To generate antigen-pulsed MoDCs, add 1 microliter per milliliter of rabies virus vaccine or RV suspension to 1 milliliter of naïve MoDC culture in the 24-well plate, and incubate the plate for 48 hours at 5% carbon dioxide and 37 degrees Celsius. On day seven, keep the 24-well plate containing the antigen-pulsed MoDCs on ice for 10 minutes before adding 1 milliliter of ice ice-cold PBS per well, and mixing it thoroughly. Transfer the suspension to a 15-milliliter tube.
Wash the wells with 2 milliliters of ice-cold PBS. Collect the residual cells within each well, and transfer the washed contents into their respective tubes. Centrifuge the cell suspension at 500 g for 7 minutes. After discarding the supernatant, resuspend the antigen-pulsed MoDCs cell pellet in a complete culture medium to adjust the final concentration of 100,000 cells per milliliter.
For MoDC lymphocyte co-culture, seed the wells of a sterile 24-well plate with 1 milliliter of the naïve lymphocyte cell suspension and 1 milliliter of antigen-pulsed or non-antigen-pulsed MoDC suspension on the seventh day of the antigen pulse. After two days of incubation, supplement each well with 20 nanograms per milliliter recombinant interleukin-2, and continue the incubation for another 120 hours.
On day 14, transfer 1 milliliter of the co-culture to a sterile 1.5-milliliter tube, and centrifuge the tube. Then, resuspend the cell pellet with 1 milliliter of antigen-pulsed or non-pulsed MoDCs. Mix well, and transfer the cell suspensions to their corresponding wells.
After cell surface staining of the PBMCs and naïve lymphocytes and monocytes, transfer 1 milliliter of the cell suspension to a sterile 1.5-milliliter tube using a pipette, and centrifuge for 10 minutes at 500 g. Then, resuspend the pellet in 1 milliliter of PBS and transfer it to a 15-milliliter tube. Also, collect the residual cells and the corresponding tubes using 1 milliliter of PBS. Then, add 10 milliliters of PBS to the 15-milliliter tube containing the cells, and mix by pipetting.
After centrifuging the tube for 7 minutes at 850 g, remove the supernatant, and carefully resuspend the cell pellet with residual suspension left after decanting the supernatant. Transfer the cell suspension to a V-bottom 96-well plate, and seal the wells to avoid spillage.
Once the staining is complete, perform the flow cytometer analysis. From the real-time preview, adjust the threshold of fluorescence including voltage, and gain, and cell size to eventually draw gates around the desired cell population while excluding any cellular debris.
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