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An Immunofluorescence-Based Method for Visualizing Tuft Cells in Jejunum Cryosections


To prepare sections of jejunum, start by setting both the cryostat chamber temperature and object temperature to minus 22 degrees Celsius. Place the frozen tissue block in a cryo-mold in the cryostat chamber for at least 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, cut the block in half with a razor blade to expose the transverse section of the jejunum. Mount one half of the block on a cryostat adapter. Section the gelatin-filled jejunum into 30-micron thick sections. Use frozen forceps to gently transfer the sections into a 35-millimeter culture dish containing 3 milliliters of PBS.

After washing the sections three times for 5 minutes each with 3 milliliters of PBS-T, add 3 milliliters of freshly prepared antigen retrieval solution to the dish containing the free-floating sections. Then, close the lid, seal the gap between the dish and the lid with a strip of vinyl tape, and incubate at 50 degrees Celsius in a hybridization incubator for three hours without shaking.

After immunostaining, transfer the dish of stained sections in PBS to a stereoscopic microscope. Place 200 microliters of PBS in a droplet on the center of an AMS-coated white glass slide. Then, use a P200 pipette tip to transfer one jejunum section from the dish into the droplet.

After adjusting the section alignment, aspirate all remaining PBS surrounding the section. Add 20 microliters of aqueous mounting media, and place a coverslip atop the media. Immediately seal the coverslip edges with xylene-based mounting media, and allow to dry for two to three hours before beginning confocal microscopy.

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