Differentiation of hPSCs into Cryopreservable First Heart Field-like Cardiac Progenitors (FHF-L CPs)
FHF-L CP Differentiation into Ventricular-like Cardiomyocytes
Use of Activin A and Lentivirus-mediated Id1 Overexpression to Generate Ventricular-like Cardiomyocytes
The main advantage of this simple technique is to generate cardiac progenitors and cardiomyocytes of defined heart field origin and subtypes. In turn, resulting cells can be used for a wide range of research application, including basic developmen
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Here we describe a scalable method, using a simple combination of Activin A and lentivirus-mediated Id1-overexpression, to generate first heart field-like cardiac progenitors and ventricular-like cardiomyocytes from human pluripotent stem cells.