Preparation of PDMS Templates and Gel Film Deposition on SOI Substrates by Dip-Coating
Surface Micro/Nanostructuration by Soft Imprint Lithography and Gel Film Crystallization by Thermal Treatment
Preparing and Patterning of the Quartz Samples for the Cantilever Microfabrication Process
Results: Qualitative Analysis of the Progressive Epitaxial Nanostructured α-Quartz Film Thickness Developed on Silicon
Nowadays, quartz-based sensors are limited by the miniaturization process and the monolithic integration of this material on silicon. These bottlenecks are now overcome with the first chemical integration of epitaxial requirements in the form of h
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Ces travaux présentent un protocole détaillé pour la microfabrication du porte-à-faux nanostructuré de α quartz sur un substrat technologique silicon-on-isolateur (SOI) à partir de la croissance épitaxique du film de quartz avec la méthode de revêtement de trempette, puis la nanostructuration du film mince par lithographie nanoimprint.