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Evaluating the Heat Transfer of a Spin-and-Chill


Source: Michael G. Benton and Kerry M. Dooley, Department of Chemical Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA

The Spin-and-Chill uses heat transfer and fluid flow fundamentals to chill beverages from room temperature to 38 °F in as little as 2 min. It would take a refrigerator approximately 240 min and an ice chest approximately 40 min to achieve an equivalent temperature change. This is accomplished Spin and Chill by spinning a can or bottle at up to 500 rpm, which creates little or no foaming.

In this experiment, the efficacy of spinning a cylinder (i.e., soda can) at high speeds to cool a soft drink will be evaluated. Operational parameters, such as rpm and spin time, will be varied to assess their effect on heat transfer, and the heat transfer coefficient will be calculated using a lumped parameter model.


1. Testing the Spin-and-Chill

  1. Fill the aluminum soda can with room temperature water and then record the temperature.
  2. Measure the total weight of the ice being used with the balance, enough to surround the Spin-and-Chill.
  3. Seal the aluminum soda can using a plastic sealing lid and insert the assembly into the Spin-and-Chill.
  4. Activate the Spin-and-Chill. It should run about 2 min at ~ 300 rpm.
  5. Remove the aluminum soda can from the Spin-and-Chill and remo

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The lumped parameter model is used to determine the heat transfer coefficient, h, for the different experimental conditions. To calculate the efficiency, we first determine the energy transferred as heat into the ice bath from the liquid in the can. If the system were adiabatic (100% efficient), Qwater + Qice = 0. The efficiency is determined by dividing the absolute value of heat released by the water in the can (Qwater) by the heat absorbed by the ice du

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Application and Summary

This experiment is designed to assess the ability of the Spin-and-Chill to cool a soft drink at record speeds. The lumped parameter model was used since convection was much more important than conduction (due to the high rate of mixing).

The data collected calls into question the ability of the Spin-and-Chill to cool at warm can of soda to 38 °F in 2 minutes. However, with three sequential uses and a time period of about 6 minutes, the Spin-and-Chill can cool the soft drink to the desired

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Spin and chillHeat TransferTechnologyEngineering ProcessesConvective Heat TransferCooling EfficiencyModelUnderstandHeat Transfer SituationsExperimentsApplicationsSoda CanReservoir Of IceRotatingRevolutions Per MinuteCooling RateTemperature DistributionFluidWallThin Membrane

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Principles of Spin-and-Chill Operation


Convective Heat Transfer: Lumped Parameter Model







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