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Intraperitoneal drug administration is a safe and effective non-invasive approach for inducing pancreatic injury. This study compared five distinct intraperitoneal injection protocols on mice to induce varying degrees of pancreatic injury and established a model of severe pancreatic injury to investigate the pathological changes and treatment strategies for severe acute pancreatitis (SAP).


The treatment of severe acute pancreatitis (SAP), with high mortality rates, poses a significant clinical challenge. Investigating the pathological changes associated with SAP using animal models can aid in identifying potential therapeutic targets and exploring novel treatment approaches. Previous studies primarily induced pancreatic injury through retrograde bile duct injection of sodium taviaurocholate, but the impact of surgical damage on the quality of the animal model remains unclear. In this study, we employed various frequencies of intraperitoneal Caerulein injections combined with different doses of LPS to induce pancreatic injury in C57BL/6J mice and compared the extent of injury across five intraperitoneal injection protocols. Regarding inducing acute pancreatitis in mice, an intraperitoneal injection protocol is proposed that results in a mortality rate as high as 80% within 5 days. Specifically, mice received ten daily intraperitoneal injections of Caerulein (50 µg/kg), followed by an injection of LPS (15 mg/kg) one hour after the last Caerulein administration. By adjusting the frequency and dosage of injected medications, one can manipulate the severity of pancreatic injury effectively. This model exhibits strong controllability and has a short replication cycle, making it feasible for completion by a single researcher without requiring expensive equipment. It conveniently and accurately simulates key disease characteristics observed in human SAP while demonstrating a high degree of reproducibility.


Severe acute pancreatitis is characterized by rapid onset, rapid progression, and high mortality rates within the digestive system disease domain1. Its high fatality rate has always been a prominent focus of clinical research. Due to unpredictable changes in clinical conditions, heterogeneity of disease manifestations, and limited availability of human specimens, establishing animal models has become increasingly crucial for disease research.

Retrograde injection of sodium taurocholate into the common bile duct is commonly used to create a rat model of SAP2. By simulating pancreaticobiliary ob....


This protocol was reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee at The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Science and Technology (Huainan, China) (Ethics Code: 2023-KY-905-001). The study followed the Public Health Service Policy or the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and use of research rodents in all animal procedures. C57BL/6J adult mice (6–8-week-old, male mice) weighing 20-30 g were used for the present study. The mice were housed in an animal laboratory for one week under controlled conditions (approximately 21 °C with a 12 h alternating day-night cycle). The mice had ad libitum access to food and water throughout. The d....

Representative Results

The process of experimental mouse modeling is illustrated in Figure 1. After 12 h of injection completion, an open-field video recorder was used to monitor the movement distance and immobility duration of different experimental groups of mice for 5 cycles (Figure 2A). During the 5 cycles, mice in the PI V group maintained a low level of movement distance within 3 min, while the immobility ratio within 3 min increased with each subsequent cycle (.......


Currently, there is a lack of effective means to improve the high mortality rate in patients with severe acute pancreatitis. It is crucial to investigate the efficacy of drugs in enhancing immune stability mechanisms. An urgent need exists for an ideal animal model for severe acute pancreatitis. Mice with a C57BL/6J genetic background are widely used in biomedical research, including studies on SAP pathophysiology. Over 70 years of genetic differentiation in B6J mice have resulted in the spontaneous deletion of several e.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.


This study was supported by Research Projects in Health and Medical Science in Huainan City (No. HNWJ2023005); Municipal Guiding Science and Technology Plan Program in Huainan City (No.2023151); Anhui Provincial College Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program (No. S202310361254); the ninth batch of the "50·Stars of Science and Technology" innovation teams in Huainan City and Anhui Provincial Key Clinical Specialty Construction Project. We would like to express our gratitude to the Laboratory Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Science and Technology for providing the relevant testing data.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
20× Citric Acid Antigen Repair Solution (pH 6.0)Wuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, ChinaG1202-250 ml
Annexin V-FITC/PIWuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, China G1511  diluted at 1:20
Anti-HMGB1 Rabbit pABWuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, ChinaGB11103  diluted at 1:1800
BCA protein quantitative detection kitWuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, ChinaG2026-200T
BD FACSCanto II Flow CytometerBD Life Sciences, San Jose, CA, 95131, USABD FACSCanto II
BSAWuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, ChinaGC305010-100g
C57BL/6JCavion Experimental Animal Co., Changzhou, Chinalicense number SCXY (Su) 2011–0003
Ceruletide MCE, New Jersey, USA17650-98-5 50 µg/kg
Chemiluminescence imagerCytiva CO.,LTD.;USA
Citric acid antigen repair Solution (Dry powder pH 6.0)Wuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, ChinaG1201-5 L
Collagenase IVWuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, China GC3050140.5 mg/mL
DAB (SA-HRP) Tunel Cell Apoptosis Detection KitWuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, ChinaG1507-100 T
Dimension EXL with LM Integrated Chemistry SystemSiemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc.Brookfield,USAYZB/USA 8311-2014
ECL developerWuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, China
Eosin dye (alcohol soluble)Wuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, ChinaG1001-100 ml
EthoVision XT Noldus, Netherlands
FITC-labeled goat anti-rabbit IgGWuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, ChinaGB22303  diluted at 1:50
Fully automatic blood cell analyzerZybio Inc. China Zybio-Z3 CRP
GapDHWuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, ChinaGB11103  diluted at 1:1500
Hematoxylin blue return solutionWuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, ChinaG1040-500 ml
Hematoxylin differentiation solutionWuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, ChinaG1039-500 ml
Hematoxylin dyeWuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, ChinaG1004-100 ml
HMGB-1 ELISA kitsnjjcbio Co., Ltd, China
HOMOGENIZERWuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, ChinaKZ-III-F;IC111150 100222
HRP-labeled goat anti-rabbit IgGWuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, ChinaGB23303  diluted at 1:1500
IL-6 ELISA kitsWuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, ChinaGEM0001
Lipase Mindray,China
Lipopolysaccharide Wuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, ChinaGC20500915 mg/kg
Low temperature high speed centrifugeChangsha Pingfan Apparatus&Instrument Co.,Ltd.,ChinaTGL-20M
Membrane breaking liquidWuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, ChinaG1204
microtomeJinhua Craftek Instrument Co., Ltd.;ChinaCR-601ST
Nylon meshWuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, China200-mesh
One-step TUNEL cell apoptosis detection kit (DAB staining method)Wuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, ChinaG1507-100T
Paraffin tissue embedding machinePRECISION MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS CO.,LTD;Changzhou,ChinaPBM-A
Pathological tissue drying apparatusPRECISION MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS CO.,LTD;Changzhou,ChinaPHY-III
Phosphate-buffered salineWuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, ChinaG4202-100ML
PMSFWuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, ChinaG2008-1 ml
Positive fluorescence microscopeOlympus Corporation,Tokyo, JapanBX53
Pro CalcitoninMindray,China
PVDF membraneMillipore, USA0.22 µm
RIPAWuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, ChinaG2002-100 ml
SDS-PAGEBeyotime Biotechnology,ChinaP0012A
TNF-αELISA kitsWuhan servicebio Technology Co.,Ltd, ChinaGEM0004
Western BlotBio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.,USA
Western blot imaging SystemGlobal Life Sciences IP Holdco LLC, JAPANAmersham ImageQuant 800 
Whirlpool mixerSCILOGEX;USA


  1. Gliem, N., Ammer-Herrmenau, C., Ellenrieder, V., Neesse, A. Management of severe acute pancreatitis: An update. Digestion. 102 (4), 503-507 (2021).
  2. Duan, F., et al.

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Immunology and InfectionCaeruleinLipopolysaccharideIntraperitoneal InjectionPancreatic InjuryC57BL 6J MiceMortality RateTherapeutic TargetsInjection ProtocolsDisease CharacteristicsReproducibility

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