Treatment of HeLa Cells with Biotinylated Psoralen RNA Extraction, and Fragmentation
RNA Size Selection and Elution
Enrichment of RNA Crosslinking Regions
Proximity Ligation
Reverse Crosslinking of Biotinylated Psoralen, and Amplification of cDNA
The overall goal of this video is to describe the method for sequencing of psoralen crosslinked ligated and selected hybrids or SPLASH in which pair-wise in vivo RNA-RNA interactions are mapped in a genome-wide manner. This technique is a simple,
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Aquí, se detalla el método de S de equación de P soralen reticulado, L igated, y S elegido H ybrids (SPLASH), que permite el genoma de la cartografía de todo el intramolecular y intermolecular RNA-ARN interacciones in vivo . SPLASH puede ser aplicado para estudiar interactones de ARN de organismos incluyendo levaduras, bacterias y seres humanos.