Isolation of RMCE-compatible Knockout Mouse ES Cells
Isolate RMCE-compatible Knockout ES Cells
Generation of an RMCE-compatible Targeting Vector Using Recombination Cloning
RMCE-mediated ES Cell Targeting of Rescue Constructs to the R26 Locus and Differentiation of ES Cells in Embryoid Bodies
Results: Cystic EB Formation Using Recombinase Mediated Cassette Exchange
The overall goal of this structure-function method is to dissect at the molecular level the role of different protein domains, or disease-relevance mutations, in naive or differentiated mouse embryonic stem cells. This method can help to reveal ho
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Proteiner indeholder ofte flere domæner, som kan øve forskellige cellulære funktioner. Gene knock-outs (KO) anser ikke denne funktionel diversitet. Her rapporterer vi en rekombinationsmedieret kassette udveksling (RMCE) -baseret struktur-funktion tilgang i KO embryonale stamceller, som giver mulighed for den molekylære dissektion af forskellige funktionelle domæner eller varianter af et protein.