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Begin with a human participant with DBS electrodes implanted deep within the brain's neuron-rich subcortical region.
Mark the positions on the scalp for the EEG electrode placement.
Clean the marked positions with a disinfectant and apply a conductive paste for electrode contact.
Attach the EEG electrodes to the scalp markings to monitor cortical neurons.
Connect the DBS electrodes and the EEG electrodes to an EEG control box for signal amplification and recording.
Perform a visual test where the participant focuses on a pattern of arrows.
A change in the pattern is detected by the eyes, providing visual stimulation to the brain.
This stimulus activates the neurons in both cortical and subcortical regions, generating electrical signals.
The DBS electrode records the neuronal electrical activity from the subcortical neurons, while the EEG electrode records neuronal activity from the cortical region.
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