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  • Protocol
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We describe an integrated workflow for chemical cross-linking of proteins with mass spectrometry to study biological complexes in vivo. The protein interaction reporter (PIR) cross-linker presents features that enable the cross-linking of living cells with no prior protein isolation needed, providing information on protein conformations and protein-protein interactions.


Chemical cross-linking of proteins with mass spectrometry (XL-MS) has increasingly become a powerful technique when studying protein structures and complexes. This approach is based on the reactivity of cross-linkers to specific protein sites - usually primary amines, including side chains of lysine residues and protein N-termini which yields information on protein-protein interactions and protein conformations. Information provided by XL-MS is complementary to that from other structural methods, such as X-ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance, and cryo-electron microscopy. Here, we describe a protocol for in-house synthesis and use of a peptide-based cross-linker with optimized features for interactome studies of complex biological samples. These features comprise the protein interaction reporter (PIR) technology, MS-cleavable bonds, and an affinity tag, which ultimately facilitate the identification of cross-linked peptide pairs. The membrane permeability enables the cross-linking of living cells, tissues, and isolated organelles (e.g., nuclei and mitochondria), providing valuable structural and interaction data on proteins as they exist in their native environment. Moreover, quantitative XL-MS can be utilized for comparative interactome studies, providing information on protein conformational and interaction changes between varying biological states.


Biological processes are driven by multiple and complex mechanisms, with different molecules - nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, etc. - playing key roles in each step. When studying proteins, several approaches can be used, but the ultimate objective is to understand how proteins with different domains and regulatory regions are structurally organized and functioning in a crowded cellular environment1,2. Besides structural information, assessing protein interactors and complexes is essential for the understanding of cellular mechanisms.

Chemical cross-linking of protei....


NOTE: All materials, equipment, and software used here are described in Table of Materials.

1. Synthesis of BDP (Figure 3)

NOTE: The BDP-NHP cross-linker was synthetized using a CEM Liberty Lite peptide synthesizer, following the manufacturer's instructions. This protocol is based on a previous publication7.

  1. Prepare the following reagents.
    1. Weigh out 0.63 g of Rink Amide resin (100-200 mesh) for 0.05 mmol.
    2. Weigh out 1.73 g of aspartate (Fmoc-Asp(OtBu)-OH) and dissolve it in 21 mL of DMF.
    3. Weigh out 23 g of succin....


In this study, we performed in vivo cross-linking of HeLa cells using the PIR cross-linker BDP-NHP. After SCX fractionation and biotin-avidin enrichment of cross-linked peptides, two different methods were applied for the MS analysis of the fractionated samples - Mango and ReACT, as described in section 10. We used two technical replicates from Mango and ReACT for the in silico analysis. PeptideProphet27 and ProteinProphet28 are embedded in XLinkProphet fo.......


XL-MS can provide information on protein structure and conformation (intra-links), protein-protein interaction and complex assembly (inter-links), and protein quantitation and solvent exposure (dead-ends). One limitation of the technique when used in vivo for complex samples is the low-resolution structural results on protein conformation and interactome. Thus, protein structures present in the PDB are useful for the modelling of structures and for the visualization of cross-links, which is automatically done by.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by the following grants from the National Institutes of Health R35GM136255, R01GM086688, R01HL144778, R01GM097112, and S10RR025107.


The datasets generated during this study are available at XLinkDB - http://xlinkdb.gs.washington.edu/xlinkdb/HeLa_BDP_JoVE_2020_Bruce.php. The mass spectrometry proteomics data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDEΒ 42Β partner repository with the dataset identifier PXD023560.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
AcetonitrileΒ Fisher ScientificA955LC–MS grade
Ammonium bicarbonateSigma-AldrichA6141NH4HCO3
Ammonium hydroxideΒ Sigma-Aldrich221228NH4OH, ACS reagent, 28.0–30.0% NH3 basis
Calcium chlorideΒ Sigma-AldrichAC42352CaCl2
DichloromethaneΒ Fisher ScientificAC610300010DCM, 99,9% (wt/wt)
DichloromethaneΒ Fisher ScientificAC610300010DCM; 99.9% (wt/wt)
Diethyl ether 99.5% (wt/wt)Fisher ScientificAC364330010
DiisopropylcarbodiimideΒ Β Sigma-AldrichD125407DIC
Dimethyl sulfoxideΒ Sigma-Aldrich276855DMSO
DimethylformamideFisher ScientificD119DMF
DMEMΒ Fisher Scientific11-965-118Cell culture mediumΒ 
EDTA 99% (wt/wt)Fisher ScientificAC118432500
Ethyl cyano(hydroxyimino)acetateSigma-Aldrich8510860100Oxyma
Fetal bovine serum (FBS)Atlas BiologicalsFP-0500-A
Fmoc-Asp(OtBu)-OHΒ Millipore Sigma8520370005
Fmoc-Gly-Wang resinBachemD-1745100–200 mesh
Fmoc-L-Lys(biotin)-OHΒ P3 BioSystems41084
Fmoc-Lys(Fmoc)-OHΒ Millipore Sigma8520410025
Fmoc-Pro-OHΒ Millipore Sigma8520170025
Formic acidΒ Fisher ScientificA117FA, 99.5+% (vol/vol), LC–MS grade
HeLa cellsΒ ATCCCCL-2Epithelial from human cervix
Magnesium chlorideSigma-AldrichΒ M8266MgCl2
MethanolΒ Fisher ScientificA456LC–MS grade
Monomeric Avidin UltraLink ResinPierce Biotechnology53146
Nitrogen (g) (99.998%)PraxairNI 4.8-T
PBSFisher ScientificSH30256LS
PBS with calcium and magnesiumΒ Fisher ScientificSH30264FS
Penicillin–streptomycin (10,000 U/mL)Fisher ScientificSV30010
PiperidineSigma-Aldrich41102799.5% (vol/vol)
Poly-Prep chromatography columnsBio-Rad7311550Disposable polypropylene columns
Potassium chlorideSigma-AldrichP9541KCl
Potassium phosphate, monobasicΒ Sigma-AldrichP9791
PyridineMillipore SigmaMPX20127DriSolv, anhydrous septum-sealed bottle
ReproSil-Pur, 5 micron, 120 Γ…Dr. Maischr15.8e
Sep-Pak Vac 3cc (500mg) C18 cartridgesWaters186004619reversed-phase C18 desalting column
Sodium chlorideSigma-AldrichS 9888
Sodium hydroxideΒ Sigma-Aldrich221465
Sodium phosphate, dibasicΒ Sigma-AldrichAC20651
Sodium phosphate, monobasic (NaH2PO4; Sigma-Aldrich, cat. no. S9638)Sigma-AldrichS9638
Succinic anhydrideSigma-Aldrich239690
TFA acidΒ Fisher ScientificLS121LC–MS grade
Trifluoroacetic acidΒ Fisher ScientificA116TFA acid, Optima LC–MS grade
Trifluoroacetic anhydrideSigma-Aldrich106232TFA anhydride
Tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine hydrochlorideΒ Fisher Scientific20491TCEP-HCl
TrypsinPromegaΒ V5113sequencing grade, modified, frozen
WaterΒ Fisher ScientificW6LC–MS grade
Water with 0.1% (vol/vol) TFA acidFisher ScientificLS119LC–MS grade
1.5-mL LC autosampler vialThermo ScientificMSCERT4000-39TR
Analytical/preparative HPLC systemΒ Agilent TechnologiesG1311C
CEM Liberty Lite peptide synthesizerCEMAutomated Microwave Peptide Synthesizer
Conical centrifuge tubesΒ Fisher Scientific14-959-53A and 12-565-27015 and 50 mL
Extraction manifoldWatersWAT20060820 position, 16 Γ— 75-mm tubes
LC autosampler vial capsFisher ScientificΒ 13-622-289
LC autosampler vialsΒ Fisher ScientificΒ 03-377-299
MicrocentrifugeΒ Eppendorf22620444
Microcentrifuge tubesΒ Fisher ScientificΒ 02-681-3201.5 mL
pH paperFisher ScientificΒ 13-640-5070
Poly-Prep chromatography columnsΒ Bio-Rad7311550
Q Exactive PlusThermo ScientificIQLAAEGAAPFALGMBDKHigh resolution mass spectrometerΒ 
SCX columnPhenomenex00G-4398-N0Luna column
Sep-Pak Vac C18 cartridge, 3cc/500mgΒ Waters186004619
Shaker with 15- and 1.5-mL sample blocksEppendorf5355ThermoMixer R
Thermal mixerSigma-AldrichT1317Eppendorf ThermoMixer compact
Ultimate 3000Thermo ScientificULTIM3000RSLCNANOnano-LC system
Ultrasonic processorCole-PalmerEW-04714-50
Vacuum centrifugeSP ScientificEZ-2
Name of Software
ReAdW (https://sourceforge.net/projects/sashimi/files/ReAdW%20%28Xcalibur%20converter%29/)
Mango (https://github.com/jpm369/mango)
Comet 2018.01 or later (http://comet-ms.sourceforge.net/)
XLinkProphet (https://github.com/brucelab/xlinkprophet)
Perl v.5.24.0+ (https://www.perl.org/get.html)
All required software can be run on a standard personal computer equipped with a Linux operating system and at least 4 GB of RAM.


  1. Rivas, G., Minton, A. P. Macromolecular Crowding In Vitro, In Vivo, and In Between. Trends in Biochemical Sciences. 41 (11), 970-981 (2016).
  2. Robinson, C. V., Sali, A., Baumeister, W. The molecular sociology of the cell. Natu....

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