To begin, collect the parts required for the construction of electrode micro-drive. Place a nut in the slot of the base and add super glue for stability. Then insert a screw through the nut in the base.
Using a rotary tool with a diamond wheel cutting attachment, cut a four by three by three millimeter section of the plastic grid with one by one millimeter hole spacing. Place the grid section onto the top of the Y stage. Apply epoxy to fix the grid section onto the top of the Y stage.
Then fit the micro-drive over the grid using a screw. Add epoxy at the base of the micro-drive for stability. Attach a plastic rectangular platform to a 28 gauge steel tube using epoxy, thread a 23 gauge guide tube through the grid.
Then thread the steel tube attached to the plastic platform through the 23 gauge guide tube. Place the 28 gauge steel tube into one of the micro-drive slots. Secure the steel tube to the micro-drive with epoxy.
Using a hand tapping tool, tap the pre-made screw holes in the X stage and base to build the base for the drive. Then insert screws through the long slots in the X stage. Secure them in the corresponding screw holes of the base.
Insert two screws through the long slot in the Y stage and secure them to the pre-made screw holes in the X stage. After ensuring the micro manipulator drive is outfitted with a plastic platform, use tape to attach the 64 pin connector to the platform. Then carefully place a dab of bacitracin onto the plastic tube and attach the electrode connected to the 64 pin connector using a flexible ribbon cable.
Using the micro manipulator drive, hold the silicon electrode and its connector while threading the plastic tube through the hole in the Y stage. Detach the 64 pin connector from the micro manipulator drive and use glue gel to secure the connector to the platform on the X stage. The next day, carefully detach the electrode from the plastic tube and remove the micro manipulator drive from the assembly.
Gently move the alligator clip to flip the drive over to see the unsecured electrode. Place the electrode onto the plastic holder below the Y stage and secure it with silicone elastomer. After five minutes, using the screw control on the micro-drive, retract the electrode and place the protective sleeve over the electrode.
Tighten the three side located screws on the base component of the micro-drive. Connect the head stage for recordings onto the 64 pin connector. To prepare the PDOT solution, combine EDOT and PSS in distilled water a day before the use.
Open the impedance tester software and in the upper dropdown menu at the top left, select the adapter. In the second dropdown menu, select the electrode. Ensure that the number of channels is correct.
Using a connector, connect the probe to the impedance tester system and lower the probe into grounded saline to obtain a baseline reading. Press the test impedances button and verify the correct setting before pressing the test probe button. Record and save the baseline readings for future reference for both shanks of the electrode.
Next, lower the lab jack to remove the probe from the saline. Replace the saline in the beaker with distilled water. Raise the lab jack to submerge the electrode and rinse the remaining saline solution before lowering the lab jack again.
Replace the distilled water with PDOT solution and raise the lab jack until the electrode is submerged. Select the DC ELECTROPLATE button and verify the correct settings. Then press the Autoplate button and save the results.
After testing, first, rinse the probe with distilled water, then fill the beaker with saline, and raise the lab jack until the electrode is submerged. Press the test impedances button and check for the correct settings. Then press the test pro button.