Longitudinal In Vivo Bioluminescence Imaging (BLI)
Implant‐Adherent and Surrounding Tissue Bacteria Quantification
Results: Representative Bacterial Burden Quantification and Analysis
Postoperative infection is a devastating complication of spinal surgery. This mouse model of spinal implant infection allows researchers to study the effect of host, implant, and therapeutic factors on infection. This technique quantifies real-tim
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Protokollen beskriver en ny in vivo musemodel af spinalimplantatinfektion, hvor et rustfrit stål k-wire implantat er inficeret med bioluminescerende Staphylococcus aureus Xen36. Bakteriebyrden overvåges i længderetningen med bioluminescerende billeddannelse og bekræftes med kolonidannende enhedstællinger efter eutanasi.