Begin by administering the desired iron formulation orally to a WMS-affected marmoset. To do so, mix 0.1 milliliters of the iron formulation with a piece of sponge cake. Give the mash to the treated marmoset.
For subcutaneous administration, let the animal cling to the assistant's chest or arm. Clean the area of the animal's back with an alcohol swab. Then, using a 26-gauge needle, subcutaneously inject 0.1 milliliters of 5%tranexamic acid solution into the animal's back.
Next, using a 26-gauge needle, subcutaneously inject 5.0 milliliters of Ringer's lactate with 0.1 milliliters of a vitamin formulation. For intravenous administration of the amino acid formulation, have the assistant hold the base of both arms to restrain the animal's upper body. Ask the assistant to hold the base of both legs with the other hand to restrain the animal's lower body, while placing the thumb on the anterior side of the animal's knee to prevent it from bending.
Clean the animal's calf with an alcohol swab. Using a 27-gauge butterfly needle, inject 2.0 milliliters of the amino acid formulation intravenously via the saphenous vein. Appearance of a WMS-affected marmoset showed tabefaction, arched back, rough fur, and alopecia before treatment.
However, no abnormal appearance was seen after treatment.