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Angular Momentum


Source: Nicholas Timmons, Asantha Cooray, PhD, Department of Physics & Astronomy, School of Physical Sciences, University of California, Irvine, CA

Angular momentum is defined as the product of the moment of inertia and the angular velocity of the object. Like its linear analog, angular momentum is conserved, meaning that the total angular momentum of a system will not change if there are no external torques on the system. A torque is the rotational equivalent of a force. Because it is a conserved, angular momentum is an important quantity in physics.

The goal of this experiment is to measure the angular momentum of a rotating rod and to use the conservation of angular momentum to explain two rotational demonstrations.


1. Test the theory of the conservation of angular momentum with the bike wheel.

  1. While sitting in a chair that can freely rotate, start spinning the bike wheel and then hold it by the handles so that its direction of angular momentum is vertical.
  2. While holding the wheel by the two handles, flip the wheel over so that its angular momentum points in the opposite direction. Notice how the chair will begin to rotate.

2. Test the theory of the conservation of angular momen

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Angular momentum at halfway
(kg m2)/s
Angular momentum at bottom
(kg m2)/s
(kg m2)/s
200 0.41 0.58 0.17
500 0.66 0.91 0.25
1,000 0.93

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Application and Summary

Just like in the spinning chair portion of the lab, changing the moment of inertia of an object can increase or decrease the angular velocity of that object. Figure skaters take advantage of this and will sometimes begin spinning with their arms outstretched and then bring their arms in close to their bodies, which will make them spin much faster.

Why is it easier to balance on a bike when it is in motion? The answer is angular momentum. When the wheels are not spinning, it is easy for

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Angular MomentumConservation Of Angular MomentumRotational DynamicsLinear MomentumNet External ForceNet External TorqueSpinning MassRotational MotionRadiusTranslational MomentumTangential VelocityAngular VelocityRight hand Rule

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Principle of Angular Momentum Conservation


Demonstration of Angular Momentum Conservation


Measurement of Angular Momentum for a Spinning Rod


Data Analysis and Results





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