Results: Characteristics of Embryo Body Cultures and Visualization of Neural Differentiation Markers
Embryoid Body Formation
2D Embryoid Body Culture and Detection of Secreted Proteins
3D Embryoid Body Culture
Embryoid Body Dissociation
Analysis of Embryoid Body Formation by Immunofluorescence
The overall goal of this procedure is to analyze the expression and production of genes and protein markers, respectively, of neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. This method can help determine the mechanism responsible for the in
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Vi beskriver en teknik til anvendelse af murine embryonale stamceller til generering af to- eller tredimensionale embryoide legemer. Vi derefter forklare, hvordan at inducere neural differentiering af embryoide kropsceller ved retinsyre, og hvordan man analyserer deres tilstand af differentiering ved progenitorcelle markør immunofluorescens og immunoblotting.