To begin, prepare enzymatic cell digestion reagent and PBS/EDTA for human intestinal organoids digestion. Under a brightfield microscope, confirm the growth of differentiated three-dimensional human intestinal organoids as monolayers. Discard the cell culture media from monolayer culture and replace it with 100 microliters of PBS/EDTA.
After removing PBS/EDTA, add 100 microliters of warm enzymatic cell digestion reagent to each well. Place the plate at 37 degrees Celsius in 5%carbon dioxide incubator and pipette the entire volume five times every 10 minutes for 20 to 30 minutes. Transfer one to two microliters of cell suspension to a glass slide every 10 minutes to assess dissociation by observing the percentage of single cells.
After dissociation, combine three replicate wells per condition in a single 1.5 milliliter microcentrifuge tube. Add 700 microliters of cell culture differentiation medium containing 10 micromolar ROCK inhibitor, and mixed gently by pipetting. Filter the entire volume through a 70 micron tip strainer, collecting the flow-through in a fresh 1.5 milliliter tube.
Filter the flow-through obtained through a 70 micron strainer on a 40 micron tip strainer. Add five microliters of 0.4%Trypan Blue to five microliters of cell suspension, and count viable single cells. Dilute the sample with cell culture media containing ROCK inhibitor to obtain 1, 000 cells per microliter.
A total of 9, 952 single cells were isolated from differentiated intestinal human intestinal organoids grown in 96 well plates.