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Language: The N400 in Semantic Incongruity

Genel Bakış

Source: Laboratories of Sarah I. Gimbel and Jonas T. Kaplan— University of Southern California

Understanding language is one of the most complex cognitive tasks that humans are capable of. Given the incredible amount of possible choices when combining individual words to form meaning in sentences, it is crucial that the brain is able to identify when words form coherent combinations and when an anomaly appears that undermines meaning. Extensive research has shown that certain scalp-recorded electrical events are sensitive to deviations in this kind of expectation. Importantly, these electrical signatures of incongruity are specific to unexpected meanings, and are therefore different from the brain's general responses to other kinds of anomalies.

The neurophysiological correlates of semantic incongruity have been experimentally examined through the use of paradigms that present semantically congruent and incongruent ends to sentences. Originally introduced in 1980, the semantic incongruity task presents the participant with a series of sentences that end with either a congruent or incongruent word. To test that the response is from semantic incongruity and not more generally due to surprise, some sentences included words presented in a different size.1 The semantically incongruent end to a sentence has been shown to elicit specific electrical events that are recordable at the scalp known as event-related potentials (ERPs). An ERP is the measured brain response resulting from a specific sensory, cognitive, or motor event. ERPs are measured using electroencephalography (EEG), a noninvasive means of evaluating brain function in patients with disease and normally functioning individuals. A specific ERP component found across the scalp, known as the N400, shows greater amplitude in response to semantically incongruent events. The N400 is a negative-going deflection in the EEG signal that occurs about between 250 and 400 ms after stimulus onset. In general, early potentials reflect sensory-motor processing, while later potentials like the N400 reflect cognitive processing.

In this video, we show how to administer a semantic incongruity task using EEG. The video will cover the setup and administration of EEG, and analysis of ERPs related to both control and target stimuli in the semantic incongruity. In this task, participants are set up with the EEG electrodes, then brain activity is recorded while they view control sentences and semantically incongruent sentences. The EEG procedure is similar to that of Habibi et al.,1 and the task is modeled after Kutas and Hillyard.2 When the ERPs are averaged across the congruous and incongruous sentences, the neural correlates of each event can be compared in a selected time window.


1. Participant recruitment

  1. Recruit 20 participants for the experiment.
  2. Make sure that the participants have been fully informed of the research procedures and have signed all the appropriate consent forms.

2. Data collection

Figure 2
Figure 1: Electrode placement. Placement of the face electrodes to detect EOG artifacts and rec

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During the semantic incongruity task where participants viewed congruous sentences, incongruous sentences, and sentences where the last word was presented in a larger size, there was a negative-going N400 response only for the incongruous sentences (Figure 2, blue). Sentences with a surprising element (larger last word) that was not semantically incongruous did not show an N400 response, but did show an increased P560 response (Figure 2, red). The N400 re

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Başvuru ve Özet

This study demonstrates some of the advantages of the ERP approach, in particular, its high temporal resolution. In this paradigm, to simulate natural reading, word stimuli are presented very briefly in succession. Because of the excellent temporal resolution of EEG, we are able to discern electrical responses to the stimuli individually.

As a marker of semantic processing, the N400 can be a useful tool in understanding the development of language from childhood to adulthood. Study of this com

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  1. Habibi, A., Wirantana, V. & Starr, A. Cortical Activity during Perception of Musical Rhythm; Comparing Musicians and Non-musicians. Psychomusicology 24, 125-135 (2014).
  2. Kutas, M., & Hillyard, S. A. (1980). Reading Senseless Sentences: Brain Potentials Reflect Semantic Incongruity. Science, 207(4427), 203-205.
  3. Friedrich, M., & Friederici, A. D. (2004). N400-like Semantic incongruity effect in 19-month olds: Processing known words in picture contexts. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 16(8), 1465-1477.
  4. Benau, E. M., Morris, J., & Couperus, J. W. (2011). Semantic processing in children and adults: Incongruity and the N400. J Psycholinguist Res, 40, 225-239.
LanguageN400Semantic IncongruityCognitive ProcessesWord ChoicesCoherent CombinationsComprehensionSpoken LanguageWritten LanguageSentence StructureAnticipationUnexpected WordsDisrupted MeaningAnomalous TermSemantic IncongruitiesElectrical SignalsEvent related Potentials ERPsBrain ActivityRetrieval Of DefinitionReprocessing Of WordsElectroencephalography EEGMeasuring ERPs





Experimental Design


Running the Experiment


Representative Results





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