM isoproterenol (an agonist at ß1AR and ß2AR), or vehicle (Figure 1). The subsequent changes in fluorescence, indicative of cAMP production, were captured every 30 s.

The data was transformed as the chang.......


Accurate and sensitive measurement of cAMP is crucial for understanding its role in various cellular processes and for studying the activity of cAMP-dependent signaling pathways. There are several methods commonly employed to measure cAMP levels, including ELISA, radioimmunoassay, FRET biosensors, and the GloSensor cAMP assay14,15,16,17,18. Each cAMP assay has.......


The authors have no competing financial interests.


This study was supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) (HL169522).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
96-well plate (clear)Fisherbrand21-377-203
35 mm dishGreiner Bio-One627870Cell culture dishes with glass bottom
96-well plate Corning3904Black with clear flat bottom
Antibiotic-Antimycotic (100x)Gibco15240062For HEK and HASM media
BZ-X fluorescence microscopeKeyence
Calcium chloride (IM)Quality Biological IncE506For HASM media
Centrifuge tube (15 mL)Thermo Scientific339651
DMEM (1x)Gibco11965092HEK media
DPBS with Mg2+ and Ca2+ Gibco14040-133
DPBS without Mg2+ and Ca2+Corning14040-133
Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS)R&D systemsS11195For HEK and HASM media
Green Down cADDis cAMP Assay KitMontana Molecular#D0200GReagent
Ham's F-12K Gibco21127022For HASM media
HEPES (1M)Gibco15630080For HASM media
L-glutamine 200 mM (100x)Gibco25030-081For HASM media
Microcentrifuge tube (2 mL)Eppendorf22363352
PrimocinInvitrogenant-pm-1Antibiotic for HASM media
RNAse awayThermo Scientific700511Reagent
Sodium hydroxide solutionSigmaS2770For HASM media
Spectrmax M5 plate readerMolecular Devices
Trichostatin ATCI AmericaT2477Reagent
Trypsin EDTAGibco25200-056Reagent


  1. Krishna, G., Weiss, B., Brodie, B. B. A simple, sensitive method for the assay of adenyl cyclase. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 163 (2), 379-385 (1968).
  2. Post, S. R., Ostrom, R. S., Insel, P. A. Biochemical me....

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CAMP BiosensorCADDisEpac2Fluorescent ProteinCAMP DynamicsReal time MeasurementHEK 293 CellsHASM Cells96 well PlateFluorescent MicroscopyHigh throughput ScreeningCAMP Signaling

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