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  • Protocol
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This protocol outlines the procedure for rapidly dissociating human and mouse tumor samples for single-cell RNA sequencing.


Human tumor samples hold a plethora of information about their microenvironment and immune repertoire. Effective dissociation of human tissue samples into viable cell suspensions is a required input for the single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) pipeline. Unlike bulk RNA sequencing approaches, scRNAseq enables us to infer the transcriptional heterogeneity in tumor specimens at the single-cell level. Incorporating this approach in recent years has led to many discoveries, such as identifying immune and tumor cellular states and programs associated with clinical responses to immunotherapies and other types of treatments. Moreover, single-cell technologies applied to dissociated tissues can be used to identify accessible chromatin regions T and B cell receptor repertoire, and the expression of proteins, using DNA barcoded antibodies (CITEseq).

The viability and quality of the dissociated sample are critical variables when using these technologies, as these can dramatically affect the cross-contamination of single cells with ambient RNA, the quality of the data, and interpretation. Moreover, long dissociation protocols can lead to the elimination of sensitive cell populations and the upregulation of a stress response gene signature. To overcome these limitations, we devised a rapid universal dissociation protocol, which has been validated on multiple types of human and murine tumors. The process begins with mechanical and enzymatic dissociation, followed by filtration, red blood lysis, and live dead enrichment, suitable for samples with a low input of cells (e.g., needle core biopsies). This protocol ensures a clean and viable single-cell suspension paramount to the successful generation of Gel Bead-In Emulsions (GEMs), barcoding, and sequencing.


Although many advancements in cancer research have led to the development and FDA approval of agents targeting inhibitory receptors expressed on immune and tumor cells, known as checkpoint blockade inhibitors, therapy resistance and identifying mechanisms that drive patient response remain challenging1. The complex challenge of characterizing tumor heterogeneity on its molecular diversity and the intricate interplay between tumor cells and the immune microenvironment necessitates new approaches to dissect this complex ecosystem at the single-cell resolution. Understanding the molecular intricacies within tumors and their microenvironments is pi....


This study complied with all institutional guidelines regarding human tissue sampling. Informed consent was received from patients, and identifiable sample data was anonymized. Samples are collected in the operation room, placed in a solution of RPMI, saline, or PBS, and confirmed cancerous via the pathology department before use in research. All steps, except when indicated, should be carried out at 4 °C or on ice. Work inside a biosafety hood when processing human tissue. See the Table of Materials for details on all materials, reagents, and instruments used in this protocol.

1. Obtaining the sample


A melanoma biopsy suspended in RPMI was obtained and immediately placed on ice. The sample was transferred into a 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube containing 420 µL of RPMI and digestion enzymes, minced into small pieces using scissors, and subjected to subsequent enzymatic digestion for 15 min in a 37 ˚C vertically positioned thermal mixer (Figure 1). Following digestion, the sample was filtered through a 50 µm sterile disposable filter, and the filter was washed with fresh RPMI t.......


This protocol describes human or murine tumor samples dissociation into a single-cell suspension for scRNA sequencing using the 10x Genomics microfluidic system. In processing tissues that often come from rare cancers or are part of ongoing clinical trials or long experiments for murine tumors, the sample must be optimally and carefully preserved between all steps. All steps should be carried out rapidly on ice or at 4 ˚C to keep the native cellular RNA profiles and prevent degradation, as working at room temperatur.......


M.S-F. received funding from Bristol Myers-Squibb, Istari Oncology, and was a consultant for Galvazine Therapeutics.


This study was supported by the Adelson Medical Research Foundation (AMRF), the Melanoma Research Alliance (MRA), and U54CA224068. Figure 1, Figure 4, and Figure 5 were created with BioRender.com.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1x PBSCorning21-040-CV
10 mL serological pipetteCorning357551
1000 μL low-retention pipette tipsRainin30389213
1000 μL low-retention wide pipette tipsRainin30389218
1000 μL pipette tipsRainin30389212
10x Magnetic Separator10x Genomics120250
15 mL conical tubesCorning430052
2 mL aspirating pipetteCorning357558
20 μL low-retention pipette tipsRainin30389226
20 μL pipette tipsRainin30389225
200 μL low-retention pipette tipsRainin30389240
200 μL pipette tipsRainin30389239
50 mL Polypropylene Conical TubeFalcon352098
60 x 15 mm Tissue Culture DishFalcon353004
ACK Lysing BufferGibcoA10492-1
BD 1 mL syringeBecton, Dickinson and Company3090659
Bright-Line HemocytometerHausser Scientific551660
Calcium Chloride SolutionSigma Aldrich2115-100ML
Cell Ranger 10x GenomicsN/Ahttps://www.10xgenomics.com/support/software/cell-ranger/latest
Cell counting slides for TC20 cell counterBio-Rad1450015
CellTrics 30μm sterile disposable filtersSysmex04-004-2326
CellTrics 50μm sterile disposable filtersSysmex04-004-2327
Dead Cell removal Kit Miltenyi Biotec130-090-101Store at -20 °C; kit 2
Dissecting Forceps, Fine TipVWR82027-386
DNA LoBind Microcentrifuge tubes, 1.5 mLEppendorf22431021
EasySepTM Dead Cell Removal
(Annexin V) Kit
STEMCELL Technologies17899Store at 4 °C; Kit 1
Eppendorf centrifuge 5425REppendorf5406000640
Eppendorf centrifuge 5910REppendorf2231000657
Eppendorf Easypet 3 Electronic Pipette controllerEppendorfEP4430000018
Eppendorf Thermomixer F1.5 Model 5384EppendorfEP5384000012
FBSGibco26140-079Store at 4 °C, use in a Biological hood
German Stainless ScissorsFine Science Tools14568-12
Leica Dmi1 MicroscopeLeica Microsystems454793
LS ColumnMiltenyi Biotec130-042-401
MACS MultistandMiltenyi Biotec130-042-303
Pipet-Lite LTS Pipette L-1000XLS+Rainin17014382
Pipet-Lite LTS Pipette L-200XLS+Rainin17014391
Pipet-Lite LTS Pipette L-20XLS+Rainin17014392
Quadro MACS MagnetMiltenyi Biotec130-091-051
RPMI Medium 1640 (1x)Gibco21870-076Store at 4 °C
TempAssure 0.2 mL PCR 8-Tube stripsUSA Scientific1402-4700
Trypan blue stain 0.4%Thermo Fisher ScientificT10282
Tumor Dissociation Kit, HumanMiltenyi Biotec130-095-929Store at -20 °C, prepare enzymes according to kit instructions:
Reconstitute lyophilized Enzyme H vial in 3 mL of RPMI 1640
Reconstitute lyophilized Enzyme R vial in 2.7 mL of RPMI 1640
Reconstitute lyophilized Enzyme A vial in 1 mL of Buffer A supplied with the kit.
Tumor Dissociation Kit, MouseMiltenyi Biotec130-096-730Store at -20 °C, prepare enzymes according to kit instructions:
Reconstitute lyophilized Enzyme D vial in 3 mL of RPMI 1640
Reconstitute lyophilized Enzyme R vial in 2.7 mL of RPMI 1640
Reconstitute lyophilized Enzyme A vial in 1 mL of Buffer A supplied with the kit.
UltraPure Distilled WaterInvitrogen10977-015Store at 4 °C


  1. Liu, C., Yang, M., Zhang, D., Chen, M., Zhu, D. Clinical cancer immunotherapy: Current progress and prospects. Front Immunol. 13, 961805 (2022).
  2. Baghban, R., et al. Tumor microenvironment complexity and therapeutic i....

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DissociationHuman Tumor SamplesMouse Tumor SamplesSingle cell RNA SequencingScRNAseqTranscriptional HeterogeneityImmune RepertoireCellular StatesImmunotherapiesCITEseqViable Cell SuspensionsDissociation ProtocolMechanical DissociationEnzymatic DissociationGel Bead In Emulsions GEMsBarcodingSequencing

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