The aim of this protocol is to submit a proposed assessment procedure for the objective diagnosis of dyslexia at an early age.For the diagnosis of this specific learning disability, the protocol takes into account the evaluation of certain specific cognitive and linguistic determinants, following adequate instruction in reading and writing, response to intervention model, as well as the discrepancy exclusion and specificity criteria diagnosis model.This action protocol shows a dynamic model for the detection of dyslexia which seeks to distinguish it from other comorbid problems and identify its characteristics and determinants in order to offer effective intervention and or prevention at an early age.Dyslexia has been considered one of the most common specific learning disability, and therefore, a permanent disorder in neuro-development.It is characterized by difficulties with accurate and fluent word pronunciation, along with spelling and orthographical accuracy.Is also entails difficulties in reading comprehension.There is often a lack of consensus about how to identify dyslexia.This is due to the ongoing debate about the adequacy of identification criteria offered by the differing explanatory models.Divide from ambiguity in the definition like in Dyslexia On the one hand, the traditional perspective advocates a model of diagnosis for the identification of this problem.More however, respond to intervention model has an alternative.The diagnostic model considers several criteria when identifying dyslexia:the discrepancy criterion, the exclusion criterion, and the specificity criterion.The discrepancy criterion is based on the fact that people with dyslexia present a discrepancy between their intellectual potential and their performance.The exclusion criterion refers to the difference between dyslexia and specific disorders alongside which it occurs.The specificity criterion implies certain restrictions with regard to the domains that are affected in dyslexia such as, language, reasoning, and instrumental learning problems.The response to intervention model, on the other hand, identifies people with dyslexia as subjects who do not respond to the intervention receipt by other students in the classroom and assumes that it may be due to acclimative or educational deficit.Based on this model the identification of dyslexia is a decision making process in which the stage of assessment will be interspersed with a stage of instruction.In each assessment stage, the progress made by students after each instruction stage is considered.There has not appear to be any consensus regarding the criteria that should be used to identify the specific learning disabilities, and in particular dyslexia.Bart's model has been criticized on presenting certain weaknesses.For this reason the learning disability on development disorder research group at the University of M