Begin by cutting out identical printed microarrays from the nitrocellulose membrane and placing them in a suitable vessel for probing. To reduce non-specific binding, add MP-TBST blocking buffer to the microarrays and incubate for one hour on a rotating shaker. After incubation, replace the buffer with fresh MP-TBST.
Incubate the arrays with monoclonal antibodies and MP-TBST for two hours on a rotating shaker. After incubation, remove the molecular probe solution. Submerge the arrays fully in clean TBST.
Immediately replace the buffer with a fresh volume to remove the residual probe solution. Place the arrays on a rotating shaker for five minutes. Replace the TBST with a fresh buffer volume and place the arrays on the shaker for another five minutes.
Next, incubate the arrays with alkaline phosphatase conjugated antibodies for two hours on a rotating shaker. Once incubation is complete and the microarrays have been washed, cover them in nitro blue tetrazolium, and BCIP color development solution to chromogenically detect the antibody binding. Terminate the reaction by immersing the array in clean tap water.
Then place the arrays to dry between blotting paper overnight at ambient temperature. The relative abundance of 16 epitopes diagnostic of non-cellulosic plant cell wall polysaccharides were detected by attaching glycan-directed monoclonal antibodies to printed extracts. Most of the extracted glycans were detected within the alkaline sodium hydroxide fraction.
Strong binding signals were recorded for LM-10 and LM-11 representing xylan and arabinoxylan within the peels of all the mango varieties tested. LM-10 and LM-11 displayed preferential binding to the garlic root tissue extract, and weak binding to the leaf tissue extract. LM-19 representing partially methylesterified or unesterified homogalacturonan bound strongly to some mango variety extracts and only to the coffee pulp fractions.