Magnetic-activated Cell Sorting (MACS) for Progenitor Enrichment
Fluorescence-activated Cell Sorting (FACS) for Myeloid Progenitor Identification and Isolation
Results: Representative Progenitor Yields and Purities
This method could be helpful for hematologists and immunologists studying the production and function of myeloid cells, including neutrophils, monocytes, and dendritic cells. The main advantage of this technique is that it enables more precise ide
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Vi viser hvordan å identifisere og isolere 6 delsett av myelogen progenitors fra murine benmarg bruker en kombinasjon av magnetiske og fluorescens sortering (Mac og FACS). Denne protokollen kan brukes i vitro kultur analyser (methylcellulose eller væske kulturer), i vivo adoptivforeldre overføring eksperimenter og RNA/protein analyser.