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This work explains how to transform yeast mitochondria using a biolistic method. We also show how to select and purify the transformants and how to introduce the desired mutation in the target position within the mitochondrial genome.


Baker´s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been widely used to understand mitochondrial biology for decades. This model has provided knowledge about essential, conserved mitochondrial pathways among eukaryotes, and fungi or yeast-specific pathways. One of the many abilities of S. cerevisiae is the capacity to manipulate the mitochondrial genome, which so far is only possible in S. cerevisiae and the unicellular algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The biolistic transformation of yeast mitochondria allows us to introduce site-directed mutations, make gene rearrangements, and introduce reporters. These approaches are mainly used to understand the mechanisms of two highly coordinated processes in mitochondria: translation by mitoribosomes and assembly of respiratory complexes and ATP synthase. However, mitochondrial transformation can potentially be used to study other pathways. In the present work, we show how to transform yeast mitochondria by high-velocity microprojectile bombardment, select and purify the intended transformant, and introduce the desired mutation in the mitochondrial genome.


The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a widely recognized model used to study mitochondrial biogenesis. Since yeast is an anaerobic, facultative organism, it is possible to extensively study the causes and consequences of introducing mutations that impair respiration. In addition, this organism possesses friendly genetic and biochemical tools to study mitochondrial pathways. However, one of the most powerful resources to explore the mechanisms of respiratory complex assembly and mitochondrial protein synthesis is the ability to transform mitochondria and modify the organelle's genome. Previously, it has been helpful to introduce in the mitochondrial DNA (....


NOTE: We recommend making six transformations for each construct since mitochondrial transformation efficiency is usually low. The composition of the different growth media is shown in Table 2.

1. Tungsten particle preparation

  1. Weigh 30 mg of 0.7 µm tungsten particles (WPs, microcarriers) in a microtube. Add 1.5 mL of 70% ethanol (EtOH) to sterilize. Vortex the WPs and let them rest for 10 min at room temperature.
  2. Centrifuge at 13,200 x g for 15 min at room temperature. Wash the WPs by adding 1.5 mL of sterile water to the particles, vortexing them, and centrifuging at 13,....


This section presents some representative results from the different stages of mitochondrial transformation. Figure 6 shows a bombardment procedure. The synthetic rho- cells carried a bacterial plasmid with the reporter gene ARG8m, which will replace the coding sequence of a mitochondrial gene (Figure 6A). After bombardment, the plate was replicated on a medium lacking uracil (-URA); this is the master plate (


The present work described how to transform mitochondria from the yeast S. cerevisiae successfully. The process, from high-velocity microprojectile bombardment until purification of the intended yeast strain, takes ~8-12 weeks, depending on how many rounds of purification of the synthetic rho- strain are necessary. Some of the critical steps of the method are as follows. First, the larger the flanking regions added around the mutation site in the mitochondrial gene construct, the higher the probabilit.......


The authors do not have any conflicts of interest to disclose.


This publication was supported by Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica (PAPIIT), UNAM [IN223623 to XP-M]. UPD is a CONAHCYT fellow (CVU:883299). We want to thank Dr. Ariann Mendoza-Martínez for technical help with the light microscope images. Biorender licenses: DU26OMVLUU (Figure 2); BK26TH9GXH (Figure 3); GD26TH80R5 (Figure 4); PU26THARYD (Figure 7); ML26THAIFG (Figure 9).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1 mL pipette tipsAxygenT-1000-B
1.5 mL MicrotubeAxygenMCT-150-C
10 μL pipette tipsAxygenT-10-C
15 mL conical bottom tube AxygenSCT-25ML-25-S
200 μL pipette tipsAxygenT-200-Y
50 mL conical bottom  tubeAxygenSCT-50ML-25-S
AfiIINew England BioLabsR0520S
Analytic balanceOHAUSARA520
Bacto agarBD214010
Bacto peptoneBD211677
Biolisitic Macrocarrier holder BIO-RAD1652322
Bunsen burnerVWR89038-528
Calcium chlorideFisher ScientificC79-500
CSM -ADEFormediumDCS0049
CSM -ARGFormediumDCS0059
CSM -LEUFormediumDCS0099
CSM -URAFormediumDCS0169
Culture glass flaskKIMAX KIMBLE25615
Culture glass tubePyrex9820
EthanolJT Baker 9000
Glass beadsSigmaZ265926
Glass handleSigmaS4647
GlycerolJT BAKER2136-01
Helium tank grade 5 (99.99 %)--
NdeINew England BioLabsR0111L
Orbital shakerNew Brunswick scientificNB-G25
PCR tubesAxygenPCR-02-C
PDS-1000/He TM Biolistic Particle Delivery SystemBIO-RAD165-2257
Petri dishes (100X10)BD252777
QIAprep Spin MiniprepQiagen27106
Replica platerSciencewareZ363391
Rupture discs 1350 PsiBIO-RAD1652330
T4 DNA LigaseThermo ScientificEL0011
Tissue Culture RotatorThermo Scientific88882015
Tungsten microcarriers M10BIO-RAD1652266
Vaccum pump of 100L/min capacity--
Velvet padsBel-ArtH37848-0002
Vortex Scientifc IndustriesSI-0236
Wood aplicator stickPROMA1820060
Yeast extractBD212750
Yeast Nitrogen base without aminoacidsBD291920


  1. Bonnefoy, N., Fox, T. D. In vivo analysis of mutated initiation codons in the mitochondrial COX2 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae fused to the reporter gene ARG8m reveals lack of downstream reinitiation. Mol Gen Genet. 262 (6), 1036-1046 (2000).
  2. Franco, L. V. R., Su, C. H., McStay, G. P., Yu, G. J., Tzagoloff, A. <....

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Mitochondrial TransformationSaccharomyces CerevisiaeBaker s YeastMitochondrial BiologyMitochondrial GenomeBiolistic TransformationSite directed MutationsGene RearrangementsReportersMitoribosomesRespiratory ComplexesATP SynthaseMicroprojectile Bombardment

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