Immunofluorescence Staining and Bromodeoxyuridine Labeling
Results: Distinct activation of neurogenesis in the DG in response to HFS in DG and PP
The overall goal of this experiment is to observe the effect of high-frequency stimulation on neuronal activity in neurogenesis. This method can help answer key questions in an aligned cellular and molecular mechanisms of high-frequency deep brain
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Denne protokol viser, hvordan du konfigurerer en pålidelig HFS metode i mus. Neuroner i hele den hippocampus dentate gyrus stimuleres elektrisk af HFS direkte og indirekte in vivo. Neuronal aktivitet og molekylær signalering er undersøgt af c-fos og Notch1 immunfluorescent farvning, henholdsvis; neurogenese er kvantificeret ved bromodeoxyuridine mærkning assay.