Propagate small potted citrus trees from rooted vegetative cuttings or seeds. Grow the potted citrus lines at 28 degrees Celsius, maintaining a proper day length. Select citrus plants of the appropriate size for the experiment.
To attach the 3D-printed Direct Plant Infusion or DPI device to the trunk of the plant, find a smooth, healthy site on the trunk without bumps or knots. Using a two-millimeter-diameter drill bit, horizontally drill a hole through the center of the stem at an angle of 90 degrees to the trunk surface. Run the drill bit through the hole several times to create an unobstructed, smooth hole.
Then create a vertical slice in the plastisol ring on the opposite side of the compound delivery channel. Fit the ring around the plant, aligning the delivery channel with the previously-drilled hole. Attach the DPI device to the plastisol ring, ensuring they fit snugly together, and align the DPI device spout with the plastisol ring delivery channel and the drilled hole.
Wrap it tightly with silicone tape to hold the apparatus in place. Inspect the fully assembled and attached device to ensure proper alignment and orientation. The groove around the vertical channel allowed additional compound uptake through the bark.
When assembled properly, the plastisol ring flushed against the DPI device and the spout lined up with a hole drilled in the tree.