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Begin with a spiral ganglion neuron culture on a multielectrode array, or MEA.
The MEA consists of recording electrodes connected to contacts via a circuit.
Wash the MEA to remove media and dry the contacts to avoid moisture-induced noise during recording.
Mount the MEA on its holder and install it in the recording setup.
The MEA contacts align with the holder connectors that transmit electrical signals to the recording setup.
Add an extracellular environment-mimicking solution, allowing normal physiological activity in the neurons.
Begin recording. The electrodes detect spontaneous signals or action potentials generated by the neurons, visualized as spikes on the software interface.
Now, apply an electrical pulse to one electrode exhibiting spontaneous activity.
The pulse generates an electric field, stimulating the neurons on neighboring electrodes.
Record the stimulation-dependent activity.
Finally, add a neurotoxin that blocks voltage-gated ion channels, preventing action potential generation.
Record the signal to identify background noise.
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