For the multi-channel recording, move down the electrode arrays by twisting the screw on the movable part of the micro-drive system one day in advance. Hold the head of an awake mouse lightly and carefully. Then, link the center of the head stage and a helium balloon with a thread to offset the weight of the head stage and the micro-drive system.
Capture raw signals using the recording electrodes and multi-channel systems by sampling at 30 kilohertz in the recording software. Then digitize using a digital analog converter from the multi-channel systems. Extract the local field potential, or LFP signals, from the raw data by re-sampling at 10 kilohertz.
Then, using a notch filter, remove the 50-hertz line noise. For spike sorting and analysis, in the spike sorting software, click on File, then Open, and nev files to open the spike data sampled at 30 kilohertz. Click on Info to select the unsorted channel.
Then choose Sort, Change Sort Method, and Use K-Means. Press the button Valley Seeking Sort, then K-Means Sorting to obtain the sorted units. Next, in the neurophysiological data analysis software, open the sorted spike file by clicking on File, Import Data, and BlackRock File.
To obtain the autocorrelogram for the selected unit, click on Analysis, then Autocorrelograms, and set the parameters. Load the sorted spike data. Then, click on Analysis, and Interspike Interval Histograms to obtain the interspike interval histogram, and then set the desired parameters.
Click on Analysis, then Crosscorrelograms to obtain the crosscorrelogram between two sorted unit events. And then set the reference events and parameters. For LFP analysis, click on File, Import Data, and BlackRock File, to open the continuous signal data sampled at 10 kilohertz.
Then, by clicking Analysis and Spectrum for Continuous, analyze the power spectrum for the LFP from the selected channel. Next, click on Analysis, then Coherence for Continuous to analyze the coherence for two LFPs from the left and right sides of the MC.Then, click on Analysis, followed by Correlation with Continuous Variables to analyze the correlation between two LFPs from the left and right sides of the MC.Once done, click on Results, then Numerical Results to save the Power Spectrum Density, Coherence, and Correlation with a xls file name extension. To analyze correlations between the spike and LFP, click on File, then Import Data and BlackRock File to open the continuous signal data and spike data.
Then, click on Analysis and Coherence Analysis to analyze the coherence between the spikes and LFP from the selected channel. Finally, click on Results, then Numerical Results to save the results of the spike field coherence with a xls file name extension. The valley width and waveform duration of the units in the MC of the mouse showed that both the valley width and waveform duration of the MC putative pyramidal neurons in mice are higher than those of the putative interneurons.
The crosscorrelogram between putative pyramidal neurons and interneurons indicated that the putative pyramidal neurons spiking occurs before the putative interneurons with a window of 18 milliseconds. In the LFP analysis, the LFPs of the left and right MC in normal mice were similar in the power spectrum, suggesting synchronized activities between the left and right MC.Further, the coherence and correlation between the left and right MC were calculated. The curve of spike field coherence in the MC of a normal mouse showed a stronger low gamma coherence for the putative interneurons compared to the pyramidal neurons.